San Antonio (Geographic Keyword)

1,501-1,525 (2,041 Records)

Response from Stan Graves to Donald Peterson, Building 598 Patio Tile Replacement, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stanley O. Graves.

The National Register Staff of the Texas Historical Commission has conducted a review of Building 598, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas. The Commission has determined that the property is potentially eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. This letter is part of a group of correspondence concerning the proposed patio tile replacement at Building 598, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas. The historic structure is eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places and these...

Response from Stan Graves to Donald Peterson, Building 675 Wing A, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stanley O. Graves.

A letter detailing the proposed rehabilitation to Wing A in Building 675, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas. The Texas Historical Commission offers in this letter concerns and suggestions for the undertaking. This letter is part of a group of correspondence and documentation regarding the proposed rehabilitation of Building 675 "A" Wing at Randolph Air Force Base, a property eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. Attachments to these letters include location maps,...

Response from Stan Graves to Donald Peterson, Building 902 Alterations in Progress, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stanley O. Graves. Demetrio Jimenez.

The Texas Historical Commission is concerned with the window treatment proposed for Building 902 at Randolph Air Force Base. This letter provides conditions to be met for the project to have no adverse effect in accordance with Section 106 guidelines. This letter is part of correspondence focusing on window replacement at Building 902, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas.

Response from Stan Graves to Donald Peterson, Building 905 Door Replacement, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stanley O. Graves.

The Texas Historical Commission received Randolph Air Force Base's notice of a proposed door replacement on Building 905. After reviewing the proposal, the Commission does not concur with Randolph Air Force Base's determination of no adverse effect. These notes are part of correspondence discussing the replacement of Building 905's doors at Randolph Air Force Base, Texas. The installation is specifically for store front glass doors to replace the existing wooden doors that are original to the...

Response from Stan Graves to Donald Peterson, Hangar 12 Interior Work, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stanley O. Graves.

The National Register of Historic Preservation has conducted a review of Hangar 12 at Randolph Air Force Base by applying state and federal criteria for historical designation. The National Register Department has determined that this property is potentially eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.

Response from Stan Graves to Donald Peterson, Hangar 12 Interior Work, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stanley O. Graves.

The National Register Department has conducted a review of Hangar 12 at Randolph Air Force Base, Texas. The Department has determined that the property is eligible for the National Register for Historic Places. The NRHP has also determined that the demolition of in order to remodel the interior will have no adverse effect on the historic, exterior portion of the structure. This letter is part of a group of correspondence concerning rehabilitation projects for Hangars 12, 13, and 64 at Randolph...

Response from Stan Graves to Donald Peterson, Modifications Building 901, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stanley O. Graves.

This letter is in response to Donald Peterson's letter on the proposed changes to Building 901, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas. A request is also made that Randolph Air Force Base submit updated plans and specifications of proposed modifications to the Texas Historical Commission. This letter is part of a large group of correspondence and supportive material for the updated plans and specifications to Building 901, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas.

Response from Stan Graves to Donald Peterson, Proposed Rehabilitation Building 901, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stanley O. Graves.

The Texas Historical Commission has reviewed a proposed rehabilitation of Building 901, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas. The Commission does not concur with the determination of no adverse effect on the proposed changes to the interior and the proposed removal of historic wood and casement windows on the exterior. This letter is part of a large group of correspondence and supportive material for the updated plans and specifications to Building 901, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas.

Response from Stan Graves to Donald Peterson, Rehabilitation of Hangars 12, 13, and 64, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stanley O. Graves.

The Texas Historical Commission has discussed the revised undertakings at Hangars 12, 13, and 64 with the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation and has determined the undertaking to still be an adverse effect on the historic structures. The letter discusses mitigation of the adverse effect. This letter is part of a group of correspondence concerning rehabilitation projects for Hangars 12, 13, and 64 at Randolph Air Force Base, Texas. Proposed projects includes new entrance canopies,...

Response from Stan Graves to Donald Peterson, Taj Mahal Radio Speakers, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Demetrio Jimenez.

The Texas Historical Commission is writing to confirm their review of Randolph Air Force Base's proposed undertaking. The project involves the installation of radio speakers in Building 100 and the Commission has concurred with the determination of no adverse effect on the historic structure. This correspondence is one of two letters concerning an undertaking to install speakers in the Rotunda of Building 100, the Taj Mahal, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas. These letters are between the Texas...

Response from Stan Graves to Donald Peterson, Taj Mahal Rooms 208 and 209, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stanley O. Graves.

The Texas Historical Commission received from Randolph Air Force Base the proposed work to Rooms 208 and 209 in the Taj Mahal. After review, the Commission has offered some conditions that, if met, will allow them to concur with the determination of "no effect" for the undertaking. Copied to this correspondence is Joseph M. Logan (Lt. Col. Commander, 12 CES), Scott Shepherd (Base Preservation Officer), Richard Santos (Chairman, Bexar County Historical Commission), and Pat Osborne (City of San...

Response from Stan Graves to Hector Le Bron, Paving Around Oak, Quadrangle Area, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stanley O. Graves.

The Texas Historical Commission has reviewed the proposed work, submitted by Fort Sam Houston, concerning the placement of a stone paving underneath the oak tree in the Quadrangle lawn area. It has been agreed that the project will have "no effect" on the historic area.

Response from Stan Graves to John Brenneman, Building 646, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1993)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stanley O. Graves. Demetrio Jimenez.

This letter addresses plans for the restoration of Fort Sam Houston's Band Building, Building 646. The Texas Historical Commission offers its assistance in the restoration as well as financial support. Copied to this correspondence is Mike Hilger, Preservation Architect, Fort Sam Houston.

Response from Stan Graves to John Brenneman, DeCA Project Design and Build 100,000 SF Commissary, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1993)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stanley O. Graves.

This letter discusses concerns about the project design of a new Commissary, specifically the extension of a pedestrian canopy across the entry facade. There are also concerns detailed by the Texas Historical Commission regarding the development of an MOA to mitigate the demolition of Building 371. Copied to this correspondence is Mike Hilger (Base Historical Architect), Al Smith (DeCA), and Demetrio Jimenez.

Response from Stan Graves to John Brenneman, Design Basketball Court, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1993)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stanley O. Graves. Demetrio Jimenez.

The Texas Historical Commission wrote this letter to state their concurrence with Fort Sam Houston's determination of "no adverse effect" for the proposed plans of a new basketball court within the Infantry Post of the National Historic Landmark District. Copied to this correspondence is Mike Hilger, Historical Architect, Fort Sam Houston.

Response from Stan Graves to John Brenneman, Design Chicken Loft Facility, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1993)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stanley O. Graves. Demetrio Jimenez.

The Texas Historical Commission has received and reviewed the proposed plans for the new Fast Food Chicken Facility to be built at the corner of Scott Road and Taylor Street, Fort Sam Houston. The Commission has determined "no adverse effect" in accordance with Section 106 Guidelines. Copied to this correspondence is Mike Hilger, Historical Architect, Fort Sam Houston.

Response from Stan Graves to John Brenneman, Design of Chicken Loft Sign, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1993)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stanley O. Graves. Demetrio Jimenez.

The Texas Historical Commission has received and reviewed proposed plans from Fort Sam Houston regarding the new Fast Food Chicken sign to be built at the corner of Scott Road and Taylor Street. The Commission has found the proposed design to have "no adverse effect" in accordance with Section 106 Guidelines. Copied to this email is Mike Hilger (Historical Architect, Fort Sam Houston) and David H. Brigham (Architectural Assistant).

Response from Stan Graves to John Brenneman, Design of Eisenhower National Bank, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1993)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stanley O. Graves. Demetrio Jimenez.

This letter was written by the Texas Historical Commission to inform Fort Sam Houston that their proposed addition to the Eisenhower National Bank will have an "Adverse Effect" to the Conservation District fronting Arthur MacArthur Field, as well as other historic properties in the area. Recommendation for a new design and other details are included in this correspondence. Mike Hilger, Historical Architect, Fort Sam Houston, is carbon copied to this letter.

Response from Stan Graves to John Brenneman, Draft MOA, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1993)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stanley O. Graves. Demetrio Jimenez.

This letter offers the Texas Historical Commission's revisions and recommendations to Fort Sam Houston expected to be incorporated into a Memorandum of Agreement. Structures specifically mentioned in this correspondence include Buildings 371 and 372. Copied to this letter is Mike Hilger, Historical Architect, Fort Sam Houston.

Response from Stan Graves to John Brenneman, New Commissary 95 Percent Design Submittal, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1993)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stanley O. Graves.

This letter lists outstanding concerns by the Texas Historical Commission for the project of a New Commissary at Fort Sam Houston. Copied to the correspondence is Mike Hilger (Base Historical Architect) and Al Smith (DeCA).

Response from Stan Graves to John Brenneman, Running Track, Arthur MacArthur Field, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stanley O. Graves.

The Environmental and Natural Resources Branch at Fort Sam Houston forwarded to the Texas Historical Commission an information package on the construction of the MacArthur Field running track. The Commission concurs with the determination of "no adverse effect" in accordance with Section 106 guidelines. Copied to this correspondence is Mike Hilger, Preservation Architect, Fort Sam Houston.

Response from Stan Graves to Joseph Logan, Additions to Building 235, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1993)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stanley O. Graves.

Correspondence between the Texas Historical Commission and Randolph Air Force Base regarding a proposed additions to Building 235, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas. After review, the Commission has asked several questions which need to be answered before discussions can be moved forward on the project. This letter is part of a correspondence packet concerning Randolph Air Force Base's request to refurbish the steel cased windows of Building 235 at Randolph Air Force Base, Texas. Attachments...

Response from Stan Graves to Joseph Logan, Building 235, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1993)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stanley O. Graves.

Correspondence between the Texas Historical Commission and Randolph Air Force Base regarding a proposed project to refurbish windows at Building 235, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas. After review, the Commission has determined the project will have an adverse effect on the historic structure and offers conditions to be met in order for the undertaking to move forward. This letter is part of a correspondence packet concerning Randolph Air Force Base's request to refurbish the steel cased windows...

Response from Stan Graves to Joseph Logan, Building 526, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1993)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stanley O. Graves.

After receiving and reviewing summary documentation for the proposed demolition of Building 526, the Texas Historical Commission concurs with the determination of adverse effect and offers concerns and recommendations for the project. This letter is part of a packet of correspondence concerning the proposed demolition of Building 526, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas. Attachments include engineering reports, description, and location map.

Response from Stan Graves to Joseph Logan, Building 675 A Wing, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stanley O. Graves.

Feedback on additional information that was requested by the Texas Historical Commission concerning the rehabilitation of Building 675 A Wing, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas. As a result of the clarification, the Commission agrees with a no adverse effect determination. This letter is part of a group of correspondence and documentation regarding the proposed rehabilitation of Building 675 "A" Wing at Randolph Air Force Base, a property eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic...