Missouri River (Geographic Keyword)
101-125 (301 Records)
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Historical Overview and Inventory of the Niobrara and Missouri National Scenic Riverways, Nebraska and South Dakota (1994)
The Niobrara/Missouri National scenic Riverways study area exhibits a rich array of historic and cultural resources. The Niobrara National Scenic River includes the western segment of the river that flows through Cherry, Keya Paha, Brown, and Rock Counties in Nebraska. The Missouri National Recreation River study area is defined by three recreational segments of the National Wild and Scenic River system: a 39-mile Missouri River segment extending from Fort Randall Dam to the headwaters of Lewis...
History and Cultural Resources of the Missouri River Valley, Rulo to South Sioux City Nebraska (1977)
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History and Cultural Resources of the Missouri River Valley, Rulo to South Sioux City, Nebraska (1977)
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History and Cultural Resources of the Missouri River Valley, Rulo To South Sioux City, Nebraska (1977)
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History and Cultural Resources of the Missouri River Valley: Rulo To South Sioux City, Nebraska (1977)
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A history of steamboating on the Upper Missouri River (1962)
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Holocene Stratigraphy and Archeology In the Middle Missouri River Trench, South Dakota (1974)
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Hoofprint Boulder (24RV1026) (1975)
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How Archeological Investigations Have Affected Our Historical Knowledge (1954)
Archeological investigations have been in progress in the Missouri Basin for over half a century. These investigations have consisted of the locating, excavating and interpreting of the fragmentary evidence of human occupation in the Great Plains during the past 10,000 years. Such evidence includes the remains of prehistoric Indian villages, camps, burial grounds, quarries, pictographs and hunting spots. It also includes remnants of historic White military and trading posts. Relics of this long...
Indian Burial Mounds in the Missouri River Basin (1960)
Since its inauguration in 1946, the Missouri Basin Project of the Smithsonian Institution, along with other cooperating Federal, State and local agencies, has concentrated its efforts toward the salvage of archeological materials that will be lost by the construction of dams and the flooding of reservoirs along the Missouri River and its tributaries. The surveys and excavations have been conducted at historic military forts, trading posts, pioneer settlements and Indian villages; however, most...
Inundated Prehistoric Occupation Sites Along Canyon Ferry Lake (1982)
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Investigations at Fort Union Trading Post: Archeology and Architecture (1990)
In 1987, Midwest Archeological Center archeological crews completed the second of three years of excavations at Fort Union Trading Post National Historic Site. This season's work was done in preparation of the 1988-1989 reconstruction of the fort's 1850-1851 era palisade and stone bastions. The investigation focused upon the North Palisade,' North GateI Northeast Bastion, East Palisade and Southwest Bastion. within the excavation/ construction zone, secondary structures of interest included the...
The Knife River Indian Villages Archeological Inventory: A Useful Management Tool (2000)
During the past several years, the Knife River Indian Villages National Historic Site has been the focus of an intensive archeological and ethnohistorical research program that is reaping great benefits for the management of the park. Beginning in 1976 and continuing for each summer through 1981, archeologists from the University of North Dakota and the National Park Service's Midwest Archeological Center conducted a variety of investigations in the park designed to delimit the extent and nature...
Late Pleistocene and Recent Missouri River Terraces in the Big Bend Reservoir, South Dakota (1959)
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Late Pleistocene and Recent Missouri River Terraces in the Big Bend ReservoirSouth Dakota
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Letter Report: Cultural Resources Assessment Ofliving Roadways Project Stp-Es-0000(3)--8I-00 Enhancement 65-02-7C-2 Mills County Native American Earthlodge Society (1998)
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Letter Report: Emergency Repairs to Missouri River Unit Levee IN Fremont County (1998)
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Letter Report: Examination of Graded Areas of 13Pm171 (1995)
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Letter Report: Mile Hill Lake Scenic Overlook Project Mills County Cultural Resources Assessment (1996)
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Letter Report: Proposed Building of Pumping Stations, Fremont Country, Section 23, T67N-R43W (1993)
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Letter Report: Proposed Repair of the Levee on the West Nishnabotna River IN Fremont County, Section 8, T69N-R41W (1993)
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Li Near Mounds In the Northeastern Plains (1973)
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Lock Hardware During the Historic Fur Trade Period: An Example from Fort Union Trading Post National Historic Site (1987)
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Maps of Missouri River Before Lewis and Clark
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