Lebanese Republic (Country) (Geographic Keyword)

1,126-1,136 (1,136 Records)

Working for the Palace, Working for the House:how households became a neighborhood in late 3rd Millennium BC Tell Asmar (ancient Eshnunna), Iraq (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Lise Truex.

To test the value of the neighborhood concept in archaeological practice, this paper relies on a model of socioeconomically diverse, urban Mesopotamian neighborhoods and tests the model by analyzing households within a neighborhood at Tell Asmar, Iraq. Tell Asmar became one of several major urban settlements in the Diyala River region, with occupation of the site extending back into late prehistory. The dataset comprises a subset of archaeological evidence recovered from the Tell Asmar Northern...

The World of the Living and the World of the Dead - A Bronze Age Monumental Landscape in Central Mongolia (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ursula Brosseder.

This is an abstract from the "From Campsite to Capital – Mobility Patterns and Urbanism in Inner Asia" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The Bronze Age landscape in Mongolia is characterized by valleys with regularly arranged groups of monuments which are believed to represent the focus of a community. Depending on the ecology of the area the distance between such site clusters varies. This even distribution is punctuated by large concentrations of...

Woven Traces: Evidence of Basketry from Masis Blur (Armenia) (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kristine Martirosyan - Olshansky. Alan Farahani.

This is an abstract from the "Thinking Big in the Andes: Papers in Honor of Charles Stanish" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Evidence of woven materials such as baskets, mats, cordage, string, and rope rarely preserve in archaeological contexts, but when these plant-based artifacts do preserve, they provide important insight into the social, technological, and environmental practices involved in the creation and use of such objects. At many...

You Are How You Eat: Changes in Dining Style and Society at Late Bronze I Alalakh (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Mara Horowitz.

Ceramics are intimately tied to both foodways and normative behavior within a culture. The appearance of a new shape or the long-term persistence of an old shape must be contextualized by first investigating the use to which the vessel was put, a use that can be inferred through multiple lines of evidence and explored using a variety of approaches. Recent excavations at Alalakh have illuminated the site’s Late Bronze I period, especially the troubled 17th-16th century BC transition from the...

Zero to Hero: Elite Burials and Hero Cults in Early Iron Age Greece and Cyprus (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alina Karapandzich. Paul Nick Kardulias.

Adulation of heroes, including the flawed, militaristic, authoritative men of Homeric epic was an important feature of ancient Hellenic culture. This phenomenon is reflected in cults and shrines built in the Archaic period. How did these so-called "hero cults" form, and can Early Iron Age (EIA) elite burials form a connection between the tomb cults of the Late Bronze Age (LBA) and the hero cults of the Archaic and later Classical periods? The purpose of this study is to examine EIA burials whose...

Zooarchaeological Analysis of Sar El-Jisr Faunal Assemblage (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Megan Mogauro. Hannah Lau. Daniel Cusimano. Alexis Boutin. Benjamin Porter.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. This project analyzes zooarchaeological remains from the late third to early second millennium mortuary complex at Sar El-Jisr, Bahrain. The assemblage is a legacy collection and its analysis will expand on previous research of the Dilmun burial complex, and furthers our understanding of Dilmun as a sociopolitical entity. These implications are relevant at...

A Zooarchaeological Application of Adaptive Cycling and Risk Mitigation at Tell el-Hesi, Israel (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kara Larson.

This is an abstract from the "Stability and Resilience in Zooarchaeology" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Human societies do not operate as a stagnated phenomenon but instead experience stacked cycles of adaptation, resilience, and possibly collapse. Identifying and teasing these cycles in the archaeological record can be difficult and have often been applied to hunter-gatherer case studies. This research attempts to apply an adaptive cycling model...

Zooarchaeological Investigation of Late Pleistocene Subsistence Adaptations in Iran (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Siavash Samei. Deborah Olszewski. Natalie Munro.

Economic decisions of Late Pleistocene foragers bore heavily on the nature, timing, and intensity of the adoption of agriculture in different parts of Eurasia. Decades of intensive research in the Levant and Anatolia have made significant contributions to our understanding of Late Pleistocene economic strategies in the western parts of the Near East. A recent surge of interest by Iranian researchers and internationally collaborative teams in Paleolithic archaeology of Iran has renewed attention...

Zooarchaeological Survivorship Models using Ordered Logistic Regression (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jesse Wolfhagen.

Archaeologists investigate past hunting and herding strategies using models of animal survivorship derived from long bone fusion and/or mandibular tooth wear patterns. As biological and behavioral variation makes estimating precise biological ages problematic, researchers typically assign "age stages" that describe ranked age groups. Ordered logistic regression models take advantage of the information in these rankings to estimate and analyze patterns in ranked/ordered data based on other...

Zooarchaeology and Spatial Analysis at Tepe Farukhabad: New Life for Legacy Data (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Polly Burnette-Egan.

This poster presentation presents a reanalysis of legacy faunal material, collected by Henry Wright and the zooarchaeological analysis conducted by Richard Redding, during the 1968 excavation on the Deh Luran Plains in southeastern Iran at the 4th-millennium site Tepe Farukhabad. It behooves all researchers to give more attention to the existing data sets already collected and available for research. In that vein, this study re-evaluates the faunal data sets at Tepe Farkuhabad and looks for...

Zooarchaeology and Taphonomy of Unit III in the Middle Paleolithic Site of Nesher Ramla (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kathryn Crater Gershtein. Reuven Yeshurun. Yossi Zaidner.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The Levantine Middle Paleolithic period plays a crucial role in human origins research, encompassing vast cognitive and technological developments. Faunal remains are an important source of knowledge regarding hunting patterns, reflecting both human behavior and subsistence strategies. This paper addresses questions of hunting, transport, butchery patterns and...