West Virginia (Geographic Keyword)

1-6 (6 Records)

An Archaeological Curation Needs Assessment for the U.S. Navy, Atlantic Division, Naval Facilities Engineering Command (Legacy 99-1819)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams

This document reports an assessment of archaeological collections and associated documentation generated from archaeological investigations conducted within the boundaries of LANTDIV (North Carolina, Puerto Rico, Virginia, and West Virginia). Most collections required at least partial rehabilitation to comply with federal regulations.

An Archaeological Curation Needs Assessment for the U.S. Navy, Atlantic Division, Naval Facilities Engineering Command - Report (Legacy 99-1819) (1999)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Mary Bade. Kenneth Shingleton.

This document reports an assessment of archaeological collections and associated documentation generated from archaeological investigations conducted within the boundaries of LANTDIV (North Carolina, Puerto Rico, Virginia, and West Virginia). Most collections required at least partial rehabilitation to comply with federal regulations.

Civil War Sites Advisory Commission Report on the Nation's Civil War Battlefields Technical Volume II: Battle Summaries (1993)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Dale E. Floyd. David W. Lowe.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at [email protected].

Exploratory Pollen and Phytolith Analysis at the Coco Station Site (46KA294), West Virginia (1995)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Linda Scott Cummings.

Two pollen and two phytolith samples were submitted for exploratory analysis from the Coco Station Site (46KA294) to determine the extent of preservation of the pollen and phytolith records. This exploratory analysis was undertaken as part of the testing of this site prior to excavation. The results of this exploratory analysis will be used to recommend future sampling strategy for both pollen and phytoliths during full scale excavation.

The Sun Fish Site: Phase III Investigations of 46MR155, a Late Woodland Period Site, Located In Franklin District, Marshall County, West Virginia (2013)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Jamie Meece.

Acting on behalf of Dominion Transmission, Inc., Stantec Consulting Services, Inc., contracted Cultural Resource Analysts, Inc. to complete archaeological data recovery of the Sun Fish site (46MR155), located on a first terrace of the Ohio River near the communities of Kent and Natrium in Wells Bottom, Franklin District, Marshall County, West Virginia. The field investigation was conducted between June 6 and July 14, 201, in advance of anticipated impacts to the site resulting from the...

US Army National Guard Cultural Resources Planning Level Survey - Summary Report (1998)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Lara S. Anderson. Kristen L. Langness. Jennifer L. Riordan. Kenneth L. Shingleton, Jr.. Barbara C. Smoyer. Cathy A. Van Arsdale. Janet L. Wilzbach.

In 1997, the National Guard Bureau (NGB) tasked the U.S. Army Engineer District, St. Louis, with assisting the Army National Guard (ARNG) in complying with the cultural resource requirements outlined in Army Regulation 200-4 and Department of Defense Instruction 4715.3. The St. Louis District was asked to develop a national project minimally to address three objectives of the NGB cultural resources program: (1) national Planning Level Surveys (PLS) for all ARNG federally owned or supported...