Aruba (Country) (Geographic Keyword)

1,251-1,275 (2,714 Records)

Incorporating Indigenous Feminist Theory into Rock Art Interpretation (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Emily Van Alst.

This is an abstract from the "Gender in Archaeology over the Last 30+ Years" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The study of gender within the archaeological discipline has been a cornerstone of archaeological theory since the late 1980s. Though the study of gender has been foundational in changing our understanding of past peoples, there has been a severe lack of consideration of Indigenous women’s knowledge as well as Indigenous feminist...

Incorporating Soil Micromorphology into First American Research: A Tale of Two Sites (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Justin Holcomb. Rolfe Mandel.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Over the past several decades, the application of soil and sediment micromorphology in geoarchaeology has flourished, especially outside of the Americas. Despite widespread acceptance and use of various micromorphological techniques by our European counterparts, a similar fluorescence has yet to occur among geoarchaeologists who are focused on the early...

Indian Ethnic Complexity in Hispaniola and Puerto Rico and Its Implications for the Study of European/Indian Contact During the Early Colonial Period (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Karen Anderson-Cordova.

Scholarly interest utilizing archaeological and ethnohistorical studies to understand the genesis and development of Caribbean creole societies has grown in the last few years. Perspectives have shifted to emphasize the diversity of groups in the Caribbean during precolonial times, and how this continued into the colonial period as Europeans and Africans coalesced in the area. The conflictual aspect of this interaction whereby Europeans imposed a system of forced labor, along with drastic Indian...

Indians and Africans: Food, Ethnicity and Status in Early Colonial Cuba (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Roberto Valcárcel Rojas. Lourdes Pérez.

This is an abstract from the "The Intangible Dimensions of Food in the Caribbean Ancient and Recent Past" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. During the first half of the sixteenth century the Spanish colonial project in the Greater Antilles was based on the intensive exploitation of Indians and Africans, who saw the transformation of all aspects of their existence, including the food issue. Using historical and archaeological data, this article...

Indigenizing Archaeology in the 21st Century (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Chuck Riggs.

Nearly 30 years after the passage of NAGPRA, indigenous perspectives and consultation have led to significant positive changes within the practice of archaeology in the United States. Despite these advances, however, it seems that many archaeologists continue to adhere to the letter of the law while disregarding its spirit, suggesting that the colonial imperatives that gave rise to our discipline remain firmly entrenched. The Eurocentric interpretive frameworks, use of loaded terminology, and...

Indigenizing the Typology (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only S. Margaret Spivey-Faulkner.

The typology is one of the archaeologist's oldest analytical tools and it pervades nearly every facet of archaeological research, whether explicitly or implicitly. Using theories of practice, ethnographic evidence of Native American classification systems, and an interdisciplinary understanding of human perception and pattern recognition, this work attempts to deconstruct and reconstruct the typology as a tool of archaeological analysis, with an eye toward creating a newly theorized typology to...

Indigenous and Transcultural Implications in the "Seasoning" of Early 17th-Century Settlers of Barbados (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Douglas Armstrong.

The early 17th century settlement of Barbados is often projected as "Little England" and the settlers unidimensional as "Englishmen Transplanted" onto a rather blank slate of an abandoned island (Puckrain 1984, Gragg 2003). Current archaeological investigations of the initial period of colonial settlement on Barbados focusing on Trents Plantation, and the pre-sugar era (1627-1640s) project an all-together different picture. The archaeological and historical record projects a multivalent,...

Indigenous Archaeology, Memory, and Ethnoarchaeology: A Multivocal Research in Collaboration with the Guarani for Land Repatriation in Brazil (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Fernanda Neubauer.

This is an abstract from the "Cultivating Food, Land, and Communities" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. This presentation explores my ethnoarchaeological research on a long-term interdisciplinary project in collaboration with Guarani communities toward Indigenous land repatriation in Brazil and offers a case study of a collaboration designed within the framework of Indigenous archaeological approaches. The project’s planning and fieldwork were...

Indigenous Knowledge in Dangerous Times: Research Partnerships, Knowledge Mobilization, and Public Engagement (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sonya Atalay.

What are the impacts of the contemporary political climate on community-based research with Indigenous communities? When archaeologists work in partnership with communities what added complexities do they face during a time when accusations of "fake news" are ever-present, conspiracy theories abound, and the science of climate change is questioned. Contrary to the way some have framed indigenous knowledge as being at odds with science, I'll discuss approaches in which community-based research...

Indigenous Knowledge: Scaling the Impact of Archeological Research Up, Out, and Across (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jennifer Bess.

This is an abstract from the "Collaborative Archaeology: How Native American Knowledge Enhances Our Collective Understanding of the Past" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) or Indigenous Knowledge (IK)—evolved and evolving from hundreds or thousands of years of observation and interaction with specific environments—has answered questions posed by geomorphologists and archaeologists, among others, attempting to...

Indigenous Miners and the Making of the Andean Markets in Colonial Huancavelica (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Douglas Smit.

The mercury mines of Huancavelica have often been described through two familiar discourses in the colonial narrative, the European pursuit of wealth through extractive industries, and the simultaneous destruction of indigenous Andean communities through brutal forced labor and the corrosive effects of the colonial market. While these two historiographical traditions contain a great deal of truth, they can minimize the role of indigenous Andeans in the creation of new economic networks that...

The Indigenous Worldview of Water in the Isthmus of Panama (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Miriam Martos Nieto. Bethany Aram. Gonzalo Carlos Malvarez García.

This is an abstract from the "Unraveling the Mysteries of the Isthmo-Colombian Area’s Past: A Symposium in Honor of Archaeologist Richard Cooke and His Contributions" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The rivers are natural limits to many cultures between the knowing and unknowing worlds. Also, they were the border between different territories and a fundamental element in establishing a settlement in a place or not. The names of the rivers are...

Industrial Islands: Ecological Impacts of the steam-powered mills of the El Progreso plantation, Galápagos Islands. (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Brock Wiederick. Fernando J. Astudillo.

From 1880 to 1917 "El Progreso" plantation operated on the humid highlands of San Cristóbal Island in the Galápagos archipelago (Ecuador). The plantation enterprise used steam-powered machinery for sugar refining and alcohol distillation. Despite its remote location, 1000 km west from the South American coast, this large operation took advantage of the latest industrial technology. A number of specialized machines were used in sugar processing which were imported from factories in Scotland and...

Industry Challenges for Cultural Heritage Consulting Firms in North America (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Christopher Dore.

This is an abstract from the "Transformations in Professional Archaeology" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. A main challenge confronting archaeologists today is the uncertainty surrounding the availability, viability, and sustainability of careers. As such, this paper provides an economic overview of the cultural heritage consulting (CRM/HRM) industry, the largest employment sector for archaeologists, in the United States and Canada. The industry...

Inequality and Taskscape in a Precolumbian Agricultural Landscape (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only John Walker.

Raised fields and other earthworks, as parts of archaeological landscapes, can be theorized through Ingold’s related concepts of taskscape and lines. In the Bolivian Amazon, such earthworks are the physical remains of group or community activities in the precolumbian past. As such, they are both the products of community tasks, and infrastructure, or resources that in turn afford other community tasks. In conjunction with archaeological survey and excavation, mapping of raised fields and other...

Initial Period Friezes and Architecture at Taukachi-Konkan, Casma Valley, Peru (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Thomas Pozorski. Shelia Pozorski. Rosa Marin Jave.

Recent excavations at a number of intermediate-sized mounds of the Initial Period (2100-1000 B.C.) site of Taukachi-Konkán in the Casma Valley of Peru have uncovered surprising new evidence of clay friezes and architectural forms previously unknown for the Initial Period along the coast of Peru. One U-shaped mound complex has an associated sunken rectangular plaza that contains distinct friezes on all four of its sides. The content of the friezes includes two sea lions, a large feline and two...

Initial Timing and Spread of the Eastern Agricultural Complex: Need for a Comprehensive Database (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Rebecca Hummel. Katharine Alexander. George Crothers.

Extensive research has illuminated many aspects of the emergence of the Eastern Agricultural Complex, yet gaps remain surrounding the origin and spread of these early domesticated plants. The long-term goal of our research is to create a comprehensive, online database of accurately dated EAC plant samples similar to the Ancient Maize Map project (Laboratory of Archaeology, University of British Columbia). Compiling this chronology will contribute to our understanding of the social, economic, and...

Inka and Local Elite Interaction as Reflected at the Inka Site of Incahuasi, Cañete, South Central Coast of Peru (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alejandro Chu.

Incahuasi, located at the mid-valley of the Cañete river, is the largest Inca administrative center reported from Peru's Central Coast. Although first built as a military base by the Inca Tupac Yupanqui in his war against the Guarcos, the site was completely transformed into an administrative center with an extense and prominent storage facility. Recent research at the site has focused in Sector B, described as an elite residential complex. Excavations have found a significant number of finished...

Inka Colonialism without Inkas: Uncovering the Role of Lowland-Affiliated Populations in the Consolidation of the Eastern Andean Frontier (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Matthew Warren.

As the Inkas expanded their imperial hegemony over the valleys of the eastern Andes, their armies fought and then forged political and military alliances with the various cultural groups comprising the Charkas confederacy. While the Spanish chronicles and local ethnohistoric sources attest to these events and to the important role the local indigenous populations played in Inka colonization efforts along the eastern imperial frontier, they are all curiously silent on another important population...

Inka Conquest Narratives along the Northern Frontier: Evidence from the Pais Caranqui, Ecuador (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Amber Anderson.

When the Inka moved into Northern Ecuador at the end of the 15th century, they were met with fierce resistance from the semi autonomous societies of the Pais Caranqui. Chronicler accounts and Inka narratives note that conflict occurred and fortifications were constructed before the Inka were eventually victorious and continued their conquest northwards. However, these accounts do not accurately highlight the true complexity of the groups the Inka encountered, the prolonged nature of the...

Inka Dry Ashlar Masonry, a Deliberate Seismic-Proof Architecture? Reassessment through an Archaeoseismological Approach in the Cuzco Area, Peru (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Andy Combey. Laurence Audin. Carlos Benavente Escóbar. Miguel Ángel Rodríguez-Pascua. José Bastante Abuhadba.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2021: General Sessions" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. For decades now, various scholars have assumed that the Inkas developed seismic-resistant construction techniques. While it is true that some architectural features are particularly well suited to face the seismic risk, no structural evidence can demonstrate with confidence the intentionality of the earthquake resistance. As part of our research, we discuss...

Inka Dynamics in the Cochabamba Valley (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Olga Gabelmann. Karoline Noack.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. After expansion from Cuzco, the Inca introduced a statecraft model based principally on the mobilization of numerous population groups across longer and shorter distances. In this sense, the Inca Empire can be conceptualized as a “mobile state” that was to last for only 80 to 100 years (1445-1538 AD). Inca influence in the area of Bolivia was moderate...

Inka Economic and Ritual Landscapes in the Cañete Valley: Strategies to Align the Lunahuana and Guarco (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jessica Christie.

I will assess strategies employed by the Inka state in interactions with local populations in the Cañete Valley and adjacent valleys. The Spanish found two señorios in the lower Cañete Valley: the Lunahuana, whom they described as well organized and inclined to submit to Inka rule and the Guarco who lived on the shore, offered fierce resistance, and were brutally subdued. The Inka built Inkawasi in Lunahuana territory, envisioned as one copy of Cusco. Inka presence in Guarco territory is...

The Inka Empire in the Valley of Volcanoes, Southern Peruvian Andes (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alexander Menaker.

States and empires attempt to incorporate and transform local landscapes and cultural practices in efforts to legitimize their social orders. Research on the Inka Empire in the Andagua Valley of the Southern Peruvian Andes has shown how these processes are incomplete and become entangled with local practices and the stubborn materiality of history. This poster presents recent archaeological and anthropological research, identifying the reach and effects of Inka Empire and distinguishing local...

Inka Materiality in Local Practice: A Case Study from Huarochirí (Lima, Peru) (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Carla Hernández Garavito.

This is an abstract from the "Indigenous Stories of the Inka Empire: Local Experiences of Ancient Imperialism" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The results from archaeological excavations on a residential settlement and a ritual-public center in Huarochirí suggest minimal use of Inka-style material culture in most everyday life contexts. At the same time, architectural intervention suggests a significant transformation on both sites’ layouts....