Southwestern Colorado (Geographic Keyword)

826-850 (5,194 Records)

5MT10647, Photo #17543, Plan view, final excavation photo (2011)
IMAGE Tuesday Critz.

1-x-1-m unit 1346N 481E.

5MT10647, Photo #17544, Profile view, stratigraphy (2011)
IMAGE Tuesday Critz.

Dry profile of 1-x-1-m unit 1346N 481E.

5MT10647, Photo #17546, Profile view, stratigraphy (2011)
IMAGE Tuesday Critz.

Wet profile of 1-x-1-m unit 1346N 481E.

5MT10647, Photo #17547, Field crew photo (2011)
IMAGE Steve Copeland.

Crew from poland Radoslaw Palonka, Peter Szczepanik and Maciej Waclawik doing remote sensing at the Dillard site.

5MT10647, Photo #17548, Field crew photo (2011)
IMAGE Steve Copeland.

Crew from poland Radoslaw Palonka, Peter Szczepanik and Maciej Waclawik doing remote sensing at the Dillard site.

5MT10647, Photo #17550, Field crew photo (2011)
IMAGE Steve Copeland.

Crew from poland Radoslaw Palonka, Peter Szczepanik and Maciej Waclawik doing remote sensing at the Dillard site.

5MT10647, Photo #17551, Field crew photo (2011)
IMAGE Steve Copeland.

Poland Crew Peter Szczepanik with homemade electrical resisitivity machine.

5MT10647, Photo #17552, Field crew photo (2011)
IMAGE Steve Copeland.

Peter Szczepanik with eletricial resistivity machine.

5MT10647, Photo #17553, Plan view, final excavation photo (2011)
IMAGE Tammy Luce.

Final of 1-x-1-m unit 1341N 478E.

5MT10647, Photo #17554, Profile view, stratigraphy (2011)
IMAGE Tammy Luce.

Dry profile of 1-x-1-m unit showing east face.

5MT10647, Photo #17555, Profile view, stratigraphy (2011)
IMAGE Tammy Luce.

Wet profile of east face of a 1-x-1-m unit 1341N 478E.

5MT10647, Photo #17557, Plan view, final excavation photo (2011)
IMAGE Tuesday Critz.

Final of a 1-x-1-m unit 1347N 478E.

5MT10647, Photo #17558, Profile view, stratigraphy (2011)
IMAGE Tuesday Critz.

Dry final photo of a 1-x-1-m unit 1347N 478E.

5MT10647, Photo #17559, Profile view, stratigraphy (2011)
IMAGE Tuesday Critz.

Wet final photo of a 1-x-1-m unit 1347N 478E.

5MT10647, Photo #17563, Plan view, final excavation photo (2011)
IMAGE Tuesday Critz.

Final photo of 1-x-1-m unit 1338N 488E.

5MT10647, Photo #17564, Profile view, stratigraphy (2011)
IMAGE Tuesday Critz.

Dry profile of 1-x-1-m unit 1338N 488E.

5MT10647, Photo #17566, Profile view, stratigraphy (2011)
IMAGE Tuesday Critz.

Wet profile of 1-x-1-m unit 1338N 488E.

5MT10647, Photo #17567, Plan view, final excavation photo (2011)
IMAGE Tuesday Critz.

Final of 1-x-1-m unit 1340N 490E.

5MT10647, Photo #17569, Profile view, stratigraphy (2011)
IMAGE Tuesday Critz.

Dry profile of 1-x-1-m unit 1340N 490E.

5MT10647, Photo #17570, Profile view, stratigraphy (2011)
IMAGE Tuesday Critz.

Wet profile of 1-x-1-m unit 1340N 490E.

5MT10647, Photo #17629, Field crew photo (2011)
IMAGE Tammy Luce.

Steve Copeland, Caitlin Sommer and Mike Parkhill in great kiva trench.

5MT10647, Photo #17645, Field crew photo (2011)
IMAGE Tammy Luce.

Carol Roberts, Dan Hale and Shanna Diederichs excavating in great kiva.

5MT10647, Photo #17646, Field crew photo (2011)
IMAGE Tammy Luce.

Carol Roberts, Dan Hale and Shanna Diederichs excavating in great kiva.

5MT10647, Photo #17647, Field crew photo (2011)
IMAGE Tammy Luce.

Deborah Gangloff and Helen Morse screening.

5MT10647, Photo #17648, Field crew photo (2011)
IMAGE Tammy Luce.

Deborah Gangloff screening.