San Juan Basin (Geographic Keyword)

1,426-1,450 (1,521 Records)

Perishable: Yucca Needle AMNH 29.0/5345 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Yucca Needle, Accession AMNH29.0, Catalog #5345. Morris FS 95. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Yucca needle with 2z-S cotton yarn twisted into it. Image: AMNH 29.0/5345A: probable remains of yucca needle with 2z-S cotton yarn twisted into it. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room122-2, Aztec West Ruin. Morris (1928:357) indicates that “Room 122-2 is situated above Room 112. Refuse, more than half of its bulk composed of vegetable and other perishable substances, had been thrown in...

Perishable: Yucca Needle AMNH 29.0/5346 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Yucca Needle, Accession AMNH29.0, Catalog #5346. Morris FS 96. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Yucca-leaf needle with cotton fiber yarn, twisted 4Z-S. Image: AMNH 29.0/5346A: yucca-leaf needle with cotton yarn. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room122-2, Aztec West Ruin. Morris (1928:357) indicates that “Room 122-2 is situated above Room 112. Refuse, more than half of its bulk composed of vegetable and other perishable substances, had been thrown in through the door connecting with...

Perishable: Yucca Pad AZRU8-2798 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Yucca Pad, Accession AZRU-00008, Catalog #2798. Morris FS 5507. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Small rectangular pad of matted yucca fiber with perpendicular stitching of 2S-Z yucca or apocynum yarn. Measurements: L 9.5, W 8.0, TH 1.0 CM. Images: AZRU8-2798 A: yucca fiber pad stitched with 2s-Z yucca or apocynum yarn. AZRU8-2798 B: detail of stitching. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 193, Aztec West Ruin. For Room 193 Morris described typical architectural features and...

Perishable: Yucca Pad AZRU8-2799 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Yucca Pad, Accession AZRU-00008, Catalog #2799. Morris FS 5291. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Oval pad of matted yucca fiber randomly stitched with 2Z-S cotton yarn. Possible awl pad. Measurements: L 12.0, W 9.5, TH, 1.0 CM. Images: AZRU8-2799 A: yucca fiber pad stitched with 2z-S cotton yarn. AZRU8-2799 B: detail of stitching. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 189, Lower Level, Aztec West Ruin. Morris noted that Room 189 “contained the largest quantity of perishable objects...

Perishable: Yucca Pads AZRU8-799 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Yucca Pads, Accession AZRU-00008, Catalog # 799. Morris [Unknown]. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Ten small oval pads or quids of probable yucca fiber. One contains an unidentified vegetal? substance. Measurements: Not measured. Images: AZRU8-799 A: Five of ten oval pads of quids or yucca fiber in lab bag. AZRU8-799 B: Detail of yucca pad or quid with substance inside. Recovered from Earl Morris excavation of Room 136-2(?), Aztec West Ruin. Earl Morris’ description of Room 136-2 at...

Perishable: Yucca Plant AMNH 29.0/8416 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Yucca Plant, Accession AMNH29.0, Catalog #8416. Morris FS 1909. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Narrowleaf yucca plant. Image: AMNH 29.0/8416A: narrowleaf yucca plant. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 72, Aztec West Ruin. Earl Morris’ description of Room 72 at the time of excavation is as follows. “A layer of washed adobe 2 to 4 inches thick covered the floor of Room 72. Eleven long unpeeled willows had been left standing in the southeast corner. The ceiling support was one...

Perishable: Yucca Plant AZRU8-2832 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Yucca Plant, Accession AZRU-00008, Catalog #2832. Morris FS 5287. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Complete narrowleaf yucca plant with roots. Tips of leaves missing. A few leaves are broken off near base and have charred tips. Measurements: L 37.0, W 5.0 CM. Image: AZRU8-2832 A: narrowleaf yucca plant. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 189, Lower Level, Aztec West Ruin. Morris noted that Room 189 “contained the largest quantity of perishable objects from the Chaco period that...

Perishable: Yucca Quid AMNH 29.0/9968 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Yucca Quid, Accession AMNH29.0, Catalog # 9968. Morris FS 3449. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Yucca quid, possibly chewed. Image: AMNH 29.0/9968A: small bundle of yucca fiber, possibly chewed. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 135-2, Aztec West Ruin. Earl Morris’ description of Room 135-2 at the time of excavation is as follows. “A cobblestone-lined firepit, 1 foot 8 inches in diameter and 5 inches deep, occupied the center of the floor of Room 135-2. A masonry wall some 7...

Perishable: Yucca Quid AZRU8-2844 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Yucca Quid, Accession AZRU-00008, Catalog # 2844. Morris FS 5508. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Oval bundle of yucca fiber enclosing bits of an unidentified material. Measurements: L 5.5, W 2.3, TH 2.5 CM. Images: AZRU8-2844 A: yucca-fiber quid with substance inside, possibly herbs. AZRU8-2844 B: detail of substance inside 1. AZRU8-2844 C: detail of substance inside 2. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 193, Aztec West Ruin. For Room 193 Morris described typical...

Perishable: Yucca Ring AZRU20-1825 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Yucca Ring, Accession AZRU-00020, Catalog #1825. Other No: [Unknown]. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Miniature ring of yucca leaves wrapped crosswise with same. Measurements: D 7.0 (ext), 4.0 (int), TH 1.2 CM. Image: AZRU20-1825A: miniature yucca ring or pot rest. Recovered from Room [Unknown], Aztec West Ruin. Artifact from Aztec Ruins National Monument but of unknown provenience.

Perishable: Yucca Root AZRU8-2845 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Yucca Root, Accession AZRU-00008, Catalog #2845. Morris FS 3740. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Yucca root and attached fiber. Some stained a purplish-red. Measurements: L 18.0, W 7.0 CM. Image: AZRU8-2845 A: yucca root and attached fiber. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 147, Aztec West Ruin. Earl Morris’ description of Room 147 at the time of excavation is as follows: “the immediate floor covering was a foot of refuse, with Burials Nos. 60 and 61 on the surface of the...

Perishable: Yucca Roots AZRU8-797 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Two Yucca Roots, Accession AZRU-00008, Catalog #797. Morris [Unknown]. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Two yucca roots with leaf. Measurements: Not measured. Image: AZRU8-797: Yucca roots. Recovered from Earl Morris excavation of Room 136-2(?), Aztec West Ruin. Earl Morris’ description of Room 136-2 at the time of excavation is as follows: “A great quantity of Mesa Verde refuse had been cast into Room 136-2 and evenly distributed, its upper limit being nearly level at a height of 3½ feet...

Perishable: Yucca Tie AZRU8-2852 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Yucca Tie, Accession AZRU-00008, Catalog #2852. Morris FS 4912. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Yucca tie, coiled and joined with two square knots. Probably tied around beam. Measurements: D 10.0 CM. Image: AZRU8-2852 A: coiled yucca-leaf tie with square knot. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room182, Aztec West Ruin. Morris described Room 182 as “an open chamber entered through the doorway communicating with Room 189, from which the early visitors had removed the masonry with which...

Perishable: Yucca Tie AZRU8-2853 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Yucca Tie, Accession AZRU-00008, Catalog #2853. Morris FS 3733. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Yucca tie, coiled and joined with square knot. Measurements: D 4.0 CM. Image: AZRU8-2853 A: small coiled yucca-leaf tie with square knot. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 147, Aztec West Ruin. Earl Morris’ description of Room 147 at the time of excavation is as follows: “the immediate floor covering was a foot of refuse, with Burials Nos. 60 and 61 on the surface of the refuse…[long...

Perishable: Yucca Tie AZRU8-2858 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Yucca Tie, Accession AZRU-00008, Catalog #2858. Morris FS 3661. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Four narrowleaf yucca leaves folded at both ends. Two joined with a square knot. Measurements: L 16.0, W 6.5 CM. Image: AZRU8-2858 A: narrowleaf yucca tied with square knot. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 136-2, Aztec West Ruin. Earl Morris’ description of Room 136-2 at the time of excavation is as follows: “A great quantity of Mesa Verde refuse had been cast into Room 136-2 and...

Perishable: Yucca Ties AZRU61-9379 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Yucca Ties, Accession AZRU-00061, Catalog #9379. FS 165E. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Seven yucca-leaf ties tied in 8 square knots, 1 w paired elements. Measurements: 16.5, 10.0 W CM (largest, curved). Image: AZRU61-9379 A: yucca ties with square knots. Recovered from Room 225, 140-160 CM bel 2nd datum, Aztec West Ruin.

Perishable: Yucca Ties AZRU8-2851 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Yucca Ties, Accession AZRU-00008, Catalog #2851. Morris FS 5046. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Three yucca ties, coiled and joined with square knots. Probably originally tied around beams. Measurements: D 9.0, 12.0, AND 18.0 CM. Image: AZRU8-2851 A: three coiled yucca-leaf ties with square knots. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room180, Aztec West Ruin. Morris described Room 180 as “fallen into ruin [before the later occupation of Aztec Ruin]. The partial excavation of this...

Perishable: Yucca Ties AZRU8-2854 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Yucca Ties, Accession AZRU-00008, Catalog #2854. Morris FS 3660. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Pair of yucca leaf ties joined with square knots and wrapped crosswise at each end with a yucca strip. Originally tied around some other object. Measurements: L 12.5, W 7.0 CM. Image: AZRU8-2854 A: yucca-leaf ties joined with square knots and coiled up at each end. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 136-2, Aztec West Ruin. Earl Morris’ description of Room 136-2 at the time of...

Perishable: Yucca Ties AZRU8-2859 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Yucca Ties, Accession AZRU-00008, Catalog #2859. Morris FS 3729. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Collection of yucca-leaf ties joined with square knots. Narrowleaf yucca. Measurements: Not measured. Image: AZRU8-2859 A: collection of narrowleaf yucca tied in square knots. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room147, Aztec West Ruin. Earl Morris’ description of Room 147 at the time of excavation is as follows: “the immediate floor covering was a foot of refuse, with Burials Nos. 60 and...

Perishable: Yucca Ties AZRU8-2860 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Yucca Ties AZRU-0008, Catalog #2860. Morris FS 4008. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Bundle of narrowleaf yucca ties wrapped crosswise with leaves tied in square knots. Measurements: L 32.0, W 15.5 CM153-2. Image: AZRU8-2860 A: bundle of narrowleaf yucca ties with square knots. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 153-2, Aztec West Ruin. Concerning Room 153-2 Morris reports that “The refuse deposit in Room 153 was in reality a continuation of that in Room 136, just as the latter...

Perishable: Yucca Ties AZRU8-2861 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Yucca Ties, Accession AZRU-00008, Catalog #2861. Morris FS 5045. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Collection of yucca ties of narrowleaf and broadleaf yucca tied with square knots. Measurements: L 30.0, W 14.0 CM. Image: AZRU8-2861 A: collection of yucca-leaf ties with square knots. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 180, Aztec West Ruin. Morris described Room 180 as “fallen into ruin [before the later occupation of Aztec Ruin]. The partial excavation of this chamber revealed...

Perishable: Yucca Ties AZRU8-2862 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Yucca Ties, Accession AZRU-00008, Catalog #2862. Morris FS 3659. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Collection of yucca ties of narrowleaf and broadleaf yucca tied with square knots. Measurements: L 25.0, W 17.0 CM. Image: AZRU8-2862 A: collection of yucca-leaf ties with square knots. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room136-2, Aztec West Ruin. Earl Morris’ description of Room 136-2 at the time of excavation is as follows: “A great quantity of Mesa Verde refuse had been cast into...

Perishable: Yucca Ties AZRU8-2863 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Yucca Ties, Accession AZRU-00008, Catalog #2863. Morris FS 5288. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Collection of yucca ties of narrowleaf yucca tied with square knots. Measurements: L 23.0, W 12.0 CM. Image: AZRU8-2863 A: collection of narrowleaf yucca ties with square knots. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 189, Lower Level, Aztec West Ruin. Morris noted that Room 189 “contained the largest quantity of perishable objects from the Chaco period that have to date been taken from...

Perishable: Yucca Yarn AMNH 29.0/5272 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Yucca Yarn, Accession AMNH29.0, Catalog #5272, (with 7729, 7599). Cat. #5272 is Morris FS 21. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Fine, plied, 2(2Z-S)Z, cordage. Images: AMNH 29.0/5272A: (with 7729, 7599) possible evidence of twined sandal manufacture. AMNH 29.0/5272B: (part of), 2z-s yucca yarn, highly processed, poss for sandal weft. AMNH 29.0/5272C: (part of), 2z-s yucca yarn, highly processed, poss for sandal weft 2. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room122-2, Aztec West Ruin. Morris...

Perishable: Yucca Yarn AMNH 29.0/7729 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Yucca Yarn, Accession AMNH29.0, Catalog #7729. Morris FS 1322. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Bundle of yucca yarn, plied, 3Z-S, possibly for twined sandals. Image: AMNH 29.0/7729A: bundle of 3z-S yucca yarn, possible warp for twined sandals. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 48, Aztec West Ruin. Earl Morris’ description of Room 48 at the time of excavation is as follows. “The floor was covered with refuse.. The greater proportion of this deposit was of vegetable substance;...