Aruba (Country) (Geographic Keyword)

1,676-1,700 (2,714 Records)

Navigating the Frontier of Colonial Diets: Domesticates and Wild Resource Use in the North America Fur Trade (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Abigail Judkins. Katherine Peck. Martin Welker.

This is an abstract from the "The Columbian Exchange Revisited: Archaeological and Anthropological Perspectives on Eurasian Domesticates in the Americas" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. European settlers in the Americas brought with them a familiar suite of domesticated plants and animals and frequently relied upon them for subsistence. Between the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries, European colonial powers became involved in the fur trade,...

The Nazi Hideout of South America: Studies on the Teyu Cuare 1945 Neighborhoods (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Daniel Schavelzon.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The discovery of the Nazi refuge on the border of Argentina and Paraguay during 2015, built around the year 1945 and abandoned shortly after, led to work inside it first to demonstrate the hypothesis of use and chronology. Last year, the mapping of the area and the survey of the surroundings intensified, finding new structures and groups strategically located...

Nearshore Paleoceanographic Conditions and Human Adaptation on the Coast of the Atacama Desert (Chile, 25°S) During the Early and Middle Holocene (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Carola Flores-Fernandez. Sandra Rebolledo. Jimena Torres. Diego Salazar. Bernardo Broitman.

This is an abstract from the "Palaeoeconomic and Environmental Reconstructions in Island and Coastal Archaeology" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The transition period between the Early and Middle Holocene is associated with important changes in climate and human dynamics around the world. The coast of the Atacama Desert (Chile, 25°S) is not an exception. Early Holocene archaeological sites show evidence of a generalized coastal economy that...

The Need for Discipline-Based Education Research in Archaeology (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Carol Colaninno-Meeks.

Over the last several decades, STEM scholars have recognized the importance of developing and integrating discipline-based education research (DBER). As outlined by the National Research Council of the National Academies, the goals of DBER are to 1) understand how students learn discipline concepts, practices, and ways of thinking; 2) understand how students develop expertise; 3) identify and measure learning objectives and forms of instruction that advance students towards those objectives; 4)...

The Negotiated Yunga-Inka Landscape of the Camata-Carijana Valley (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Lynn Kim.

This is an abstract from the "Navigating Imperialism: Negotiated Communities and Landscapes of the Inka Provinces" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The Camata-Carijana Valley is situated on the eastern frontier of the Inka Empire in the Kallawaya domain and was inhabited by Chuncho groups from the tropical piedmont. To assess the relationships between these groups, the distribution of three key landscape features (community settlements, road...

Negotiating Complexity in the Management of Sensitive Digital Data (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only David Gadsby.

This is an abstract from the "Openness & Sensitivity: Practical Concerns in Taking Archaeological Data Online" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Appropriate stewardship of sensitive archeological data necessarily involves overlapping and intertwined authorities, systems, and institutions. The authorities, in turn have different limits and requirements, while various entities have divergent purposes, needs, and protocols. Archeologists, librarians,...

Negotiating with Empire: the Chancay as "intermediaries" in the Inka-Chimu conflict (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kasia Szremski.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. During the Late Intermediate Period, the north-central coast of Peru was inhabited by a number of small but dynamic polities, or señoríos, that were actively engaged in interregional networks of trade, intermarriage, and warfare. However, even though the north-central coast was sandwiched between the Chimu and Inka, we know relatively little about how...

Neighborhoods and Urban Political Organization at El Purgatorio, Peru ca. AD 700–1400 (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only David Pacifico. Melissa Vogel.

El Purgatorio was the capital city of the Casma State, occupied from AD 700 to 1400. Neighborhoods at El Purgatorio were organized around social status, which was in turn related to a number of factors including occupation, access to and control over economic and ritual resources, and possibly length of tenure at the site. Neighborhoods were distinguished from one another by their architectural and topographical qualities, and exhibit both planned and organic elements. Neighborhoods also...

Neither Up nor Down? The Late Intermediate Period Occupation of the Andes-Amazonia Frontier in Southern Peru (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Darryl Wilkinson.

This is an abstract from the "Beyond the Round House: Spatial Logic and Settlement Organization across the Late Andean Highlands" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. This paper will examine the Late Intermediate Period (LIP) occupation of the eastern Andean piedmont (1200-3000 masl) in the Province of La Convención, Peru. Based on data obtained from recent archaeological survey and excavations, it will focus mainly on the distinctive spatial patterns...

Neotropical Cervids Dietary Traits as a High-Resolution Tool to Understand Past Human Subsistence Strategies (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only María Martínez-Polanco. Florent Rivals.

This is an abstract from the "Recent Advances in Zooarchaeological Methods" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Cervids in Neotropics played a vital role in precolumbian subsistence strategies. The study of deer remains from archaeological sites, particularly their teeth, as biomarkers offers information about their behavior, environment, feeding preferences, and important events in their life history and by extension to the human groups that could...

Nested-Context Perspective of Craft Production: Middle Sicán Metallurgy (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Izumi Shimada.

Different facets and stages of craft production commonly occur in different spatial loci regardless of differences in medium, technology, intensity and/or scale. Locational differences may be relatively minor with different facets or production stages being practiced concurrently, or masters and apprentices occupying different areas of a given room or workshop. While sheet metal preparation and alloying both require constant heat sources, the former requires a clean area protected from winds and...

Network Analysis in the Tairona Chiefdoms: Settlement Patterns and Social interaction in the El Congo Microbasin, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Luis Soto Rodriguez.

This is an abstract from the "Archaeological Applications of Network Analysis" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. This paper seeks to present the results of network analysis for the case of the chiefdom communities that inhabited the northwestern slope of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta from AD 400 to 1600 in the El Congo microbasin. Through the use of statistical algorithms in R language and databases in geographic information systems, this paper...

Networking: digital archaeology repositories in Argentina (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Andres Izeta. Roxana Cattáneo.

The digitization of primary data in social sciences and humanities, including archeology, has been a central issue in the management of science in Argentina by federal agencies, public universities and private foundations. About this topic, Argentina´s National Research Council (CONICET) created the Interactive Platform for Social Science Research, an interdisciplinary space, that over six years has generated protocols related to digitization and ways to share these results under the concept of...

Networks of the Dead: exploring patterns of homogeneity and diversity in the precolonial Caribbean using network analysis (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Angus Mol. Hayley Mickleburgh. Menno Hoogland.

The precolonial Caribbean shows great diversity in burial patterns across time and space, making the interpretation of funerary behavior very complex. While some broad trends in funerary practices have been noted, a simple assessment of the frequency of different burial practices in the region reveals a range of body positions and body treatment, as well as burial location, and grave goods. In this paper we use statistical and network explorative approaches to map these variable practices. A...

Neural Nets for Style: A Method for the Examination of Material Culture Variation (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Brendan Nash.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The cause of morphological variation in material culture has long been debated. This investigation into archaic projectile point variation from the Gault site in central Texas looks through the lens of social learning to suggest that different teaching and learning strategies represent the root cause of variation. These strategies may in turn reflect part of...

Neutron Activated Analysis of Afro-Caribbean Ware Excavated Archaeologically from Six Pre-Emancipation Sugar Plantation sites on Anguilla and Sint Maarten (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Elysia Petras. Brandi MacDonald.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. This paper presents the preliminary results of neutron activation analysis (NAA) conducted at the University of Missouri Research Reactor’s Archaeometry Lab on coarse earthenware sherds recovered archaeologically from three pre-emancipation era plantation sites on Anguilla and three on Sint Maarten. Using sourcing studies, this research investigates...

New Approaches to Sambaqui Archaeology in Brazil (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Maria Gaspar. MaDu Gaspar. Paulo DeBlasis.

MaDu Gaspar and Paulo DeBlasis Sambaquis (shellmounds) have attracted attention since colonial times due to their monumentality, and to the presence of human burials and stone sculptures. Discussions on their natural or human origin dominated up to the 1960s, when debate shifted to cultural history and diet, and moundbuilders were taken as nomadic bands with shellfish-based subsistence. The 1990s, a time of changing paradigms in sambaqui archaeology, coincides with the coming of Suzy and Paul...

New Approaches to Study Health and Disease in the Pre-Colonial circum-Caribbean (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kirsten Ziesemer. Allison E. Mann. Bernd W. Brandt. Corinne L. Hofman. Christina G. Warinner.

The most frequent pathologies found throughout the circum-Caribbean before arrival of the Europeans are dental and periodontal diseases. To date, ancient oral health has been studied using a variety of techniques, and recently ancient DNA (aDNA) analysis of dental calculus (calcified plaque) has shown great promise in revealing not only (oral) health and disease, but also diet and the composition of the oral microbiome over archaeological timescales. In this paper, we present ancient metagenomic...

New Evidence for Ceramic Systems in Precolumbian Bocas del Toro, Panama (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Carly Pope.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2021: General Sessions" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. For several thousand years before the arrival of Spanish explorers in 1502, Bocas del Toro, Panama, was home to numerous vibrant cultures. However, this area has seen only sporadic archaeological study over the past century. While surveys and excavations have revealed several multi-period settlements, with complex, multiphase ceramic assemblages, Bocas del...

New Evidence of Andean-Amazonian Interaction in the Early Horizon: Excavations at the Chaupiyacu Site, Monzón District, Peru (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Yuko Kanezaki. Carlos Viviano. Otani Hironori. Yune Sato. Jose Onofre.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2023: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. This paper reports on first identified Early Horizon monumental architectural complexes in the Monzón district, Huamalies Province, Huánuco, Peru. The Monzón River basin is a cloud forest area at an altitude of approximately 1000 m above sea. This area is on the route between Chavin de Huantar, an important highland temple site in the Early Horizon, and...

New Evidence of Inca Ceramic Production and Exchange in the Cuzco Heartland (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Richard Burger. Lucy Salazar. Michael D. Glascock.

INAA analyses of ethnographic and archaeological ceramics from the Cuzco heartland yield new insights into the patterns of production and distribution of Inca pottery in the Cuzco heartland. Multiple centers of production existed in this region and significant levels of exchange in imperial pottery occurred between the Sacred Valley and the Cusco Basin. Possible centers of production are suggested on the basis of the new results.

New Evidence of Late Intermediate and Inca Occupation at Jahuay, Quebrada de Topará, Peru (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Camille Weinberg. Jo Osborn. Rachael Penfil. Kelita Pérez Cubas.

Located at the mouth of the Quebrada Topará on the Peruvian South Coast, Jahuay is a multicomponent site key to understanding the rise and spread of the Topará cultural tradition—and the Paracas decline—during the Early Horizon. Limited systematic archaeological work in the mid-20th century defined Jahuay as the type-site for Topará ceramics, and also reported the existence of tombs on the site’s upper terraces that were initially dated to the Late Horizon (AD 1450-1532). However, 2017...

New Evidence of the Earliest Domestic Dogs in the Americas (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Angela Perri. Chris Widga. Terrance Martin. Dennis Lawler. Thomas J. Loebel.

While the arrival of domesticated dogs with an initial human migration has been the most reasonable explanation for their presence in the Americas, evidence for Paleoindian dogs has proven elusive. Here, we present the identification and direct radiocarbon dating of an isolated dog burial from Stilwell II, an Early Archaic site in the Lower Illinois River Valley. We also present new direct radiocarbon dates for two dogs from the nearby Archaic Koster site. These dates confirm that the Stilwell...

New Evidence of the Northern Manteño Frontier, The Land of the Pasaos Before the Spanish Encounter (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Florencio Delgado Espinoza.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Early chronicles indicate that the Manteño groups organized themselves along the coast into complex trading chiefdoms: these regional polities, controlled ports, and navigation equipment such as balsa rafts. In addition, maize agriculture combined with seafood products conformed their subsistence economy. Echoing early chronicles, some scholars indicate...

A New Fee Structure to Ensure Repository and Archive Sustainability (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kathryn MacFarland. Arthur Vokes. Suzanne Eckert. Patrick Lyons.

This is an abstract from the "Navigating Ethical and Legal Quandaries in Modern Archaeological Curation" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. For many decades, the Arizona State Museum (ASM) used a flat-rate curation model that proved unsustainable. It did not cover the costs of reviewing incoming materials for compliance with the Arizona Antiquities Act (AAA), preparing submissions for curation, or care in perpetuity. Furthermore, inadequate funding...