San Juan Basin (Geographic Keyword)
301-325 (1,521 Records)
Tusayan Black-on-red, bowl, Accession 29.0, Catalog #6981. Morris FS 672. Analyzed by Lori Reed 2004. Temper is sand and sherd; Tsegi Orange Ware. Bowl is restored with unknown adhesive but roughly 10% is missing. Image AMNH 29.0/6981 A: interior view of bowl showing painted design. Image AMNH 29.0/6981 B: exterior view showing washy red slip over orange surface. Image AMNH 29.0/6981C: closeup of interior Dogoszhi style design. Recovered from Earl Morris excavation of Room 47, Aztec West Ruin. ...
Ceramic: Tusayan Black-on-red, bowl, AZRU-00001/1014 (2006)
Tusayan Black-on-red, bowl, Accession AZRU-00001, Catalog #1014, Morris FS 4310. Analyzed by Lori Reed 2006. Sherd temper and red paste indicates Tsegi Orange Ware manufactured in the Kayenta region. Bowl is reconstructed with 70% original fragments and 30% unknown paster material. Measurements: 19.5 cm orifice diameter, 12 cm height. Image AZRU1-1014 A: view of exterior surface showing shape of bowl. Image AZRU1-1014 B: closeup of interior design. Image AZRU1-1014 C: interior view showing...
Ceramic: Tusayan Black-on-red, bowl, AZRU-00001/969 (2006)
Tusayan Black-on-red, bowl, Accession AZRU-00001, Catalog #969, Morris FS 4309. Analyzed by Lori Reed 2006. Based on orange paste and sand/sherd temper, the bowl was produced in the Kayenta region. Bowl is 100% complete with 80% original vessel and 20% reconstruction using unknown plaster material. Image AZRU1-969 A: closeup of exterior base showing hard surface use attrition. Measurements: 20.5 cm orifice diameter, 12 cm height. Image AZRU1-969 B: exterior view showing shape of bowl and drill...
Ceramic: Unfired clay jar stopper from Room 48 Aztec West Ruin, AMNH 29.0/7529 (2004)
Unfired clay jar stopper (Analysis Lori Reed 2004). Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 48, West Ruin, Aztec Ruins. Earl Morris’ description of Room 48 at the time of excavation is as follows. “The floor was covered with refuse.. The greater proportion of this deposit was of vegetable substance; cornstalks, husks, tassels, and cobs, cedarbark, splinters of the same wood, as well as human excrement. This deposit of Chaco age had been completely protected from moisture and constituted,...
Ceramic: Unpainted white ware oval bowl AZRU1-1020 (2011)
Cibola, unpainted white ware, oval bowl, Accession AZRU-00001 Catalog #1020, Morris FS 5478. Analyzed by Lori Reed 2011. Bright white washy slip and sand/sherd temper indicates nonlocal production in the Chaco-Cibola area. Approximately 50% of trencher is a restoration using some type of plaster material. Measurements: 26 x 10.7 cm length/width, 6.2 cm height. Image AZRU1-1020 A: side view showing vessel shape. Image AZRU1-1020 B: top view showing interior. AZRU1-1020 C: top view showing...
Ceramic: Untempered mudware, bowl, AMNH 29.0/6754 (2004)
Untempered mudware, miniature bowl, AMNH Accession 29.0, Catalog #6754. Analyzed by Lori Reed 2004. Temper is fine quartz sand in a silty low fired paste. Bowl is 100% complete, with only a small nick in the rim. Measurements: 8.7 cm orifice diameter, 5.4 cm height. Image AMNH 29.0/6754 A: exterior view showing shape of bowl. Image AMNH 29.0/6754 B: interior view showing polished surface. Recovered from Earl Morris excavation of Kiva D, Aztec West Ruin. Morris describes Kiva D as having “been...
Ceramic: Wingate Black-on-red, bowl, AZRU1-904 (2011)
Wingate Black-on-red, bowl, Accession AZRU-00001 Catalog #904. Morris FS 4238. Analyzed by Lori Reed 2011. Temper not examined; not visible. Vessel is 100% complete with about 50% reconstruction with unknown plaster material. Measurements: 18.5 cm orifice diameter, 10.3 cm height. Image AZRU1-904 A: side view showing shape of bowl. Image AZRU1-904 B: side view showing shape of bowl. Image AZRU1-904 C: interior view showing painted design. Image AZRU1-904 D: interior view showing painted design....
Ceramic: Worked sherds from various proveniences, Accession AZRU-00061 (2005)
Worked sherds, disks formed by grinding or chipping, Aztec West Ruin, Accession AZRU-00061. Analysis by Tori Myers and Lori Reed, 2005. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 62 and 63: interior and exterior surface views of sherd disks: a) White Mountain Red Ware indeterminate polychrome small chipped disk (Catalog #5590, FS79, Room 204); b) Pueblo III style b/w small chipped disk (Catalog #9997, FS79, Room 204); c) Mesa Verde style b/w small chipped disk (Catalog #9984, FS64, Room 204); d) Pueblo II/III...
Ceramic: Worked sherds from various proveniences, Accession AZRU-00061 (2005)
Examples of worked sherds reshaped into disks from Room 225, 204, 129, and West Plaza Trench, Aztec West Ruin, Accession AZRU-00061. Analysis by Tori Myers and Lori Reed, 2005. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 53: interior view of sherd disks: a) Mesa Verde B/w rim sherd formed into a disk by chipping (fragment) from Room 225 (Catalog #6635, FS49); b) St Johns Polychrome rim sherd formed into a disk by grinding from Room 204 (Catalog #10035, FS65); c) Mesa Verde B/w rim sherd formed into a disk by...
Ceramic: Worked sherds from various proveniences, Accession AZRU-00061 (2005)
Worked sherds, disks formed by grinding or chipping, Aztec West Ruin, Accession AZRU-00061. Analysis by Tori Myers and Lori Reed, 2005. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 55 and 56: interior and exterior surface views of sherd disks; top row: Pueblo III style b/w disk formed by grinding (fragment) (Catalog #9959, FS126, West Plaza Trench); Mesa Verde style b/w disk formed by grinding (fragment) (Catalog #6757, FS30, Room 129); Corrugated gray disk formed by grinding (Catalog #9963, FS113, Room 204);...
Ceramic: Worked sherds from various proveniences, Accession AZRU-00061 (2005)
Worked sherds, disks formed by grinding or chipping, Aztec West Ruin, Accession AZRU-00061. Analysis by Tori Myers and Lori Reed, 2005. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 57 and 58: interior and exterior surface views of sherd disks: a) Pueblo III style b/w small ground disk (Catalog #7587, FS166, Room 225); b) Pueblo III style b/w small ground disk (Catalog #9991, FS8, Room 204); c) Pueblo III style b/w small chipped disk (Catalog #6621, FS34, Room 232); d) White Mountain White Ware indeterminate...
Ceramic: Worked sherds from various proveniences, Accession AZRU-00061 (2005)
Worked sherds, disks formed by grinding or chipping, Aztec West Ruin, Accession AZRU-00061. Analysis by Tori Myers and Lori Reed, 2005. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 60 and 61: interior and exterior surface views of sherd disks: a) Mesa Verde style b/w chipped disk (fragment) (Catalog #9960, FS65, Room 204); b) Mesa Verde B/w chipped/ground disk (fragment) (Catalog #9956, FS166, Room 225); c) Pueblo III style b/w chipped disk (Catalog#6770, FS33, Room 129); d) Mesa Verde style b/w chipped/ground...
Ceramic: Worked Sherds, AMNH29.0 (2004)
Worked Sherds From Aztec West Ruin, Accession AMNH 29.0, Catalog Numbers: 9815-9818 (Morris FS 3299-3302), 9820-9838 (Morris FS 3304-3322), 9840-9841 (Morris FS 3324-3325). Analyzed by Lori Reed, 2004. Image AMNH29-chip-disk-A: sherd disks formed by chipping, no evidence of grinding (a. AMNH29.0/9836 PII/IIIstyle b/w; b. AMNH29.0/9830 Mesa Verde style b/w; c. AMNH29.0/9835 PIII style b/w; d. AMNH29.0/9837 Mesa Verde style b/w; e. AMNH29.0/9831 Mesa Verde style b/w; f. AMNH29.0/9827 Mesa Verde...
Ceramic: Worked sherds, chipped and ground disks, Accession AZRU-000061 (2005)
Worked sherds, disks formed by grinding or chipping, Aztec West Ruin, Accession AZRU-00061. Analysis by Tori Myers and Lori Reed, 2005. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 20 and 59: interior and exterior views of disks a) White Mountain Red Ware indeterminate polychrome small chipped disk (Catalog #5590, FS79, Room 204); b) Pueblo III style b/w small chipped disk (Catalog #9997, FS79, Room 204); c) Mesa Verde style b/w small chipped disk (Catalog #9984, FS64, Room 204); d) Pueblo III style b/w small...
Ceramic: Worked sherds, chipped and ground disks, Accession AZRU-000061 (2005)
Worked sherds, disks formed by grinding or chipping, Aztec West Ruin, Accession AZRU-00061. Analysis by Tori Myers and Lori Reed, 2005. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 19: top row: Pueblo III style b/w small ground disk (Catalog #7587, FS166, Room 225); Pueblo III style b/w small disk (Catalog #9991, FS8, Room 204); Pueblo III style b/w small chipped disk (Catalog #6621, FS34, Room 232); White Mountain Red Ware indeterminate polychrome chipped and ground disk (Catalog #9951, FS12, Room 129); Mesa...
Ceramic: Worked sherds, ground tabular-shaped objects, Accession AZRU-00061 (2005)
Worked sherds, tabular-shaped objects ("gaming pieces") formed by grinding, Aztec West Ruin, Accession AZRU-00061. Analysis by Tori Myers and Lori Reed, 2005. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 21: Top Row: McElmo/Mesa Verde style b/w (Catalog #9950, FS12, Room 129); Slipped white (Catalog #10037, FS13, Room 204); Pueblo III style b/w (Catalog #5664, FS104, Room 204); Puerco B/red (Catalog #9957, FS173, Room 225); Bottom Row: Pueblo III style b/w (Catalog #6730, FS12, Room 129); Pueblo III style b/w...
The Chaco Canyon and its monuments (1936)
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Chaco Canyon Ranch: Ethnohistory and Ethnoarchaeolgy (1982)
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Chaco Roads Project, Phase I: a Reappraisal of Prehistoric Roads in the San Juan Basin (1983)
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Chacoan Anasazi: a Stratified Society in the San Juan Basin (1983)
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Class I San Juan Basin Pipe Line Proj For Northwest Pipeline (1990)
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Collected Papers in Honor of Erik Kellerman Reed (1981)
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Cultural Overview and Predictive Model in the Eastern San Juan Basin for the Continental Divide Pipeline Company's Pipeline Route from Thoreau, New Mexico To Near Ignacio, Colorado (1982)
This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at
Cultural Overview and Predictive Model In the Eastern San Juan Basin For the Continental Divide Pipeline Company's Pipeline Route From Thoreau, New Mexico To Near Ignacio, Colorado (1983)
This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at
Cultural Overview and Predictive Model in the Eastern San Juan Basin for the Continental Divide Pipeline Company's Pipeline Route from Thoreau, New Mexico To Near Ignacio, Colorado (2 Vols.) (1982)
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