Republic of Costa Rica (Country) (Geographic Keyword)

901-925 (1,875 Records)

Intersections of Identity, Health, and Diet in the Wyoming Territory (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ryann Seifers.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The mid to late 19th century in the United States is noted by the Department of the Interior as a significant period of westward colonial expansion, leading to an extension of colonial power structures. This biocultural Master's thesis research on Wyoming Territory burials establishes methodological and theoretical approaches for associating stable isotope...

DOCUMENT Citation Only Carolina Agüero.

Los materiales textiles tienen la capacidad de contener información relacionada con situaciones de contacto cultural y el grado de intensidad de éstas. Bajo este principio se estudió en forma sistemática la textilería del sitio Doncellas en el Noroeste Argentino -tanto aquella que se encuentra en el Museo Etnográfico Juan B. Ambrosetti en Buenos Aires, como la porción depositada en el Museo del Pucará en Tilcara- y aquella proveniente de sitios del Salar de Atacama y de la cuenca del Loa,...

Interweaved Stories of Resistance: A 1985 Ethnographic Collection in Puerto Rico (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Gelenia Trinidad-Rivera.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2023: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. In December 2019, the University of Puerto Rico's Museo de Historia, Antropología y Arte, received as a donation the Waiwai Ethnographic Collection (CRGW), which has survived multiple natural disasters. The CRGW was created by the Centro de Investigaciones Indígenas de Puerto Rico (CIIPR) as the result of an ethnographic expedition undertaken in 1985 in...

Introducing Archaeological Methods to Elementary School Age Students: Outreach Contributing as a Solution to the CRM Labor Crisis (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Fiona Koehnen. Kelly R Bush.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2023: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Introducing younger students to CRM through the fun of archaeological method we are reclaiming the narrative around CRM as a great career choice and we are starting early. Five to fourteen year olds are particularly good at engaging with the hands on nature of the study of material culture. Supporting existing curriculum goals including the Since Time...

Introduction to Exploring Globalization and Colonization Through Archaeology and Bioarcheology NSF REU Site (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ashley McKeown. Todd Ahlman. Fred van Keulen. Nicholas Herrmann. Suzanne Sanders.

This is an abstract from the "Exploring Globalization and Colonialism through Archaeology and Bioarchaeology: An NSF REU Sponsored Site on the Caribbean’s Golden Rock (Sint Eustatius)" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The Exploring Globalization and Colonization Through Archaeology and Bioarchaeology National Science Foundation (NSF) Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Site located on the Dutch Caribbean island of St. Eustatius (Statia)...

Introduction to Session with a Discussion of Measuring Stone Tool Diversity (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Briggs Buchanan. Metin Eren.

This is an abstract from the "Defining and Measuring Diversity in Archaeology" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. It has been thirty years since the publication of Quantifying Diversity in Archaeology and this edited volume has proven to be an important benchmark in archaeological diversity studies. We review the impact this volume has had on quantitative archaeological research across a number of subfields. We then provide three examples of our work...

Introduction to the Session with a Review of Past Ceramic Technological Studies in the Andes and the Amazon (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Isabelle Druc.

This is an abstract from the "Andean and Amazonian Ceramics: Advances in Technological Studies" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. As an introduction to this session on technological studies of Andean and Amazonian ceramics, we will briefly review previous research orientations in the field leading to the present investigations and advances in ceramic studies, both archaeometric and technological, in Latin America.

Introduction to the USACE Veterans Curation Program (2018)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael K. Trimble.

For the last 100 years, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has been accumulating archeological materials that require, by laws and regulations, adequate care that ensures continued preservation. USACE administers one of the largest archaeological collections in the country. However, these materials are in less than optimal condition. Overseas contingency operations have increased the number of veterans that lack the essential skills for the current job market. The Veterans Curation...

Investigación con sensores remotos en la colina piramidal de Tulcán, Popayán, Colombia (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Hernando Giraldo Tenorio. Víctor González-Fernández.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2023: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. El Morro Tulcán es una colina de forma piramidal de 5 ha, modificada antrópicamente, que representa la estructura monumental prehispánica más grande del suroccidente colombiano. Las excavaciones arqueológicas realizadas hace 50 años en el sitio evidenciaron que se dispusieron centenares de adobes y rellenos de tierra de manera ordenada en un área mayor a 2...

Investigating Human Subsistence Strategies in Panamá during the Late Holocene (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jonathan Cybulski. Nicole Smith-Guzmán. Luis Sánchez Herrera. Kelton McMahon. Ashley Sharpe.

This is an abstract from the "Unraveling the Mysteries of the Isthmo-Colombian Area’s Past: A Symposium in Honor of Archaeologist Richard Cooke and His Contributions" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Subsistence strategies and foodways were at the heart of Richard Cooke's and colleagues' pioneering work in Panamá. Early work found that shifting resource reliance (terrestrial and marine) had impacts on the evolution of these early peoples’ cultures...

Investigating the Emergence of Ute Culture on the Uncompahgre Plateau, Colorado (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Delaney Cooley.

The Numic Expansion (A.D. 900 to 1300) and other explanatory models that have been used to explain the distribution of Numic speakers across the American West often fall short of providing specific methods for identifying peoples, such as Ute, in the archaeological record. This paper expands on previous investigations of this Numic Expansion narrative through the detailed reanalysis of lithics from two excavated sites: Christmas Rockshelter (5DT2) and Shavano Spring (5MN40). I compare lithic...

Investigating the Maya Polity at Lower Barton Creek, Cayo, Belize (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only George Kollias. Jaime Awe.

Over fifty years of settlement research in the Belize River Valley has made the region one of the most intensively investigated areas of the Maya Lowlands. Recent LiDAR research by the Belize Valley Archaeological Reconnaissance Project identified the previously unknown center of Lower Barton Creek in the southern extent of the Belize Valley, filling in a major gap in our understanding of settlement histories. In this paper, we present the results of settlement survey based on spatial analysis...

Investigating the Population History of Western North America: Implications for the Peopling of the New World (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Susan Kuzminsky.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Western North America has emerged as a key region of focus in studies addressing the migration routes and demographic processes involved in the peopling of the Americas. Archaeological investigations in this region have resulted in the discovery of several of the earliest human skeletons and archaeological sites on the North American continent. Given that this...

Investigations at San Andres Semetabaj and the Problematics of Middle to Late PreClassic Highland Archaeology (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Arthur Demarest. Carlos Alvarado. Tomas Barrientos.

The site of San Andres Semetabaj, Guatemala, located on the northern edge of Lake Atitlan, is central, geographically and chronologically, to major theoretical and culture-historical controversies and problems of PreClassic highland archaeology. The size, nature, and importance of the site have been underestimated, in part due to limited available information based only on smaller preliminary seasons and a looted tomb and also due to the assumption by many that the very large structures there...

Invisible Women in a World of Men: The Textile Trade in the North Atlantic, AD 1000–1600 (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Michele Hayeur Smith.

This is an abstract from the "Social Archaeology in the North and North Atlantic (SANNA 3.0): Investigating the Social Lives of Northern Things" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Waterlogged or deeply buried deposits from medieval harbors in certain northern European towns have produced large and well-preserved textile assemblages that contain a surprising number of non-indigenous textiles. Some of these appear to have originated in the North...

Involve Me and I Learn: Archaeology, Experiential Education, and Collaborative Research with SUU Undergrads (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Emily Dean.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. By partnering with federal land agencies, local landowners and developers, regional non-profit organizations, state museums, and county libraries, Southern Utah University (SUU) archaeology students gain access to valuable experiential learning opportunities, build their professional resumes, practice service learning, and help educate the public about the...

"Irishness" and Tea Consumption: The Materiality of Ethnicity (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alexander Anthony.

Excavations at the McHugh Site (47WP294), a mid-to-late Nineteenth Century homestead in Wisconsin, resulted in the recovery of a large material culture assemblage. Historical documents reveal the site’s occupants to have been pre-famine Irish emigrants who settled in Ohio before moving to Wisconsin in 1850. However, analyses of the material culture have thus far failed to uncover evidence of an Irish identity distinct from an American identity. This paper presents results of an analysis of the...

Iron Production at Marginal Settlements in Northern Iceland (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Nicholas Zeitlin.

The environment of Iceland was rapidly and severely affected by the Norse Settlement, in particular by deforestation. In Iceland’s changing environment the production of iron, an essential material, became limited not by access to iron ore but by availability of wood to make charcoal fuel. The large-scale production of iron may be one of the primary processes that led to deforestation in Iceland due to the large need for charcoal. Investigations at Stekkjarborg on the farm of Keldudalur in...

Irreducible Reducción: Archaeological Microhistory at Mawchu Llacta, a Planned Colonial Town in Highland Peru (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Steven A. Wernke.

The Reducción General de Indios (General Resettlement of Indians) in the Viceroyalty of Peru brought about one of the largest mass resettlement programs ever enacted by a colonial power, forcibly displacing some 1.5 million native Andeans to compact towns (reducciones) built around plazas and churches. As a colonial utopic project, the Reducción was to remake the Andean world in the ideal self-image of Spanish civic and religious community. As materialized manifestations in the Andean...

Is It All Just Faïence and Honey-Colored Gun Flints? Examining the Material Record of Eighteenth-Century French Culture in Multiregional Perspective (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Andrew Beaupre.

This is an abstract from the "Recent Colonial Archaeological Research in the American Midcontinent" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. By the first quarter of the eighteenth century, the “blue crescent” of French land claims and settlement had spread across North America from the Acadian coast to southern Louisiana. While French colonial settlements existed contemporaneously throughout the middle of the continent, historians and archaeologists have...

Island Garbology: Methodology, Challenges, and Contributions to the Archaeology of Barbuda (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Rachel Archambault.

This is an abstract from the "At the Frontier of Big Climate, Disaster Capitalism, and Endangered Cultural Heritage in Barbuda, Lesser Antilles" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Islands like Barbuda are particularly sensitive to waste management policies and behaviours; in addition to having to manage their waste daily, they also suffer the effects of tourism and the marine litter washed up on their coasts. These challenges are certainly not new,...

Island Hopper: Theodoor de Booy and Archaeology in the Caribbean (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only L. Antonio Curet.

Like many other regions, the colonial experience in the Caribbean included the arrival of foreign archaeologists, mostly from the United States or Europe representing museums, universities, or scientific academies forming what has been called ‘imperial science.’ The objects, specimens, and archival documentation gathered during their research were taken back to their countries and today form part of major collections in museums throughout the world. Theodoor deBooy of the Museum of the American...

Islands of Ideology: Exploring Group Formation in Hawaiʻi and Sāmoa (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Seth Quintus.

This is an abstract from the "States, Confederacies, and Nations: Reenvisioning Early Large-Scale Collectives." session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Social consent was essential to promote cooperation and group identity. Because of disciplinary attention to top-down processes of power accumulation and political classification, how social notions of social consent in middle-range societies were modified and diversified is poorly understood. The societies...

An Islandscape IFD: Predicting Archaeological Settlements from Grenada to St. Vincent, Eastern Caribbean (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jonathan Hanna. Christina Giovas.

This is an abstract from the "Fifty Years of Fretwell and Lucas: Archaeological Applications of Ideal Distribution Models" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Building on the Caribbean-wide models presented in Giovas and Fitzpatrick (2014) and predictive models recently synthesized for Grenada, this study focuses on a fine-grained analysis of environmental and cultural factors affecting settlement locations in the multi-island/archipelagic region from...

Isotopes of Coastal Ecuador (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Laura Van Voorhis. Valentina Martinez. Nicole Jastremski. John Krigbaum.

A preliminary report is presented on research into the diet, health, and mobility patterns for prehistoric coastal Ecuador, based on an analysis of both modern data and archaeological data from Site 035 Salango. An assessment of dietary habits provides insight into a broad range of societal developments, such as the implementation and timing of maize agriculture. Additional insights are provided by an osteological evaluation of human remains, with a particular focus on evidence of pathologies...