Department of Martinique (Country) (Geographic Keyword)

626-650 (1,621 Records)

From Los Tapiales to Cuncaicha: Terminal Pleistocene humans in America’s high-elevation western mountains (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kurt Rademaker.

Among Ruth Gruhn’s remarkable archaeological accomplishments has been the investigation of the first truly high-elevation Paleoindian sites discovered in the Americas. The open-air camps of Los Tapiales and La Piedra del Coyote in the Guatemalan highlands, located respectively at 3150 and 3300 meters above sea level, contained fluted Fishtail projectile points and rich, diverse tool and flake assemblages. Importantly, both sites were securely dated to ~12,500 cal BP, indicating early use of...

From Margin to Center: Bias and Discrimination in Archaeology (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Lindsay Der. Thea De Armond. Anne Duray.

This is an abstract from the "What Have You Done For Us Lately?: Discrimination, Harassment, and Chilly Climate in Archaeology" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. That archaeology is welcoming to only a narrow subset of society -- that is, cisgender, heterosexual, able-bodied, white men -- and far less so to most of us is an open secret. #MeToo stories; the blinding whiteness of the academy, the field, and the museum; and the prohibitive costs of many...

From Mayarí to “Protoagricola”: A Discussion on the Creation of Archaeological Cultures in Cuban and Dominican Archaeology (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jorge Ulloa Hung.

This is an abstract from the "Coloring Outside the Lines: Re-situating Understandings of the Lifeways of Earliest Peoples of the Circum-Caribbean" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The diversity, complexity, and transformation of early settlers of the Caribbean are some of the main foci in current Caribbean archaeology. Since the 1960s, the presence of ceramics in some of these early contexts in Cuba and Hispaniola have generated new classifications...

From Medieval Wool Tunics to Bone Powder: Rapid Degradation of Norse Middens in Southwest Greenland (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Konrad Smiarowski. Christian Madsen. Michael Nielsen.

This presentation is one of the products of a series of ongoing inter-connected, international, interdisciplinary fieldwork projects coordinated by the North Atlantic Biocultural Organization (NABO) research cooperative since 2005 in Greenland. The projects drew upon more than a century of prior field research, where four generations of archaeologists described and assessed organic preservation conditions at their sites in several regions of the Norse Eastern Settlement. This created a unique...

From Prison to Tourism: Historical Evolution and Population of Presidio de la Princesa. (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sofia Feliciano-Centeno.

This is an abstract from the "Primary Sources and the Design of Research Projects" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Presidio de la Princesa is one of the oldest prisons in the city of San Juan, Puerto Rico, currently housing the headquarters of the Puerto Rico Tourism Board. This paper presents an analysis of blueprints and historical documents to chronologically delineate changes to the spatial distribution and activity areas while it served as a...

From Roads to Ritual: Comparing Logics and Scale of GIS Analyses of Inka Imperial Landscapes (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Shelby Magee.

During their expansion throughout the Andes, the Inka Empire restructured a cultural and physical landscape to meet objectives of logistical and ideological control over their subjects. While this process is embodied by archaeological features such as large-scale infrastructure and the strategic positioning of sacred places, interpreting these datasets require appropriately scaled analyses for which GIS is uniquely suited. In this paper, I explore this topic by comparing two geospatial analyses,...

From Staple to Shameful (and Back Again?): The Changing Fortunes of Seaweeds in the North Atlantic (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Dawn Elise Mooney.

This is an abstract from the "Archaeophycology: New (Ethno)Archaeological Approaches to Understand the Contribution of Seaweed to the Subsistence and Social Life of Coastal Populations" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Seaweeds are in vogue: new initiatives tout seaweed farming as a solution to global problems of food insecurity that can simultaneously combat climate change through carbon sequestration and regenerate damaged marine environments....

From Tasmania to Tucson: new directions in ethnoarchaeology (1978)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Richard A Gould.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the EXARC Bibliography, originally compiled by Roeland Paardekooper, and updated. Most of these records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us using the...

From the Canopy to the Caye: Two of Britain's Colonial Ventures in Nineteenth-Century Belize (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Tracie Mayfield. Simmons Scott.

This is an abstract from the "After Cortés: Archaeological Legacies of the European Invasion in Mesoamerica" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. During the nineteenth century, Latin America was a hotbed of trade and commerce driven principally by extractive industries such as agriculture and hardwood collection. Such ventures required large injections of capital into the creation and maintenance of productive landscapes as well as for hiring, housing,...

From the first to the last terras pretas: changes in cultural behaviour and terra preta formation in the Upper Madeira river, SW Amazonia (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jennifer Watling. Eduardo Góes Neves. Guilherme Mongeló. Thiago Kater.

Terras pretas (TPs) are arguably the most visible and widespread artefacts of pre-Colonial occupations in Amazonia. Accumulated as the result of waste management practices by at least partly-sedentary populations, they are seen to mark the beginnings of landscape domestication and more agricultural-based societies starting ca. 3000 BP. On the bluffs of the Upper Madeira river, exceptionally early TP deposits were found dating more than 3000 years before TP sites in the rest of the basin. While...

From the Sea to the Smoker: A History of Sea Turtle Exploitation on St. George's Caye, Belize (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Heath Bentley. Norbert Stanchly. James Garber.

Historic literature frequently mentions the exploitation of sea turtles throughout the Caribbean by indigenous populations and early settlers alike. Large and abundant, these animals provided a readily accessible protein source for European and African populations as they traveled. A review of documents held by the Belize Archives and Records Service reveals that sea turtle capture and sale was once a large contributor to Belize’s coastal economy. Commonly called "turtlers", 25% of the...

From the sky to the Andes: intersection between traditional survey and satellite multispectral analysis (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Gabriela Ore Menendez. Zachary Chase.

In recent years, the use of multispectral imagery has become increasingly important in archaeological research, site detection, and classification of site functions. As the use of these images becomes more common, we must test their accuracy in order to assess their utility and potential problems with their uncritical application. In this presentation we examine the advantages and limitations of using multispectral imagery as a general survey tool. First, we use multispectral imagery from the...

From the Varrio to the Academy: Chicano Perspectives in Indigenous Archaeology (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Gabriel Sanchez.

This is an abstract from the "Hood Archaeologies: Impacts of the School-to-Prison Pipeline on Archaeological Practice and Pedagogy" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. As a first-generation scholar from a low-income campesino background, the lived experience of socioeconomic inequality, racism, and other issues influence teaching, research, and scholarship. While the varrio, or “hood,” is often associated with negative connotations, positive aspects,...

Fun with Dick & Jane: Ethnoarchaeology, Circumpolar Toolkits, and Gender "Inequality" (2009)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Robert Jarvenpa. Hetty Jo Brumbach.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the EXARC Bibliography, originally compiled by Roeland Paardekooper, and updated. Most of these records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us using the...

A Future for Archaeological Collections from Federal Policy Perspectives (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kristen Martine. Emily Palus.

This is an abstract from the "Ideas, Ethical Ideals, and Museum Practice in North American Archaeological Collections" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Federal archaeological collections acquisition and management practices are guided by decades-old law and policy, intended to uphold aspirational and perhaps unachievable expectations for preserving our nation’s heritage. The resulting “curation crises,” or, rather, the system that has become the...

Galapagos marine plastic pollution: a perspective from contemporary archaeology (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Estelle Praet.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Marine plastic pollution is an issue threatening most places around the world, including the remote and unique Galapagos archipelago, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Building on how archaeology of the contemporary world can help address urgent and global environmental issues, this paper offers suggestions for an archaeology of plastic pollution in Galapagos....

Gamble across the Rio Grande: Industrial Archaeology of the Aerial Ore Tramway in the Big Bend (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Marisol Gama-Vooz.

This is an abstract from the "The Big Bend Complex: Landscapes of History" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. In the 1900s a group of adventurous entrepreneurs resumed mining activities that had been abandoned a decade prior in the Big Bend region. The idea this time was to utilize new mining technologies. Overcoming long distances, rugged terrain, and international and cultural borders, an expensive and new mineral transport system known as an aerial...

Game Save Data Is Missing or Cannot Be Read: A Twenty-First-Century Crisis of Digital Archaeological Site Loss (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Anthony DeLuca.

This is an abstract from the "Leveling Up: Gaming and Game Design in Archaeological Education and Outreach" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. In 2023, the first study of its kind by the Video Game History Foundation determined that 87% of video games made before 2010 are critically endangered. What was once considered a fun but silly form of entertainment has grown into a multibillion-dollar global industry spawning competitive scholastic and...

Gastrointestinal parasites of the camelids of the archaeological site of Huanchaquito (Peru): first results. (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Matthieu Le Bailly. Nicolas Goepfert. Gabriel Prieto. John Verano.

The health status of domestic’s camelids is an original research topic in the past Central Andes. The discovery of more than 200 well preserved camelids in Huanchaquito in the northern coast of Peru was the opportunity to perform paleoparasitological analyses on twenty samples taken from preserved intestines and faeces recovered during the excavations. Extractions of the parasites using RHM standard protocol raised to the observation in 55% of the samples of several helminth taxa belonging to...

Gender Divisions in Eating and Working: A Bioarchaeological Analysis of an Ancient Muisca Community (Sabana de Bogotá, Colombia, 1000–1400AD) (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Melanie Miller. Sabrina Agarwal. Carl Langebaek.

The Muisca inhabited a large territory in Northern South America (within present-day Colombia) and are often presented as a "classic chiefdom society." The roots of these interpretations can be traced back to European historical documents discussing Muisca socio-political life, which emphasized the role of social status and hierarchy within Muisca culture. The Muisca in particular have been held captive by the recordings of historical authors, and social structures observed through a European...

The Gendering of Children at Chiribaya Alta (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Shimaine Clem. Emily A. Schach. Jane E. Buikstra.

At the site of Chiribaya Alta (900-1350 AD), located in the Osmore Valley of southern Peru, certain Chiribaya grave goods are associated with either adult males or females. For example, females are often buried with weaving tools, and males with musical instruments. It is not possible to estimate the biological sex of children from their skeletal remains. Therefore, children are often excluded from studies addressing gender identities. Here, we use grave goods known to be associated with sexed...

Generating a temporal baseline of human-animal exploitation in varying ecological environments between 1300CE and 1900CE for the Caribbean island of Saba (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Philippa Jorissen.

The archaeological study of historical human-environment interactions is important to elucidate the inherent links between cultural and biological/environmental diversity through time. Such studies are particularly significant in island settings, often characterized by sensitive biogeographical and ecological histories underlying current environment and social conditions. Zooarchaeology is a leading sub-discipline in the study and creation of archaeological human-environment interaction...

Genes, Culture, and the Archaeological Record (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Michael O'Brien.

This is an abstract from the "The Extended Evolutionary Synthesis and Human Origins: Archaeological Perspectives" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. As archaeology increasingly turns to explanatory models of cultural evolution based on a Darwinian perspective, three processes—dual inheritance, cultural transmission, and, more recently, niche construction—have assumed prominent positions. Until the early 1980s, the behavioral sciences tended to draw a...

Genome Sequencing of Ancient Dogs in the Americas to Understand Their Demographic History (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kelsey Witt. Laurent Frantz. Greger Larson. Angela Perri. Ripan Malhi.

Several ancient DNA studies have been conducted on dogs in the Americas, yet all have focused on the mitochondrial genome. In this study, we sequenced 79 complete mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes) and seven nuclear genomes of ancient dogs from more than twenty archaeological sites, ranging in age from 10,000 to 800 years before present (ybp) to gain insight into the population history of dogs in the Americas. We compared the ancient dogs’ mitogenomes and nuclear genomes to those of modern dogs...

Genomic Contributions to Understanding Early Caribbean Settlement (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jessica Stone. Reniel Rodriguez Ramos. William Pestle. Maria Nieves-Colón.

This is an abstract from the "Coloring Outside the Lines: Re-situating Understandings of the Lifeways of Earliest Peoples of the Circum-Caribbean" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. In the Caribbean, archaeological and linguistic research have contributed a wealth of knowledge to our understanding of human settlement, yet many issues surrounding dispersal trajectories, adaptation to island environments, and population dynamics over time are still...