Republic of Peru (Country) (Geographic Keyword)

1,326-1,350 (1,735 Records)

Regional Defensive Strategies and Chronic Warfare in the Southern Nasca Region (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Weston McCool.

Warfare was a prevalent phenomenon throughout the Andes during the Late Intermediate Period (AD 1000–1450; henceforth LIP). A salient research topic within broader investigations of conflict is how populations cope with chronic warfare. This presentation utilizes geostatistical analyses of architectural and topographical features to reconstruct defensive coping mechanisms among LIP groups living in 12 fortified settlements in the southern Nasca highlands of Peru. Analytical results reveal a...

Regional Solidarity, Ethnic Diversity, and Family Networks: The Bioarchaeology of Belonging and Exclusion in the Tiwanaku Colonial Enclave in the Moquegua Valley, Peru (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kent Johnson.

During the Middle Horizon, disparate communities in the south central Andes embraced Tiwanaku corporate culture to signal their affiliation with the Tiwanaku state, yet these communities also maintained separate regional and ethnic identities through distinct cultural practices. The archaeological record of the Moquegua Valley, Peru, provides an important opportunity to evaluate processes of belonging and exclusion within Tiwanaku society. Previous research indicates members of two...

Reinventing the Tradition: Archaeological Heritage and Contemporary Local Counternarratives in Huaca Fortaleza de Campoy (Lima, Peru) (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Claudia Uribe Chinen.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2021: General Sessions" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Throughout Peru's consolidation as a modern nation-state, the role of ancient monuments of the prehispanic past has been intertwined with politics, grounded in narratives of glory and grandeur while mostly stressed in nation-building contexts and the pursuits of nation-ness and national identity. This paper develops a critical and reflexive approach to the...

Rejection and Reinvention: a diachronic perspective on ritual and collapse in the south central Andes (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Nicola Sharratt.

Scholarship on Tiwanaku (AD 600-1000) emphasizes the ceremonial nature of its capital city and the role of ritual practice in incorporating diverse groups as the state’s influence expanded across the south central Andes. Although debate continues about its cause, recent research indicates that the Tiwanaku state’s political collapse played out over several centuries. In this paper, I draw on data spanning that period of fragmentation to take a diachronic perspective on the ways in which ritual,...

Relaciones estilísticas y culturales en un contexto temprano del Horizonte Medio (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Luz Antonio.

Enmarcado dentro del Proyecto de Investigación Prehistoria Urbana Huari 2017 se realizó un hallazgo peculiar de objetos cerámicos interrelacionados temporal y espacialmente. El grupo de objetos encontrados —que preliminarmente tiene relevancia simbólica temprana— fue hallado como un relleno de prepiso y con posibilidad de uso ritual. Su importancia es que es el primero en encontrarse de manera intacta e interrelacionado con una posible arquitectura doméstica. Entre las preguntas preliminares...

A Relationship between Seasonal Flooding and Raised Agricultural Fields in the Llanos de Mojos, Bolivia (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Samuel Martin.

The Llanos de Mojos, Bolivia, a seasonally flooded savanna region in the western Amazon lowlands, has several types of artificial landscape modifications that point to a significant pre-Columbian occupation with some approximately as old as 500BCE. These earthworks include 40-50,000 raised fields which were used as a regional-wide agricultural technique to grow a variety of crops. This paper focuses on the relationship of these fields to their hydrological environment. Using GIS in conjunction...

Relationships between Oceanographic and Social Changes on Fishermen Populations during the Middle Holocene. A case study from Taltal (25°C South), Northern Coast of Chile (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Carola Flores-Fernandez. Laura Olguin. Diego Salazar. Eugenia M. Gayo.

The existence of a marked paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic transition during the Middle Holocene on a global scale is well documented. Along the Pacific Coast of South America, temporal trends in the 14C reservoir effect during the Holocene show contrasting patterns between Southern Peru-Northern Chile and central Chile, pointing to significant changes in the structure of ocean currents and the origin of upwelling waters along coastal Northern Chile during the Holocene. The strong latitudinal...

Relatos de Juncos y Totoras en el Desierto de Atacama: Uso y Significados en el Sitio Aragón 1 (3000 AC-1000 DC), Región de Tarapacá, Norte de Chile (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alejandra Vidal-Elgueta.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Desde el Perspectivismo amerindio se ha puesto énfasis en los mundos relacionales y las lógicas simétricas entre los humanos y no humanos. Sin embargo, desde este enfoque la arqueología ha dejado en un segundo plano la relación entre plantas y humanos. A partir del caso de estudio del sitio Aragón 1 (ca. 3000 AC-1000 DC), Desierto de Atacama, este trabajo...

Religion and power in the Middle Horizon: Castillo de Huarmey imagery and styles (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Krzysztof Makowski.

The idea that diffusion of a proselytizing religion is one of the main factors that generated the horizon effect follows the research on Wari and Tiwanaku phenomena since its inception. The seminal works of Dorothy Menzel have also convinced generations of scholars about the alleged relationship of these phenomena with the Wari empire ideology and on the particular role that the sanctuary of Pachacamac fulfilled in this process. The analysis of rich ceramic and textiles from Castillo de Huarmey,...

Religious and Political Resilience in the Ancient Moche World: Monumentality, Micro-chronology, and Environment in Úcupe, Lambayeque, Peru (200-900 CE). The Úcupe Cultural Landscape Archaeological Project. First Results of the 2022 Field Season (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Luis Muro Ynoñán. Hoover Rojas. Renata Verdun. Jhean Carlos Sánchez. Hector Barrera.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. This poster will present the results of the first excavation campaign of our project (UCLAP) at the Úcupe Archaeological Complex, Zaña Valley, northern Peru. Composed of a dozen of huaca-mounds, Úcupe is an Early Moche (200-400 CE) site that extends over a plateau of 10 ha, located on the southern bank of the Zaña Valley. The site became particularly...

The Religious Nature of Defended Sites: Chip's insights at Cerro Baul (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Patrick Ryan Williams.

This is an abstract from the "Thinking Big in the Andes: Papers in Honor of Charles Stanish" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Chip has always been a big thinker about the capacity for violence in the human species and has pioneered ways of thinking about warfare in the Andean past that has revolutionized the field. He has also explored the roles of ritual and symbolism in his more recent work and his insights have influenced the ways the current...

Remembering Valdivia through a Unique Manteño Burial at Buen Suceso (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Mara Stumpf. Sara Juengst. Mozelle Bowers. Zindy Cruz.

This is an abstract from the "Finding Community in the Past and Present through the 2022 PARCC Field School at Buen Suceso, Ecuador" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Burials have long been considered primary sources of information regarding social ranking and inequality, social understandings of ancestors, conceptions of death, diverse representations of identity and agency, and emotional expressions of mourning and loss (see Baitzel 2018; Buikstra...

Remodeling the Liturgical "Backstage" of the Parish of Santa Cruz de Tuti, Colca Valley (Arequipa, Peru) (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Abel Traslavina Arias. Steven A. Wernke.

The Toledan resettlement during late decades of the 16th century in the viceroyalty of Peru involved a series of changes in the territory for Andean people at different levels, from household to the public and religious spheres. In the case of the reducción (planned colonial town) of Santa Cruz de Tute, the religious sphere was transformed and materialized into a new core of buildings and spaces: the church, its parish, and plazas. The parish and casa cural (rectory) was a liminal space in terms...

Remote-sensing Prospection of Recuay Architecture in the Jancu Region, Callejón de Huaylas, Peru (2017)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Melissa Litschi. Alexia Moretti.

The Recuay tomb of Jancu has contributed significantly to our understanding of Recuay mortuary practices and ancestral veneration. This subterranean tomb, which housed the remains of several elite individuals and finely-crafted offerings, is typically discussed in isolation from its broader context. To date, no formal archaeological research has been conducted in the surrounding region, but recent preliminary surveys by the authors revealed numerous Recuay and Post-Recuay residential and...

Renderings of Knowledge and History in the Jubones River Basin: Neutron Activation Analyses and Petrography in the Ceramics of Potrero Mendieta (ca. 1,000 BCE) (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Miriam Domínguez.

Inter-regional interaction cannot be defined simply by the unambiguous material evidence of exotic materials but also by the knowledge associated with the manufacture and movement of those materials. And thus, the physical properties of these materialized practices, which include human and non-human agents, are not unmovable facts or culturally specific interpretations but part of the histories of social interaction. This case-study examines the results from the compositional analysis of the...

Renovación del templo en Chavín de Huántar en el Periodo Formativo Tardío: Una interpretación desde el estudio de los materiales (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Giuseppe Alva Valverde. Óscar Arias Espinoza. Mary Claudia Avila Peltroche.

This is an abstract from the "Chavín de Huántar’s Contribution to Understanding the Central Andean Formative: Results and Perspectives" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. En esta presentación expondremos sobre los análisis realizados a los objetos hallados en contextos de ofrendas, asociados a lo que hemos definido como la renovación del templo en Chavín de Huántar, practica ritual realizada durante el Periodo Formativo Tardío (900-450 aC). Los...

Renovar para construir: La renovación del templo en Chavín de Huántar durante el Periodo Formativo (1100–450 aC) (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Oscar Arias Espinoza.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2023: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. En esta exposición se discuten las características y el significado de la práctica ritual de renovación del templo encontrada en Chavín de Huántar (Perú) durante nuestras investigaciones. Proponemos que esta formó parte de un conjunto de estrategias de reproducción social que sirvieron para legitimar el poder y la autoridad de la élite que ocupó este...

Renovation of Temples during the Kotosh Mito Phase: 2016 Excavations at Kotosh, Huanuco, Peru (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Cesar Sara. Eisei Tsurumi.

In the 1960s, the University of Tokyo excavated the archaeological site of Kotosh (department of Huanuco, Peru) and discovered monumental constructions of a ritual character which predate the first appearance of pottery in the region. The superposition of many temples (ritual chambers) suggests that there were repeated architectural renovation events during the Late Preceramic occupation referred to as the Kotosh Mito Phase. However, the chronological position of the Kotosh Mito Phase has been...

Repensando la verticalidad en tiempos del Inca: El caso de Zapahuira, Sierra de Arica, Norte de Chile (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Mauricio Uribe.

A mediados de 1970 surgió la conocida discusión si el dominio incaico en el norte de Chile había sido directo o indirecto, a partir de la aplicación que se hizo del modelo sobre la "verticalidad" andina de John Murra. De acuerdo con esta propuesta, la situación se dirimía en términos de que cuán abundante era la materialidad del Inca en los territorios conquistados, especialmente arquitectónica y cerámica, y cuánto ésta se atenía al estilo original del Cusco. De acuerdo con las incipientes...

Replacing Houses and Building a City: Huari, Ayacucho (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Gonzalo Rodriguez.

Huari urbanism in the Middle Horizon (AD 500 - 1000) introduced several changes in the landscape and ways of life of people in the Ayacucho region. The construction of walled compounds, contiguous houses or orthogonal cellular architecture, and increasingly dense populations create housing needs that lead the Wari people to innovative solutions. The reduction of open space within internal courtyards, the construction of two- or even three-story buildings, and the probable use of pathways on...

Research on a Dog Burial from Rio Muerto, Peru (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ellen Lofaro. Michael Wylde. Susan deFrance. Paul Goldstein.

This poster presentation examines the place of the dog in the ancient Andean society of Tiwanaku. The mummified remains of a small dog were recovered from a domestic context at the Rio Muerto site, located in the Osmore River drainage of far southern Peru. Although dog burials in Peru are not unusual, they appear mostly in high-status contexts in art and in mortuary practice. Offerings of young camelids and dogs have been found buried beneath floors and entryways of houses at Rio Muerto M43 and...

Residues analysis of bedrock mortars of the Limarí river valley (IVth region, Chile): evaluating plant exploitation among Late Holocene hunter gatherers (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Carolina Belmar. Andrea Troncoso.

For an integral understanding of bedrock mortars, as a product and producer of social practices, we have carried out research in the Limarí River valley (Chile) (Fondecyt Grant N°1150776). One dimension of this research was directed to answer the following questions: were these cupules used to grind plants? And if so, what plant resources were used by these hunter gatherer groups? Do these include cultivate domesticated plants? And how does it relate to the association "initial...

Resultados preliminares del Proyecto Moqi (Peru): explorando la administracion inkaica en el departamento de Tacna (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jesús Gordillo Begazo. Colleen Zori.

Moqi es un asentamiento Inca ubicado entre las cuencas de los ríos Cambaya y Borogueña, a 2,8000 msnm, en la cabecera del río Locumba (Tacna, Peru). Las investigaciones (2012-2014) buscaron ampliar el conocimiento de las características arquitectónicas de Moqi Alto y Moqi Bajo, la producción del sitio arqueológico, las relaciones entre su población y el vínculo económico, social y cultural con el Estado Inca. Los primeros resultados, en el contexto de la hipótesis planteada (que propone que Moqi...

Results of a Pilot Study on Wari and Loro Ceramic Pigments from Southern Peru (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alicia Gorman. Laure Dussubieux. Patrick Ryan Williams.

In this poster we summarize the results of a pilot study applying LA-ICP-MS analysis to the pigments of 50 Middle Horizon (AD 750-1000) ceramic sherds, with the goal of investigating shared ceramic technologies between people of the Wari and Loro cultures. The sample was taken from four sites: one local site in the Nasca region (Huaca del Loro), and three Wari sites, two located in the Nasca region (Pataraya and Pacheco) and one in the highlands (Jincamocco). INAA conducted on the same sherds...

Results of Survey and Analysis of Manteño Archaeological Sites with Stone Structures in the Las Tusas River Valley, Rio Blanco, Ecuador (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Andres Garzon-Oechsle. Valentina Martínez.

The Manteño (1500 BP–1532) of coastal Ecuador are known for their long distance maritime trade networks along the Pacific coast of the Americas; they occupied a large territory that was geographically and environmentally diverse. This diversity allowed the Manteños to exploit a multitude of resources from each unique environment resulting in distinct settlement patterns for each region. One of the least known of these occupied environments and the focus of this paper is the cloud forest of the...