San Antonio (Geographic Keyword)

1,526-1,550 (2,042 Records)

Response from Stan Graves to Joseph Logan, Carpet Installation Replacement Building 100, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1991)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stanley O. Graves.

Correspondence from the Texas Historical Commission concerning a proposed undertaking to replace and install new carpet in Building 100, Randolph Air Force Base. The Commission writes in agreement with the determination that the project will have no adverse effect on the historic property. This letter is part of a correspondence packet concerning Randolph Air Force Base, the Texas Historical Commission, and a proposed undertaking to install and replace carpet in Building 100. The project...

Response from Stan Graves to Joseph Logan, Conversion of Chemical Room to Office Building 100, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1991)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stanley O. Graves.

Randolph Air Force Base has proposed an undertaking to convert Building 100's Chemical Room to an office. This letter was written by the Texas Historical Commission to concur with the determination of no adverse effect with some stipulations. This correspondence is part of collection of related letters addressing the proposed undertaking to convert the chemical room to an office at Building 100, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas. The chain of letters is from the Western Office of Project Review,...

Response from Stan Graves to Joseph Logan, Courtroom Noise Reduction Building 100, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1991)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stanley O. Graves.

Randolph Air Force Base forwarded to the Texas Historical Commission a description of a proposed undertaking to install sound-absorbing draperies to the south and west walls of the first floor courtroom, east and south walls of the Judge Advocate's office, and east wall of the adjacent Waiting Room. This letter outlines the Commissions recommendations for the proposed undertaking. This letter is part of a collection of related letters concerning the undertaking to install sound absorption...

Response from Stan Graves to Joseph Logan, Elevator Electrical Repair Building 100, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1993)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stanley O. Graves.

Randolph Air Force Base provided the Texas Historical Commission summary documentation with recommended conditions for the electrical repair of the elevator in Building 100. The Commission has given a list of conditions to be met in order to achieve a determination of "no effect" on the historic structure and its surrounding environment. Copied to this correspondence is Amy Dase (Historian) and Scott Shepherd (Base Historic Preservation Officer).

Response from Stan Graves to Joseph Logan, Elevator Electrical Repair Building 661, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1993)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stanley O. Graves.

This letter is a request by the Texas Historical Commission for Randolph Air Force Base to provide adequate documentation for the replacement of call buttons for Building 661's elevator.

Response from Stan Graves to Joseph Logan, Installation of Acoustical Ceilings Building 100, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1993)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stanley O. Graves.

Randolph Air Force Base submitted documentation to the Texas Historical Commission on the proposed installation of acoustical ceilings on the first floor of Building 100. After review, the Commission concurs with the determination of "no effect" to the historical structure. This correspondence is part of a set of letters with accompanying attachments for the proposed undertaking to install acoustic ceilings in Building 100, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas. Also known as the Taj Mahal, Building...

Response from Stan Graves to Joseph Logan, Installation of New Doors and Infill Openings Building 208, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stanley O. Graves.

The Texas Historical Commission has reviewed the documentation submitted by Randolph Air Force Base concerning the proposed modification of exterior openings and installation of fire exit doors on Building 208. The Commission concurs with Randolph Air Force Base in the determination of no adverse effect on the structure or its historic district. This document is part of a collection of correspondence concerning the proposed rehabilitation of Building 208, a historic Post Garage, at Randolph Air...

Response from Stan Graves to Joseph Logan, Installation of New Fire Door in Original Opening Building 201, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stanley O. Graves.

A letter addressing Randolph Air Force Base's clarification regarding the location of the new fire door to be installed in a non-historic addition to Building 201. This letter is part of a set of letters concerning the installation of a new fire door in Building 201, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas. Attachments to the correspondence include the building floor plan, photographs, conversion chart, and fire door data.

Response from Stan Graves to Joseph Logan, Interior Remodeling Building 675 C Wing, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stanley O. Graves.

The State Historic Preservation Office has conducted a review of Building 675 C Wing at Randolph Air Force Base. By applying state and federal criteria for historic designation, it was found that the structure is potentially eligible for the listing in the National Register of Historic Places. This letter is part of a group of correspondence and supportive material for the proposed rehabilitation of Building 675 C Wing at Randolph Air Force Base, Texas.

Response from Stan Graves to Joseph Logan, Interior Renovation Building 661, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1993)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stanley O. Graves.

The Texas Historical Commission has received and reviewed documentation submitted by Randolph Air Force Base for the interior renovation of Building 661. The Commission concurs with the determination of No Adverse Effect to the historic structure.

Response from Stan Graves to Joseph Logan, Interior Renovation of Non-Historic Features Building 235, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stanley O. Graves.

The Texas Historical Commission conducted a review of Building 235 and determined that the property is potentially eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. This letter is part of a packet of correspondence addressing a proposed undertaking to rehabilitate the rest room at Building 235, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas. Included is a summary letter of the extent of the project, location maps, historic data, and photographs.

Response from Stan Graves to Joseph Logan, Post Chapel Building 102 Repairs, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1993)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stanley O. Graves.

Correspondence from Randolph Air Force Base outlining and detailing their proposed project to repair a wide variety of aspects in Building 102, Chapel One. The letter includes a number of supportive materials including: a location map, historic data, project list, description and assessment, and original floor plan. This letter is part of a group of correspondence concerning the proposed undertaking to repair and give needed maintenance to Chapel One, Building 102, at Randolph Air Force Base,...

Response from Stan Graves to Joseph Logan, Post Chapel Building 102 Repairs, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1993)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stanley O. Graves.

The Texas Historical Commission is in receipt of documentation from Randolph Air Force Base regarding "minor" repairs to Building 102, Post Chapel. The Commission's concurrence with the determination of effect is not possible at this time because of the many outstanding questions they have regarding the scope of work. This letter details these questions and requests more information in order for these repairs to be accomplished. Also attached is a draft for of this letter with internal...

Response from Stan Graves to Joseph Logan, Refurbishment of Building 900 Restroom, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stanley O. Graves.

The Texas Historical Commission writes Randolph Air Force Base to concur with their determination of no adverse effect for the undertaking to refurbish Building 900' restrooms. This letter is part of correspondence on the refurbishment of bathrooms in Building 900, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas.

Response from Stan Graves to Joseph Logan, Rehabilitation of Building 663, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stanley O. Graves.

The Texas Historical Commission has reviewed the proposed undertaking to enclose second floor porches on Building 663, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas. This letter is part of a group of correspondence concerning a proposed undertaking enclose exposed arches with glass on the second floor of the west wing of Building 663, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas. Included will be the lowering of the porch ceiling to accommodate air conditioning duct work.

Response from Stan Graves to Joseph Logan, Rehabilitation of First Floor and Basement of Building 671, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stanley O. Graves.

The Texas Historical Commission has conducted a review of Building 671 at Randolph Air Force Base, Texas. After reviewing the scope of work of the proposed undertaking, the Commission determined no adverse effect on the historic building with the conditions detailed in this letter. This correspondence is part of a group of letters and supporting documentation for the proposed undertaking to rehabilitate the interior of the first floor and basement at Building 671, Randolph Air Force Base,...

Response from Stan Graves to Joseph Logan, Rehabilitation of Hangar 13 and Comments on Hangars 12 and 64, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stanley O. Graves.

The Texas Historical Commission has reviewed the documentation regarding the Air Force's proposal to renovate the interior, replace original exterior metal doors, and construct a new building entrance addition on Hangar 13 at Randolph Air Force Base, Texas. After receiving a revised scope of work, the Commission has determined that the undertaking will have an adverse effect to the historical buildings. This letter details the Commission's recommendations in order for the project to become a No...

Response from Stan Graves to Joseph Logan, Rehabilitation of Wing Conference Room Building 100, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1991)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stanley O. Graves.

Randolph Air Force Base forwarded to the Texas Historical Commission a description of a proposed undertaking to rehabilitate the Wing Conference Room in Building 100. In this letter the Commission outlines its provisions for the undertaking in order to concur with the determination of "no effect" to the historic structure. This is one of two letters concern a proposed undertaking to rehabilitate the Wing Conference Room in Building 100, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas.

Response from Stan Graves to Joseph Logan, Repair of Front Doors Post Chapel Building 102, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stanley O. Graves.

The Texas Historical Commission received a request from Randolph Air Force Base to "repair/replace" the front doors on Chapel One. The Commission supports the determination of "no effect" to the historic building if doors are repaired and painted. This document is part of a collection of letters and supportive materials concerning Randolph Air Force Base's proposed undertaking to repair the front doors of its Post Chapel, Building 102. Included are two letters of correspondence, historic data,...

Response from Stan Graves to Joseph Logan, Replacement of Acoustical Ceiling Room 316 Building 900, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stanley O. Graves.

In response to Randolph Air Force Base's request, the Texas Historical Commission's State Historic Preservation Office's staff has conducted a review of Building 900 by applying state and federal criteria for historic designation.

Response from Stan Graves to Joseph Logan, Steel Casement Windows, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1993)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stanley O. Graves.

The Texas Historical Commission has reviewed and approved a blanket approval on the rehabilitation of Building 235's windows at Randolph Air Force Base, Texas. The Commission provides in the letter requirements and additions to the proposal in order for the project to move forward with rehabilitation. This letter is part of a correspondence packet concerning Randolph Air Force Base's request to refurbish the steel cased windows of Building 235 at Randolph Air Force Base, Texas. Attachments...

Response from Stan Graves to Joseph Logan, Taj Mahal Building 100 Install Ceiling, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1991)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stanley O. Graves.

Randolph Air Force Base sent the Texas Historical Commission information regarding the installation of a drop ceiling in the basement of the Taj Mahal. After review the Commission concurs with the determination of "no effect" in accordance with Section 106. This correspondence is part of a small group of letters and notes concerning proposed projects for Building 100, the Taj Mahal, at Randolph Air Force Base, Texas. Undertakings include a ceiling installation and the west basement. One of the...

Response from Stan Graves to Joseph Logan, Window Replacement at Building 661, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1991)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stanley O. Graves.

A letter in response to the proposed undertaking to replace the 80 original exterior windows of Building 661, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas. The Commission does not concur with the determination of No Adverse Effect and lists their reasons for the decision and offer recommendations. This letter is part of a group of notes and letters on the proposed rehabilitation and replacement of the eighty original exterior windows at Building 661, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas. The proposed undertaking...

Response from Stan Graves to Joseph Murphy, Building 371, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1993)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Demetrio Jimenez.

This letter from the Texas Historical Commission states the acceptance of large format negatives of the original working drawings of Building 371 as appropriate mitigation for the loss of the historic property.

Response from Stan Graves to Larry Taylor, Proposed AAFES Expansion, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stanley O. Graves.

This letter addresses the exchange of site plans, drawings, and a Programmatic Agreement between the Texas Historical Commission, the Department of the Army, Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, and the State Historic Preservation Office, in reference to the proposed AAFES expansion. Carbon copied to this letter is Col Paul L. Ray, Director of Engineering and Housing, and Michael Hilger, Historical Architect.