Republic of Costa Rica (Country) (Geographic Keyword)

676-700 (1,875 Records)

Food in Caribbean Archaeology (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only L. Antonio Curet.

This is an abstract from the "The Intangible Dimensions of Food in the Caribbean Ancient and Recent Past" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The study of food has been part of modern Caribbean archaeology almost from its inception. While few researchers have tried to go beyond the material aspect of food, most of the studies have been materialist in nature emphasizing aspects such as diet, production, and ecology. This paper serves as an introduction...

Foodways and Identity in the Great Lakes: Investigating Western Basin Tradition Food Production Using Starch Grain and Macrobotanical Analysis. (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Lindi Masur.

This is an abstract from the "Farm to Table Archaeology: The Operational Chain of Food Production" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Recent excavations at the early Late Woodland (A.D. 1,000-1,300) Western Basin Tradition Arkona sites have called into question our conceptualization of Algonquian food production, landscape construction, and mobility in southwestern-most Ontario. Isotopic analyses have also revealed a vast underestimation of the amount...

"For the Benefit and Enjoyment of the People": A Critical examination of American park-space (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Erin Whitson. Maxwell Forton.

This is an abstract from the "Contested Landscapes: The Archaeology of Politics, Borders, and Movement" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. "For the Benefit and Enjoyment of the People". Teddy Roosevelt’s words speak to the legacy of park-land narratives as unrestricted spaces open to all. Beneath this public veneer are contested landscapes founded in social division and inequality. With the origins of the National Parks, we look at how such spaces...

Foreigners Building a Future in Colonial San Juan, 1910. (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Isaac Torres Roldán. Gelenia Trinidad Rivera. Coralisse Guadalupe De Jesús. Kelvin Blanco Peña.

This is an abstract from the "Primary Sources and the Design of Research Projects" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Throughout the centuries, San Juan, the capital of Puerto Rico and a port city, has received an influx of foreigners who have left their footprint within the urban layout. This presentation will address another way of studying the presence of immigrants, within the six neighborhoods of the walled city of San Juan in 1910. Census data...

Forensic Photography and the VCP - Teaching Veterans and Capturing History (2018)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Guilliam Hurte, Sr.. Gabriel Brown.

One of the unique opportunities given veterans within the Veterans Curation Program (VCP) is professional training in high quality digital artifact photography that far exceeds the quality of photography practiced by most Cultural Resource Management firms. A representative sample consisting of 10% of every collection processed by VCP is photographed by the veteran technicians and subsequently combined with the finalized collection. These digital images are reviewed and a selection is eventually...

The Forest Foods of Ancient Arenal, Costa Rica (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Venicia Slotten.

This is an abstract from the "Beyond Maize and Cacao: Reflections on Visual and Textual Representation and Archaeological Evidence of Other Plants in Precolumbian Mesoamerica" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Paleoethnobotanical investigations at two different domestic structures in Arenal, Costa Rica, reveal the plant resources utilized by past peoples living in this volcanically active setting from 1500 BCE to 600 CE. Over 100 different genera of...

Forget Projections, Be the Change: Crushing Archaeology Career Myths to Inspire New Trajectories for CRM (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Julia Prince-Buitenhuys. Karen Brunso. David Witt.

This is an abstract from the "Transformations in Professional Archaeology" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. One of the most popular narratives at this time in archaeology, promoted by Atschul and Klein 2022, is that there will be a dearth of archaeologists now and into the near future, particularly archaeologists with master's degrees or higher. This presentation will bust the myths regarding the role and necessity of advanced degrees in CRM and...

Form is Emptiness, Emptiness is Form: Reimagining the Pyramids at Cochasquí, Ecuador (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only William Pratt.

The archaeological site of Cochasquí, located north of Quito in the Ecuadorean highlands, has long been defined by its massive quadrangular pyramids with extended entry ramps. When Max Uhle arrived on site in 1932 he focused his excavations on the largest of the fifteen known pyramids. Uhle’s work laid the foundations for the interpretations and the chronology of the site, which are still applied today. Archaeologist Udo Oberem conducted the most extensive excavations on site between 1964 and...

Formation and Context of Sitio Chivacabe, Western Highland Guatemala (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only David Yelacic. Charles Frederick. Jon Lohse.

Located in the Highlands of western Guatemala, Chivacabe is a Pleistocene-age bone bed and Archaic-age archaeological site. In 2009 the site was subjected to intensive geoarchaeological investigation with the goals of identifying the relationship between the faunal and archaeological remains through developing an understanding of their context. Three allostratigraphic units were identified: The oldest unit, which contains the bone bed, consists of colluvially reworked tephra bracketed by...

Formative Assessment of "Project Archaeology: Investigating Food and Land" (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Nichole Tramel.

This is an abstract from the "Archaeology Education: Building a Research Base" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. "Project Archaeology: Investigating Food and Land" is a new education guide that explores the intersections of culture, food, people, and the environment in ancient North America. "Food and Land"’s first regional investigation invites 3th-5th grade students to examine food systems in the Great Basin by using environmental archaeology...

Formative mobilities: Moving through the Atacama Desert, Northern Chile (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Estefania Vidal Montero. Francisco Gallardo. Benjamín Ballester. Gonzalo Pimentel. José Blanco.

Social spheres are constituted by population movements. Mobility entails not only the circulation of material goods, but of people, collective imaginary, experiences, flows of information, and knowledge. In this paper, we examine multiple types of movements through the Atacama Desert during the Formative Period (ca. 500 BCE—700 CE). Here, mobility required displacements whose variability included pedestrian travels, the movement of large llama caravans, and the use of sea lion-skin rafts to sail...

Fortified settlements of the Upper basin of the Sama River (Tacna) during the Late Intermediate Period (1100-1450 AD) (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Romuald Housse.

During the Late Intermediate Period (1100-1450 AD), the upper valleys of Tacna, between Sitajara and Tarata, are known to have been multietnic areas of contacts between coastal and altiplano populations. Our research concerns the fortified settlements, called Pucara, to better understand the cohabitation relationships with different scales: from the study of the fortifications themselves to the territory analysis with the identification of the inhabitants of these fortresses.

Fostering Preservation and Public Engagement of a Colonial-Era Site on Barbuda with Photogrammetry (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Heather Richards-Rissetto. Ethan Jensen. Allison Bain. Sophia Perdikaris.

This is an abstract from the "At the Frontier of Big Climate, Disaster Capitalism, and Endangered Cultural Heritage in Barbuda, Lesser Antilles" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The threats to cultural heritage on the Caribbean island of Barbuda are multifaceted, stemming from natural disasters, rising sea levels, political and economic policies, and infrastructure development. While such threats are not new, their increasing and combined...

Fowling and Food Security in the Faroe Islands (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Seth Brewington.

Seabird fowling has long played an important role in the traditional domestic economy of the Faroe Islands, a small North Atlantic archipelago. Direct evidence for seabird exploitation in the earliest period of Faroese prehistory has been lacking, however. In this paper, I present new archaeofaunal evidence for substantial and sustained seabird exploitation in the Faroe Islands from the 9th through 13th centuries CE. The data suggest that seabirds represented a significant resource in the...

FRA Cultural Resources Division. (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jimmy Barrera.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) Cultural Resources Division is comprised of archeologists, architectural historians, and historians. With responsibility to oversee federally funded and federally authorized projects across the United States. This presentation will provide an overview of FRA’s mission with emphasis on cultural resources...

Fragmented Records: Fuego-Patagonian Hunter-gatherers and Archaeological Change (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Luis Borrero. Fabiana Martin.

This is an abstract from the "Archaeology on the Edge(s): Transitions, Boundaries, Changes, and Causes" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. One common assumption in the interpretation of Fuego-Patagonian archaeological long stratigraphic sequences is that they represent occupational continuity. Several archaeological markers, including chronological and stratigraphic gaps, as well as recent molecular results erode that assumption, inviting us to...

The Frailty-Mortality Paradox: Insights from the Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918 (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Amanda Wissler. Nicolas Gauthier.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The difficulty of inferring health from skeletal remains is an enduring problem in bioarchaeology. The concept of "frailty" has emerged as a convenient tool for relating observed skeletal lesions to human health and mortality, yet the biases inherent in archaeological samples have left the concept undertheorized. It remains unclear whether frailty should be...

Framing Intent, Power, and Agency in Eastern Honduras (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Christopher Begley.

This is an abstract from the "Advances and New Perspectives in the Isthmo-Colombian Area" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Throughout their history, the polities in eastern Honduras existed along a frontier, interacting with larger, powerful groups from a different cultural tradition to the west and with more closely related people to the south. During the period between 500 and 1200 CE, eastern Honduran groups adopted several significant elements...

The French Scientific Mission to South America (1903): the controversies and material legacy of the first extensive excavations in Tiahuanaco, Bolivia (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Paz Núñez-Regueiro. John W. Janusek.

In the context of a pluridisciplinary mission organized by the French government in Chile, Argentina, Peru and Bolivia in 1903, archaeological excavations were conducted in the monumental site of Tiahuanaco by the naturalist Georges Courty. During his 3-month stay, he conducted extensive fieldwork in the Akapana mound, the Sunken Temple, the Kalasasaya, and the Chunchukala and Putuni structures. The material corpus unearthed is estimated to consist in over 1400 artifacts, later divided between...

From "Nation" to "Indio" and "Español": Transitions in Indigenous Culture in the Missions of San Antonio (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Steve Tomka.

The Spanish colonial advance into Texas during the late 17th century resulted in the establishment of several missions to house members of dozens of indigenous groups and a handful of presidios to protect the missions from raiding bands of Comanches and Apaches. The Padres that were in charge of the missions enforced systematic policies and procedures to affect change in the identity of the resident indigenous nations. The policies and procedures specifically targeted religious believes,...

From Beads to Biographies: a Microwear Study of Late Pre-Colonial Ornaments from the Dominican Republic (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Catarina Guzzo Falci. Annelou Van Gijn. Corinne Hofman.

Bodily ornaments are found throughout the Greater Antilles and have been generally regarded as items belonging to high-status individuals. Many studies have focused on their iconographic designs, meaning, and exchange among so-called "Taíno" societies (AD 1200-1500). However, much of the biography of stone and shell ornaments is poorly known, as raw materials, technologies of production, systems of attachment, and modes of deposition have not received comparable attention. This is partially...

From Carnage to Credentials: An Amerindian Archaeologist’s Journey from Child Laborer to Professor Emeritus (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Rubén Mendoza.

This is an abstract from the "Hood Archaeologies: Impacts of the School-to-Prison Pipeline on Archaeological Practice and Pedagogy" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. After nine months my mother “broke her water” on 18 June of 1956. Because my father was away, my mother walked the two hours from Stockton through agricultural fields to the hospital in Frenchcamp where I was born. Despite my father’s herculean efforts, we were caught in a seemingly...

From Clovis to Dalton: Key Differences in Hafted Biface Resharpening (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Justin Williams. Richard M. Niquette.

In order to further understand Paleoindian lithic technological organization, we examined blade and haft elements of Clovis, Gainey, and Dalton hafted bifaces. Samples inspected were from across the Midwest, the Southeast, and the Northeast. Due to the rarity of these hafted bifaces, images of individual bifaces were used to take traditional linear measurements on the hafted bifaces in this study. Results indicate key differences in retouch and resharpening patterns throughout the Paleoindian...

From Coast to Coast: Recent Research in Southern Caribbean and Osa Peninsula, Greater Chiriquí Region (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Francisco Corrales-Ulloa.

I present new data of investigations conducted in two almost unexplored zones on both coasts (Pacific and Caribbean) of the Greater Chiriquí Region. An exploratory survey, and test pit excavations of selected sites in the southern coast of Caribbean Costa Rica, allowed recording materials similar to those found on the Pacific coast. This reaffirms the proposed extension of related groups on both sides of the Talamanca mountain range. I provide comments about the relationships maintained between...

From Cooking to Smelting, the Social Technology of Pyrotechnology of Earth Ovens (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Augusto Oyuela-Caycedo. Florencio Delgado Espinoza.

The effects of earth ovens on societies is a topic that has not been consider much, mainly because the limitation of archaeological findings. Because our research has been mainly concentrated in floodplains environments, we have been successful in recovering a large sample that allows to propose explanations on the variability of them, and the relationship that features have in understanding some basic aspects of the social characteristic of the societies that created them. As a study case, we...