Jalisco (State / Territory) (Geographic Keyword)

176-200 (334 Records)

Lakescapes/Landscapes in the Prehispanic Basin of Mexico: Recent Evidence for Early Subsistence Adaptations (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Emily McClung De Tapia. Guillermo Acosta-Ochoa. Diana Martínez-Yrízar. Carmen Cristina Adriano-Morán. Jorge Ezra Cruz-Palma.

This is an abstract from the "Subsistence Crops and Animals as a Proxy for Human Cultural Practice" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Recent studies of both macrobotanical and microbotanical remains associated with early populations in the Basin of Mexico provide broader evidence for plant use and contribute to understanding of the range of subsistence components available to these communities. From a methodological perspective, the complementary...

The Land and Water Revisited Project (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kirk French. Elijah Hermitt. Neal Hutcheson.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. In 1961, archaeologist William T. Sanders traveled to México’s Teotihuacan Valley to film a documentary based on his 1957 Harvard dissertation. The film, Land and Water: An Ecological Study of the Teotihuacan Valley of México, provides an invaluable snapshot of agricultural and land-use practices in the area just prior to the urban explosion of México City....

Landscape Modification and Agricultural Production on Cerro Ahumada, Mexico (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Eunice Villasenor Iribe. Christopher Morehart.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2021: General Sessions" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Studying agricultural productivity and intensification elucidates the behavioral and demographic patterns of past societies. By understanding how physical environments were modified for agricultural use, it is possible to determine key economic and social processes. This paper presents the results of the analysis of terraces associated with the Epiclassic...

Las bodegas de Cacaxtla, Tlaxcala, México, un proceso de conservación y catalogación arqueológica (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Mario Martínez Lara.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2023: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. En Cacaxtla-Xochitécatl, una vez que iniciaron las exploraciones en 1975, se construyeron dos bodegas y un museo que servirían como destino final de los materiales recuperados durante las excavaciones. Desde entonces, se ha obtenido una gran diversidad de materiales arqueológicos. En ese sentido y en aras de cumplir con el compromiso que tiene el INAH...

Las Figurillas "Cerro de García": Usos y Significación (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Martha Lorenza Lopez Mestas Camberos. Marisol Montejano Esquivias.

This is an abstract from the "Mesoamerican Figurines in Context. New Insights on Tridimensional Representations from Archaeology" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Las figurillas conocidas originalmente con el término genérico de "Cerro de García", se ubican cronológicamente entre los años 600 a 900 d.C. y son consideradas como una evidencia de interacción intra e interregional por su amplia distribución en el Occidente de México. Sin embargo, a...

Las figurillas cerámicas de Xalla, Teotihuacan (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Rocío Jiménez González.

This is an abstract from the "The Palace of Xalla in Teotihuacan: A Possible Seat of Power in the Ancient Metropolis" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Las figurillas cerámicas que muestran una gran diversidad de apariencias son testimonios silentes pero tangibles de las maniobras culturales de antaño. Podríamos decir que son un repositorio de memoria. En ellas se expresan ideas convencionalizadas durante un tiempo específico, lo que las vuelve un...

Las unidades habitacionales de Chavinda y sus estrategias de apropiación del espacio. (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only David Muñiz. Kimberly Sumano Ortega. José Luis Punzo Díaz.

This is an abstract from the "Regional and Intensive Site Survey: Case Studies from Mesoamerica" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Habitar un espacio es apropiarse del entorno mediante distintas estrategias que pueden interpretadas por el arqueólogo. Durante el epiclásico se desarrolló el sitio Chavinda en la Ciénega de Chapala, es este lugar se realizaron recorridos sistemáticos de superficie y excavaciones que permitieron identificar unidades...

Levantamiento de nube de puntos aplicado a contextos paleontológicos (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Marco Antonio Espinoza Sánchez. Aracely Yañez Nieto.

This is an abstract from the "Aproximaciones arqueológicas y paleontológicas en Santa Lucía, México" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. En el marco del proyecto de salvamento arqueológico del nuevo aeropuerto Santa Lucia, México se han descubierto una gran cantidad de restos paleontológicos del pleistoceno tardío entre los cuales destaca la presencia del mamut columbi. Este descubrimiento nos otorga un nuevo panorama sobre el paleoambiente durante el...

Lidar, Architecture, and Petroglyphs: Urban Analysis of the Vapatzequa San Pablo, Tzintzuntzan (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only José Luis Punzo Díaz. Carmen Ramos Osnaya. Fernanda Navarro Sandoval.

This is an abstract from the "Tzintzuntzan, Capital of the Tarascan Empire: New Perspectives" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. In this poster we will present the data derived from systematic surface prospections within one of these vapatzaquas, the neighborhood of San Pablo, Tzintzuntzan, which is one of the most important in the city, since inside it is located the Great Platform with the five yácatas, as well as another of the largest platforms of...

Life after Teotihuacan: Everyday Practices and Community Formation at Chicoloapan, Mexico (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sarah Clayton.

This is an abstract from the "Central Mexico after Teotihuacan: Everyday Life and the (Re)Making of Epiclassic Communities" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The Epiclassic period (550–850 CE) in central Mexico is widely viewed by archaeologists as a time of instability, violent conflict, and large-scale migration. The collapse of Teotihuacan left a fractious and decentralized sociopolitical landscape in its wake—a situation that contrasted starkly...

Lithic Economy of Epiclassic Los Mogotes (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Dean Blumenfeld.

This study examines the flaked stone economy at the Epiclassic site of Los Mogotes, located north of the Basin of Mexico in central Mexico. We quantified obsidian and chert artifacts based on form and material in order to examine the nature of the lithic economy during this time. The findings suggest that the inhabitants of Los Mogotes were not primary producers of obsidian tools but were dependent on long-distance exchange for already manufactured goods. Despite being closer to high quality...

Llano Grande Project (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text James Schoenwetter. Lisa D. Lavold.

Documents related to pollen studies at the Llano Grande site, Jalisco, Mexico. The 2002 report on this research contains tables of pollen observed, but presents interpretations based on a preliminary assessment of site stratigraphy. The 2004 report was prepared after a more thorough, final, 2000 report on site stratigraphy (included) had been generated. The 2004 report was presented at the annual meetings of the Society for American Archaeology in the context of a symposium on studies of...

Local Political Economies at Angamuco, Michoacán: Insights from Ceramic Archaeometry (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Anna Cohen. Michael Galaty.

A key goal in the study of ancient artifacts is determining their provenance. Such information can provide insight into the production and consumption of artifacts, but may also inform discussions about local political economies. Our study uses qualitative optical petrography and geochemical analysis (NAA) to evaluate the tempers and paste recipes in ceramic fragments and raw clays from Angamuco, located in the Lake Pátzcuaro Basin, Michoacán. Angamuco was occupied before and throughout the...

Long and short-term lacustrine and fluviolacustrine dynamics in relation to prehistoric settlements: The case of Lake Texcoco (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Carlos Cordova.

This is an abstract from the "The Legacies of The Basin of Mexico: The Ecological Processes in the Evolution of a Civilization, Part 1" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Despite the existence of archaeological data from surface surveys and excavations, the extent and dynamics of the lake and its shores over time are poorly known. Archaeological works often refer to a model of distribution of the Basin of Mexico’s lakes that is to a large extent fixed...

Los caminos de la Sierra de las Cruces: Reflexiones sobre el significado del paisaje en la comunicación interregional (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Rubén Nieto Hernandez. Yoko Sugiura.

This is an abstract from the "Landscapes: Archaeological, Historic, and Ethnographic Perspectives from the New World / Paisajes: Perspectivas arqueológicas, históricas y etnográficas desde el Nuevo Mundo" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. El sistema montañoso que divide a la cuenca de México y el valle de Toluca, conocido como la sierra de las Cruces, constituyó, desde tiempos remotos, una región clave por la que ocurrieron desplazamientos...

Macro- and Microbotanical Results from Select Archaeological Contexts in the Plaza of the Columns Complex, Teotihuacan, Mexico (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Clarissa Cagnato.

Paleoethnobotanical analyses provide significant information regarding past human behaviors, which include the selection, production, and consumption of plant resources, among others. This paper focuses on select archaeological contexts, domestic and ritual in nature, which have been investigated from a paleoethnobotanical perspective at the urban center of Teotihuacan, and more specifically in the area known as the Plaza of the Columns Complex. The recovery of macrobotanicals such as maize (Zea...

DOCUMENT Full-Text Kathryn Puseman.

A single sample collected around the skull of a human burial at the Bosque Encantado site, MV-206, in Zacatecas, Mexico, was examined for charred macrofloral remains. This site represents a habitation with plazas and platforms and dates to approximately 1255 BP, reflecting the La Quemada phase of the Epiclassic period in northern Mesoamerica. Macrofloral analysis is used to provide information concerning plant resources utilized by the site occupants.

Mapping Obsidian Exchange Networks in Central Mexico from the Late Postclassic Periods (900-1519CE) (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Bianca Gentil.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. This study examines the differentiation of obsidian exploitation between large centers and domestic settlements in the region of Puebla-Tlaxcala. The results of pXRF analysis of obsidian artifacts from the surface and excavated materials from three single occupation sites are compared to pXRF studies of the larger centers of Tepeticpac and Cholula. This study...

Mapping Teotihuacan’s Inception: Patlachique Phase Ceramics Distribution on the Lidar Map (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ariel Texis Muñoz. Tanya Catignani. Nawa Sugiyama. Saburo Sugiyama.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2021: General Sessions" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The Patlachique Phase (100 BCE–ca.100 CE) is underrepresented in the archaeological record since most sites were probably covered by the Classic Period city of Teotihuacan (200–550 CE). This phase likely represents the beginning of the urbanization process in the Teotihuacan Valley, during a period of exponential growth seen in Central Mexico. We examined the...

Maya-Teotihuacan Relations Viewed from Front D at the Plaza of the Columns (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only William Fash. Nawa Sugiyama. Barbara Fash. Mariela Pérez Antonio. Alexis Hartford.

Two distinct excavation contexts from Front D in the Plaza of the Columns Complex yielded pictorial representations in different artistic media that strongly suggest the presence of Maya artists in Plaza 50, decades prior to the famous Teotihuacan "Entrada" of 378 C.E. in the Petén. Excavations at this civic-administrative structure at the heart of the ceremonial core of Teotihuacan have revealed a sequence of numerous plaster floors in Plaza 50 associated with Structure 44, whose form is...

Mazapan Style Figurines at El Palacio: What Significance for The Early Postclassic Interregional Interactions in Northern Michoacán? (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Juliette Testard. Marion Forest. Elsa Jadot.

This is an abstract from the "Mesoamerican Figurines in Context. New Insights on Tridimensional Representations from Archaeology" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Recent work conducted in Northern Michoacán by the CEMCA in the Zacapu Basin, 30 km North of the Tarascan core-region, shed light on a specific and poorly defined time period at the region before the Tarascan kingdom: The Early Postclassic. The local phase Palacio ranges from A.D. 900 to...

Means, Motive, and Opportunity: Use of the Sun Pyramid Cave at Teotihuacan Post Termination (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Rebecca Sload.

Ceramics and radiocarbon dates indicate that Teotihuacanos ceased using the cave beneath the Sun Pyramid around the middle of the third century CE, at a time when the city was only just entering its "Classic" period florescence. A reverential termination seems quite likely. Evidence also indicates that post termination use of the cave occurred. As there were approximately 1700 years in between cessation of initial use and modern discovery of the cave in 1974, this paper explores the question of...

Mesoamerican Ballgame, Human Sacrifice, Ritual Decapitation, and Trophy Taking: Variations in Ways of Displaying (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Emilie Carreón Blaine.

This is an abstract from the "New Perspectives on Ritual Violence and Related Human Body Treatments in Ancient Mesoamerica" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The purpose of this collaboration is to present the results of the analysis of a human skull located at the center of the ball court of Santa Rosa, Chiapas, and to review the implications it presents for the study of the Mesoamerican ball game and its relationship to human sacrifice. It is a...

The Metallurgists from Jicalán in the Colonial Period: An Ethnohistorical Approach (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Hans Roskamp.

This is an abstract from the "Technological Transitions in Prehispanic and Colonial Metallurgy: Recent and Ongoing Research at the Archaeological Site of Jicalán Viejo, in Central Michoacán, West Mexico" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. A thorough exploration of the available historical documents from the colonial period demonstrates that Jicalán was one of many prehispanic settlements inhabited by copper mining, smelting, and smithing specialists...

A Methodological Challenge: Understanding the Population Dynamics in the Lerma Floodplain through the Case of Tres Mezquites, Michoacan (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Véronique Darras. Alejandra Castañeda. Laure Déodat.

This is an abstract from the "Regional and Intensive Site Survey: Case Studies from Mesoamerica" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Alluvial plains in Mexico are still little explored. At first glance their archaeological potential is difficult to appreciate because they are areas of both sedimentary accumulation and destruction caused by intensive agriculture. To compensate these limitations in the Lerma alluvial plain (Michoacan, Guanajuato), we...