United Republic of Tanzania (Country) (Geographic Keyword)

1-15 (15 Records)

Fauna from Gileodabeshta 2 - ageing (fauna)
DATASET Mary Prendergast.

Age data, following Silver (1969), from non-intrusive postcranial remains of domesticates at Gileodabeshta 2, Units 4 and 5 combined. Proximal metapodials and distal phalanges are excluded since these fused in the womb, and no unfused specimens were documented. I = infant; I/J = infant or juvenile; J = juvenile; J/A+ = juvenile or adult or older; A+ = adult or older

Fauna from Gileodabeshta 2 - ageing (teeth)
DATASET Mary Prendergast.

Non-intrusive teeth of domesticates at Gileodabeshta 2, Units 4 and 5 combined, that could be aged, following Grant (1982).

Fauna from Gileodabeshta 2 - taxonomic distribution
DATASET Mary Prendergast.

Fauna from Gileodabeshta 2, Units 4 and 5 combined. M = number of which are modern (intrusive)

Fauna from Jangwani 2 - ageing (epiphyses)
DATASET Mary Prendergast.

Age data from non-intrusive postcranial remains of domesticates at Jangwani 2, Units 3 and 4 combined. Proximal metapodials and distal phalanges are excluded since these fused in the womb, and no unfused specimens were documented. Ageing follows Silver (1969). I/J = infant or juvenile; J = juvenile; J/A+ = juvenile or adult or older.

Fauna from Jangwani 2 - ageing (teeth)
DATASET Mary Prendergast.

Non-intrusive teeth of Bos taurus (cattle) at Jangwani 2, Units 3 and 4 combined, that could be aged (following Grant [1982]).

Fauna from Jangwani 2 - taxonomic distribution
DATASET Mary Prendergast.

Fauna from Jangwani 2, Units 3 and 4 combined. M = number of which are modern (intrusive).

Fauna from Mumba - ageing data (limb epiphyseal fusion)
DATASET Mary Prendergast.

Limb epiphysis fusion states of possible domesticates at Mumba, following Silver (1969). J = juvenile; J/A = juvenile or young adult; J/A+ = juvenile or adult or older; Indet. = indeterminate

Fauna from Mumba - ageing data (teeth)
DATASET Mary Prendergast.

Teeth of domesticates or possible domesticates that could be aged at Mumba, following Grant (1982). LM = lower molar; LP = lower premolar; UM = upper premolar; M = molar

Fauna from Mumba - survivorship data
DATASET Mary Prendergast.

Survivorship (%MNE) for elements at Mumba Rockshelter Small mammal expected MNE (xMNE) values based on the following MNI for each level: Level II-1: 6 small bovids, 1 carnivore/primate, 1 suid (total MNI = 8) Levels III-1/2: 9 small bovids, 3 suids, 7 carnivores/primates, 1 aardvark (total MNI = 20) Level III-3: 7 small bovids, 2 suids, 3 carnivores/primates (total MNI = 12) Large mammal expected MNE (xMNE) values based on the following MNI for each level: Level II-1: 3 large bovids, 1...

Fauna from Mumba Rockshelter, Unit 5, Separated by Level
DATASET Mary Prendergast.

Fauna from Mumba Rockshelter, Unit 5, Separated by Level

Fauna from Mumba Rockshelter, Unit 8, Separated by Level
DATASET Mary Prendergast.

Fauna from Mumba Rockshelter, Unit 8, Separated by Level

Fauna from Sonai Rockshelter, Level I - taxonomic representation
DATASET Mary Prendergast.

Fauna from Sonai Rockshelter, Level I - taxonomic representation. M = number of which are modern specimens/individuals

Faunal data from Sonai Rockshelter Level I - survivorship
DATASET Mary Prendergast.

Survivorship at Sonai Rockshelter, Level I, using only plotted specimens. Survivorship = Expected MNE based on the MNI estimated from only plotted specimens. Total MNI = 20, with 12 bovids, 1 suid, 4 equids, 3 humans.

Radiocarbon dates from Sonai Rockshelter
DATASET Mary Prendergast.

Dates from Level I, which contains pottery (largely undecorated, remains unstudied - PN and/or IA?), lithics, 100% wild fauna, and human remains.

Radiometric dates from Mumba Rockshelter
DATASET Mary Prendergast.

Includes dates from Mehlman (1989) and Prendergast et al (2007; Prendergast 2008) excavations. Does not include dates currently in progress by Gliganic, Jacobs and Roberts.