Bexar County (County) (Geographic Keyword)

851-875 (2,843 Records)

Letter from Brian Miller to Curtis Tunnell, Pre-cast Concrete Fence Plan, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1996)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Brian L. Miller.

Randolph Air Force Base developed an undertaking to install pre-cast concrete fencing throughout the installation including areas within the proposed historic district. It was determined that the proposed project will have no adverse effect to the buildings or to the surrounding area.

Letter from Brian Miller to Curtis Tunnell, Repair of Tile Roofs, Section 106 Coordination, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Brian L. Miller.

Randolph Air Force Base is considering an undertaking to repair roofs on historic buildings within the Randolph Field Historic District. They applied the Criteria of Effect and Adverse Effect found in 36 CFR, Paragraph 800.9 to this undertaking and determined there will be No Adverse Effect on the property. Replacement of the roofing tiles necessitated a thorough search for a replacement tile that would meet or exceed the Secretary’s Standards to maintain a character-defining feature of these...

Letter from Brian Miller to Curtis Tunnell, Street Signs Historic District, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Brian L. Miller.

Randolph Air Force Base developed a program to attach street signs to existing light poles within the Randolph Field Historic District. It was determined that it will have no effect on the property or its historic district.

Letter from Bruce Nadler to F. Lawrence Oaks, Awning Building 671, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Bruce R. Nadler.

This memorandum discusses the proposed construction of an awning on the secondary elevation of Building 671 at Randolph Air Force Base, Texas.IT was determined that the undertaking will not alter the design characteristics of the building and as a result has no adverse effect.

Letter from Bruce Nadler to F. Lawrence Oaks, Proposed Cutting of a Double Doorway Hangar 62, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Bruce R. Nadler.

This memorandum concerns the proposed cutting of a double doorway on the primary elevation of Hangar 62 at Randolph Air Force Base, Texas. The Base Civil Engineer determined that an undertaking does exist with a potential to affect historic properties.

Letter From Bruce R. Nadler to F. Lawrence Oaks, Circle Housing and Duplex Housing Rehabilitation, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Bruce R. Nadler.

This memorandum concerns the proposed rehabilitation of family housing units at Randolph Air Force Base, and it is initial Section 106 coordination. There are 174 housing units referred to as Circle Housing and 84 housing units referred to as Duplex Housing. These buildings are listed on the National Register of Historic Places, and they are within the Randolph Field Historic Landmark District.

Letter from Bruce R. Nadler to F. Lawrence Oaks, Proposed Rehabilitation of Historic Family Housing Units, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Bruce R. Nadler.

This memorandum addresses the proposed rehabilitation of historic family housing units at Randolph Air Force Base, and it is a continuation of the initial Section 106 coordination process. The goal of this undertaking is to improve circle and duplex housing structures, to upgrade military family housing units to modern standards of design and to satisfy current building codes. The basis for the concept design is the Air Force Family Housing Guide and General Officer’s Standards for Programming,...

Letter from Carlos Kirkpatrick to Randolph Air Force Base, Stop Order Alter Tech Training Management Facility Building 902, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1991)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Carlos Kirkpatrick.

A request for the contractor to issue a stop order on the demolition work being performed under subject contract at Randolph Air Force Base, Texas. This letter is part of a group of correspondence concerning a federal undertaking at Building 902, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas. The project includes modification, refurbishment and replacement of windows and doors.

Letter from Carlos Kirkpatrick, Alter Tech Training Management Facility, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1991)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Carlos Kirkpatrick.

A letter to request that contractors change the window design of windows on historic structures at Randolph Air Force Base, Texas. This letter is part of a group of correspondence concerning a federal undertaking at Building 902, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas. The project includes modification, refurbishment and replacement of windows and doors.

Letter from Caroline Wright to Leon Spradling, Project Review of Construction of Administration Office Building, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (2010)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Caroline Wright.

The Texas Historical Commission reviewed the project documentation on accessibility upgrades at Building 900, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas.The letter states that the Commission anticipates a no adverse effect determination, but requests complete plans showing how the elevator and associated lift and mechanical equipment will be installed in order to make a final decision.

Letter from Caroline Wright to Richard Trevino, Proposed Curb Cuts at Cadet Circle, Randolph Air Force Base, Bexar County, Texas (2011)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Caroline Wright.

This letter serves as comment on the proposed undertaking from the State Historic Preservation Officer, the Executive Director of the Texas Historical Commission. The proposed project, to add new temporary curb cuts to Cadet Circle, will have no adverse effect on the historic property as long as the curb is repaired once there is no longer a need for the new access points.

Letter from CEP to 12 CES/CD, Entrance Overhangs General Officer Quarters Building 520, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1993)
DOCUMENT Full-Text McDonald.

Note sent to strongly suggest that the proposed letter written by Randolph Air Force Base not be sent to the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation. This letter is part of a group of correspondence concerning an undertaking that may effect General Officer housing units at Randolph Air Force Base, Texas. Attachments included with the letters are location maps, description and assessment, photographs, and construction elevations.

Letter from Chief, Williamsport Preservation Training Center at Harpers Ferry Center to Director of Public Works, Fort Sam Houston, Transmittal of Final Task Directive for Band Barracks Building 646, Stairwell and Belvedere Restoration Project, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1995)
DOCUMENT Full-Text H. Thomas McGrath.

This is a letter of transmittal from the Williamsport Preservation Training Center of the final task directive for the restoration project of the Band Barracks, Building 646. Review comments from the Director of Public Works at Fort Sam Houston have been incorporated into the task directive.

Letter from Claudia Nissley to Joseph Logan, Proposed Additions to Building 235, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1993)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Claudia Nissley.

The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation has reviewed the summary documentation provided by Randolph Air Force Base concerning the proposed Rehabilitation of Building 235. The Advisory Council has concluded that the project will have no adverse effect as long as the guidelines are followed set forth by the Texas Historical Commission. This letter is part of correspondence concerning Randolph Air Force Base's request to rehabilitate Building 235 at Randolph Air Force Base, Texas. The...

Letter from Claudia Nissley to William Blount, Memorandum of Agreement Regarding Construction of Branch Exchange Shoppette on Wilson Road, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Claudia Nissley.

A letter with an attached Memorandum of Agreement for the Construction of a Branch Exchange Shoppette on Wilson Road, Fort Sam Houston, Texas. This correspondence is part of a group of documentation addressing the review process and Memorandum of Agreement for the proposed undertaking to construct a Branch Exchange Gas Dispensing Shopette on Wilson Road at Fort Sam Houston, Texas.

Letter from Craig College, Record of Decision Concerning EIS for Base Realignment and Closure Actions, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (2007)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Craig E. College.

This is a record of decision drafted by Craig E. College, Deputy Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management, concerning the final environmental impact statement (EIS) for “Base Realignment and Closure Actions at Fort Sam Houston, Texas.” The EIS was prepared in compliance with the Council on Environmental Quality’s (CEQ) “Regulations for Implementing the Procedural Provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act” and “Environmental Analysis of Army Actions.” The EIS adequately...

Letter from Curtis Tunnell to David McDonald, Building 902 Alterations in Progress, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1991)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Curtis Tunnell.

Letter written by the Texas Historical Commission to Randolph Air Force Base concerning an undertaking at Building 902 that is out of compliance with the intent of Section 106 and 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act. These photographs are included in correspondence and extensive summary documentation on an undertaking in progress to rehabilitate Building 902, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas. The letters also indicate that the Section 106 process was not completed prior to the...

Letter from David Brigham to Joan Gaither, Section 106 Consultation Package for Undertaking at Camp Bullis, Joint Base San Antonio, Texas (2014)
DOCUMENT Full-Text David H. Brigham.

Brief letter on the Section 106 consultation package sent to the Texas Historical Commission for a proposed undertaking at Camp Bullis, Texas.

Letter from David Brigham to Shannon Miller, Section 106 Consultation Package for Undertaking at Camp Bullis, Joint Base San Antonio, Texas (Copy) (2014)
DOCUMENT Full-Text David H. Brigham.

Brief letter on the Section 106 consultation package sent to the Texas Historical Commission for a proposed undertaking at Camp Bullis, Texas.

Letter from David Brigham to Sharon Fleming, Schmidt Ranch Concrete Garage, Camp Bullis, Texas (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text David H. Brigham.

This letter confirms the agreement between Fort Sam Houston’s Environmental and Natural Resources Division and the Texas Historical Commission that it is in the best interest of the Schmidt Ranch’s Garage be left in its existing condition. The concurrence of the Texas-Historical Commission to the Fort Sam Houston plan to not expend funds on this facility will allow the installation to remove the property from the Real Estate Inventory and avoid the proposed demolition of the structure.

Letter from David Brigham to Sue Pemberton, Section 106 Consultation Package for Undertaking at Camp Bullis, Joint Base San Antonio, Texas (2014)
DOCUMENT Full-Text David H. Brigham.

Brief letter on the Section 106 consultation package sent to the Texas Historical Commission for a proposed undertaking at Camp Bullis, Texas.

Letter from David Brigham, Issue of Privatization of Army Lodging (PAL) and Protection of Historic Properties, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (2009)
DOCUMENT Full-Text David H. Brigham.

Privatization of Army Lodging (PAL) was implemented in August of 2009. Two properties, buildings 48 and 107, are significant historic properties eligible for the National Register of Historic Places and are contributing elements to the FSH National Historic Landmark District. These properties were transferred to the PAL developer upon implementation of PAL in August. This letter addresses this transfer and the issue of protecting historic properties.

Letter from David Falls to Morales, Renovation of Building 901, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text David W. Falls.

Randolph Air Force Base correspondence concerning the undertaking to renovate Building 901. This letter is part of a large group of correspondence and supportive material for the updated plans and specifications to Building 901, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas.

Letter from David McDonald, Rehabilitation of Building 902, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1991)
DOCUMENT Full-Text David A. McDonald.

Randolph Air Force Base has written to the Texas Historical Commission in support of their recommendations concerning the rehabilitation of Building 902 and the completion of Section 106 process. This letter is part of a group of correspondence concerning a federal undertaking at Building 902, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas. The project includes modification, refurbishment and replacement of windows and doors.

Letter from David Williams to Scott Shepherd, Circle Housing Items, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text David Williams.

An update on the Circle Housing Project at Randolph Air Force Base and contributing individual assignments. This email is part of a group of emails concerning Circle Housing at Randolph Air Force Base and the rehabilitation of Buildings 901, 902, and 903.