San Juan Basin (Geographic Keyword)

1,076-1,100 (1,521 Records)

Perishable: Pot Rest AZRU8-1819 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Pot Rest, Accession AZRU-00008, Catalog #1819. Morris FS 3751. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Plaited pot rest, truncated or donut form. Ends of elements extend into opening. Object flattened. Grass fused to one surface. Measurements: D 15.0 (EXT), 7.0 (INT), TH 2.0 CM. Images: AZRU8-1819 A: plaited pot rest, one face. AZRU8-1819 B: plaited pot rest, other face. AZRU8-1819 C: side view showing possible truncation. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 147, Aztec West Ruin. Earl...

Perishable: Pot Rest AZRU8-1822 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Pot Rest, Accession AZRU-00008, Catalog #1822. Morris FS 3690. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Coil of grass wrapped crosswise with narrow yucca strips tied in square knots. Measurements: D 18.0 (EXT), 6.0 (INT), TH 3.5 CM. Image: AZRU8-1822 grass pot rest bound with yucca strips. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 136-2, Aztec West Ruin. Earl Morris’ description of Room 136-2 at the time of excavation is as follows: “A great quantity of Mesa Verde refuse had been cast into...

Perishable: Pot Rest AZRU8-1823 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Pot Rest, Accession AZRU-00008, Catalog #1823. Morris FS 5354. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Coil of narrow yucca strips wrapped crosswise with same and feather-wrapped yucca cordage. Measurements: D 20.0 (EXT), 12.0 (INT), TH 3.0 CM. Image: AZRU8-1823 A: yucca pot rest wrapped with yucca strips and feather cordage. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 181, Aztec West Ruin. Morris described Room 181 as having a “considerable deposit of refuse…[continuing] well above the level of...

Perishable: Pot Rest AZRU8-1824 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Pot Rest, Accession AZRU-00008, Catalog #1824. Morris FS 5254. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Pot rest of coiled yucca leaves wrapped crosswise with same. Measurements: D 20.5 (EXT), 10.0 (INT), TH 2.5 CM. Image: AZRU8-1824 A: yucca-leaf pot rest. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 189, Aztec West Ruin. Morris noted that Room 189 “contained the largest quantity of perishable objects from the Chaco period that have to date been taken from any chamber in the western half of the...

Perishable: Pot Rest AZRU8-1826 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Pot Rest, Accession AZRU-00008, Catalog # 1826. Morris FS 3695. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Coil of corn leaves wrapped crosswise with same. Leaves have central vein. Measurements: D 13.0 (EXT), 6.5 (INT), TH 4.0 CM. Image: AZRU8-1826 A: pot rest of corn leaves. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room136-2, Aztec West Ruin. Earl Morris’ description of Room 136-2 at the time of excavation is as follows: “A great quantity of Mesa Verde refuse had been cast into Room 136-2 and evenly...

Perishable: Pot Rest AZRU8-1828 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Pot Rest, Accession AZRU-00008, Catalog #1828. Morris FS 3752. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Finely woven 2/2 plaited pot rest of truncated form. Flattened. Measurements: D 13.5 (EXT), 4.8 (INT), TH 3.0 CM. Images: AZRU8-1828 A: small plaited pot rest, truncated form, flattened. AZRU8-1828 B: side view showing remains of truncated form. AZRU8-1828 C: side view showing yucca elements coiled inside pot rest. AZRU8-1828 D: small plaited pot rest, other face. Recovered from Earl Morris'...

Perishable: Pot Rest AZRU8-1829 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Pot Rest, Accession AZRU-00008, Catalog #1829. Morris FS 5458. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Coil of cedar bark wrapped crosswise with same. Measurements: D 15.0 (EXT), 6.0 (INT), TH 2.5 CM. Image: AZRU8-1829 A: cedar bark pot rest. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room185, Aztec West Ruin. Morris described Room 185 as having “ two feet of a very hard and compact light colored earth on a floor level that showed practically no signs of use. A refuse layer was above this and the...

Perishable: Pot Rest AZRU8-2800 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Pot Rest, Accession AZRU-00008, Catalog #2800. Morris FS 4027. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Plaited pot rest of truncated form. Ends of elements extend into center. Flattened. Measurements: Not measured. Images: AZRU8-2800 A: plaited pot rest, flattened. Note ends of elements in center. AZRU8-2800 B: side view showing probable truncated form. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 153-2, Aztec West Ruin. Concerning Room 153-2 Morris reports that “The refuse deposit in Room 153 was...

Perishable: Pot Rest AZRU8-2801 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Pot Rest, Accession AZRU-00008, Catalog #2801. Morris FS 5355. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Remains of a 2/2 plaited pot rest of narrowleaf yucca. Ends of elements intend into center. Probably originally of truncated form. Measurements: D 10.5 CM. Image: AZRU8-2801 A: remains of a 2-2 plaited pot rest. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 181, Aztec West Ruin. Morris described Room 181 as having a “considerable deposit of refuse…[continuing] well above the level of the third...

Perishable: Pot Rest AZRU8-2802 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Pot Rest, Accession AZRU-00008, Catalog #2802 . Morris FS 4028. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Cornhusk pot rest. Decorative edge produced by twisting adjacent elements around each other. Measurements: D 16.0 (outer), 7.5 (inner) CM. Images: AZRU8-2802 A: cornhusk pot rest. AZRU8-2802 B: detail of decorative edge. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 153-2, Aztec West Ruin. Concerning Room 153-2 Morris reports that “The refuse deposit in Room 153 was in reality a continuation of...

Perishable: Pot Rest AZRU8-2804 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Pot Rest, Accession AZRU-00008, Catalog #2804. Morris FS 4031. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Cornhusk pot rest. Decorative edge produced by twisting adjacent elements around each other. Measurements: D 15.0 (outer), 6.0 (inner) CM. Images: AZRU8-2804 A: cornhusk pot rest. AZRU8-2804 B: another view. AZRU8-2804 C: detail of decorative edge showing elements twisted around each other. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Aztec West Ruin. Concerning Room 153-2 Morris reports that “The...

Perishable: Pot Rest AZRU8-2808 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Pot Rest, Accession AZRU-00008, Catalog #2808. Morris FS 3925. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. 2/2 plaited pot rest of doughnut form. Wrapped crosswise with cornhusks. Not truncated. Measurements: D 14.5 (outer), 6.5 (inner) CM. Image: AZRU8-2808 A: 2-2 plaited pot rest wrapped crosswise with cornhusks. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room128-2, Aztec West Ruin. Earl Morris’ description of Room 128-2 at the time of excavation is as follows: “At [the center of the floor] was a...

Perishable: Pot Rest AZRU8-2809 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Pot Rest, Accession AZRU-0008, Catalog #2809. Morris FS 4025. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. 2/2 plaited pot rest of truncated form. Ends of elements extend into center. 2(2Z-S)Z yucca cordage is wrapped three times around constricted center. Measurements: D 13.0 (outer), 5.5 (inner) CM. Images: AZRU8-2809 A: 2-2 plaited pot rest of truncated form. AZRU8-2809 B: 2-2 plaited pot rest of truncated form. AZRU8-2809 C: other face. AZRU8-2809 C: side view showing cordage wrapped around middle....

Perishable: Pot Rest AZRU8-2810 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Pot Rest, Accession AZRU-00008, Catalog #2810. Morris FS 5356. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. 2/2 Plaited pot rest of truncated form. Flattened. Measurements: D 13.0 (outer), 4.0 (inner) CM. Images: AZRU8-2810 A 2-2 plaited pot rest, truncated form. AZRU8-2810 B: other face. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 181, Aztec West Ruin. Morris described Room 181 as having a “considerable deposit of refuse…[continuing] well above the level of the third story…[Of the items found in...

Perishable: Pot Rest AZRU8-2811 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Pot Rest, Accession AZRU-00008, Catalog #2811. Morris FS 5516. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. 2/2 plaited pot rest, probably of doughnut form. Flattened. Measurements: D 13.0 (outer), 4.0 (inner) CM. Images: AZRU8-2811 A: 2-2 plaited pot rest. AZRU8-2811 B: other face. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room193, Aztec West Ruin. For Room 193 Morris described “refuse that had been deposited on the second floor, including fragments of a considerable number of very fine medium-sized...

Perishable: Pot Rest AZRU8-2812 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Pot Rest, Accession AZRU-00008, Catalog #2812. Morris FS 4026. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. 2/2 plaited pot rest of truncated form. Measurements: D 11.3 (outer), 4.5 (inner) CM. Images: AZRU8-2812 A: 2-2 plaited pot rest of truncated form. AZRU8-2812 B: other face. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 153-2, Aztec West Ruin. Concerning Room 153-2 Morris reports that “The refuse deposit in Room 153 was in reality a continuation of that in Room 136, just as the latter was an...

Perishable: Prairie Dog Skin AZRU-1046 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Prairie Dog Skin, Accession AZRU-00008, Catalog #1046. Morris [Unknown]. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Nearly complete skin of a small mammal, possibly a prairie dog. Remnants of plant fiber stitching on back, near forelegs, and at neck. Some hair remaining. Probably the remains of a bag. Measurements: Not measured. Images: AZRU8-1046 A: Prairie dog skin with stitching. AZRU8-1046 B: Other face. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 136-2(?), Aztec West Ruin. Earl Morris’...

Perishable: Reed Bundle AMNH 29.0/8283 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Reed Bundle, Accession AMNH29.0, Catalog #8283. Morris FS 1779. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Reed bundle wrapped with yucca tie. Image: AMNH 29.0-8283A: bundle of reeds bound with yucca-leaf tie. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room179-2, Aztec West Ruin. Morris (1928:375-376) indicates that “The ashy refuse containing some vegetable matter on the floor of Room 179-2 averaged 2 ½ feet in thickness. From it came four grooved axes, two skinning knives, a sandstone slab, flint and...

Perishable: Reed Bundle AMNH 29.0/8484 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Reed Bundle, Accession AMNH29.0, Catalog #8484. Morris FS 1977. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Collection of reeds tied together with modern string. Reed bundle wrapped with fine 2(2Z-S)Z yucca cordage with red feathers tied to end of cord. Images: AMNH 29.0/8484A: collection of reeds tied together with modern string. AMNH 29.0/8484B: detail of fine 2(2z-S)Z yucca cordage wrapped around some elements. AMNH 29.0/8484C: close-up of red feathers tied to end of cord. AMNH 29.0/8484D: view of...

Perishable: Reed Bundle AZRU20-2925 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Reed Bundle, Accession AZRU-00020, Catalog #2925. Other No: [Unknown]. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Bundle of reeds, some with intact sections of 2-strand twining with a yucca leaf. Probably the remains of a twined reed mat. Bound with Morris's red string. Measurements: L 36.0, D 4.0 (where bound) CM. Image: AZRU20-2925A: bundle of reeds with remnants of 2-strand twining, poss remains of twined mat. Recovered from Room [Unknown], Aztec West Ruin. Artifact from Aztec Ruins National Monument...

Perishable: Reed Cigarette AZRU20-1499 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Reed Cigarette, Accession AZRU-00020, Catalog #1499. Other No: [Unknown]. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Reed-stem cigarette, one end burned. Measurements: L 3.6, D 0.9 CM. Image: AZRU20-1499A: reed cigarette. Recovered from Room [Unknown], Aztec West Ruin. Artifact from Aztec Ruins National Monument but of unknown provenience.

Perishable: Reed Cigarettes AMNH 29.0/7745 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Reed Cigarettes, Accession AMNH29.0, Catalog #7745. Morris FS 1338. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Reed cigarettes. Image: AMNH 29.0-7745A: reed cigarettes Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 48, Aztec West Ruin. Earl Morris’ description of Room 48 at the time of excavation is as follows. “The floor was covered with refuse.. The greater proportion of this deposit was of vegetable substance; cornstalks, husks, tassels, and cobs, cedarbark, splinters of the same wood, as well as...

Perishable: Reed Mat AZRU8-1812 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Reed Mat, Accession AZRU-00008, Catalog #1812. Morris FS 5281. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Large piece of a twined phragmites mat. Elements joined by 7 rows of twining. Measurements: L 74.5, W 40.0 CM (incl cords). Images: AZRU8-1812 A: twined reed mat. AZRU8-1812 B: detail of cordage wrapped around reeds and row of twining. AZRU8-1812C: Detail. AZRU8-1812 D: detail of wrapped cordage. AZRU8-1812 E: detail showing diagonally cut ends of some reeds. AZRU8-1812 F: detail showing doubled and...

Perishable: Reed Object AZRU20-2923 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Reed Object, Accession AZRU-00020, Catalog #2923. Other No: [Unknown]. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. One end of a tied or twined reed object, probably the remains of a reed-stem container or mat. Object appears to be tied with overhand knots between the reeds. Measurements: Not Measured. Image: AZRU20-2923A: one end of reed object tied with yucca cords, burned at one end. Recovered from Room [Unknown], Aztec West Ruin. Artifact from Aztec Ruins National Monument but of unknown provenience.

Perishable: Reed Object AZRU20-2924 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Reed Object, Accession AZRU-00020, Catalog #2924. Other No: [Unknown]. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Probable remains of a twined reed-stem container or mat consisting of a small bundle of fine reeds with remains of one row, and possibly two, of 2-strand twining with a coarse yucca leaf. Bundle bound with 2S-Z cordage tied in square knot. Measurements: L 31.5, D 3.5 CM. Images: AZRU20-2924A: twined reed object bound with yucca cordage. AZRU20-2924B: close-up of one end. Recovered from Room...