Republic of El Salvador (Country) (Geographic Keyword)

1,951-1,975 (2,860 Records)

Pervasive Landscapes of Inequality: Want and Abundance within a Hyperobject (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kevin Gibbons.

As globalization matures, environmental, social, and economic factors continue to create ever-expanding landscapes of inequality. Among these drivers, human-driven environmental degradation has, for centuries, operated as a significant producer of inequality. Anthropogenic climate change today perpetuates and strengthens these multi-generational, regional-scale phenomena of landscape change. These processes, such as sediment erosion in Iceland during the past millennium, create a ‘second nature’...

Petroglyph panel in Tlaltetela, Veracruz, México (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Aarón Felipe Lopez. Aarón felipe lópez.

The Rio de los Pescados runs in a mountanous zone of the state of Veracruz, Mexico. The river passes through various ecological zones of varying terrain before emptying into the Gulf of Mexico. Tlaltetetla is a small town located on a plateau approximately 60 meters above the basin of the Rio de los Pescados in central Veracruz. Approximately one kilometer from Tlaltetetla, there is a large petroglyph panel on a 7.6 meter high by 24.6 meter long rock wall in the river basin. There are over 100...

Petroglyphs in the Lower Pecos Canyonlands: Preliminary Analysis of Context, Style, and Chronology (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Amanda Castañeda. Charles Koenig.

This is an abstract from the "The Art of Archaeology" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Petroglyphs have been an understudied form of rock art in the Lower Pecos canyonlands of Texas, in large part due to the small number of sites known to include carved, incised, or pecked designs. The most famous petroglyph site in the region is Lewis Canyon, where over 1,000 figurative petroglyphs were pecked into the limestone bedrock. Aside from Lewis Canyon...

Petrographic Analysis of Pre-Columbian Pottery From Nevis, Eastern Caribbean (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only John Lawrence. Scott Fitzpatrick. Christina Giovas.

This is an abstract from the "Cross-Cultural Petrographic Studies of Ceramic Traditions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Prehistoric Amerindians in the Eastern Caribbean often used local materials in the manufacturing of ceramics, and in some cases, transported these as they migrated. Given the ubiquity of ceramics in the Caribbean, they are useful in discerning past movements, and spheres of interaction. However, studies of this nature are scarce...

Petrographic and Geochemical Analysis of Pottery from the White Marl Archaeological Site, St. Catherine Parish, Jamaica, West Indies (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Vanessa Glaser. Matthew Gorring. Simon Mitchell. Jeffrey Ferguson. Peter Siegel.

This is an abstract from the "Ceramic Petrographers in the Americas: Recent Research and Methodological Advances" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. White Marl is the largest, most intensively inhabited late-precolonial site documented for Jamaica, with an artifact assemblage dominated by massive quantities of ceramics. Its size and structural organization suggest that it functioned as a major sociopolitical/economic hub among the increasingly complex...

Petrography, Production, and Provenance of Ceramics from La Blanca, Guatemala (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only John Lawrence. Cathy Costin. Kathleen Marsaglia. Michael Love. Hector Neff.

The Middle Preclassic (900-600 BCE) was a critical time of political and social centralization in the Guatemalan lowlands. Of particular interest is La Blanca, one of the first polities to rise and show signs of regional influence and potential urbanization. To reconstruct everyday life I am using excavated ceramic refuse to observe dynamics surrounding three households. This, in turn, elucidates elements of La Blanca’s political economy associated with the manufacturing and production of...

Photogrammetry All the Way Down: Multiscalar and Multiplatform Photogrammetry as Primary Spatial Registry in a Large Excavation Project (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jordan Downey. Oliver R. Hegge. Kari Lentz. Steven A. Wernke.

In 2016, a large excavation project was carried out at the site of Mawchu Llacta in the Colca Valley of southern Peru. A colonial reduccíon (planned town), Mawchu Llacta is a large site with plazas, chapels, a parish, and domestic compounds. These spaces all consist of complex standing architecture in varying degrees of preservation. Eleven excavation blocks were opened to better understand ritual and everyday life in the town. The extent and distribution of the excavations, however, presented...

Pictographs on Artery Lake, Bloodvein River System, Extreme Northwest Ontario, Canada: (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Lenville Stelle.

The pictographs of the Bloodvein River, Artery Lake, Ontario offer an important view of rock art design and purpose during the late prehistoric period and perhaps continuing well into the nineteenth century. All images are finger applied and utilize iron oxide based pigment. The sites appear to be of varying function. The largest and most complex consists of seven or eight panels and may reveal a narrative of healing associated with the Fourth Degree of the Midewiwin or Ojibwe Grand Medicine...

Piecing Together the Life History of K’ahk’ Uti’ Witz’ K’awiil (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only William Fash.

Copan's longest-lived ruler dramatically expanded his realm, reach, and resources. The valley population nearly doubled, and the historical record indicates he was active in the ritual and political lives of other centers both near to home and farther afield. Ruler 12 contextualized his defensive perimeter within the sacred geography of the valley by erecting six stelae in 652 C.E. His successor enshrined that achievement and his memory in the most elaborately decorated temple outside the royal...

The Piedras Rayadas of El Tigre, Honduras: Brokering Place and Cultural Memory (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Marie Kolbenstetter.

This is an abstract from the "The Problem of the Monument: Widening Perspectives on Monumentality in the Archaeology of the Isthmo-Colombian Area" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Grooved boulders seem to be an archaeological feature unique to El Tigre island in Honduras. Distributed around the small island, they are known locally as piedras rayadas, and feature in local oral histories. As durable traces, their meaning is everchanging, yet...

Pigment Composition and Color Structure and Usage in the Lienzos De Chiepetlan, Guerrero, Mexico: A Non-destructive Analysis (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Erik Jurado. Mariana Lujan Sanders. Gerardo Gutiérrez. Israel Hinojosa Baliño.

This is an abstract from the "From Materials to Materiality: Analysis and Interpretation of Archaeological and Historical Artifacts Using Non-destructive and Micro/Nano-sampling Scientific Methods" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The community of Chiepetlan, Guerrero possesses six colonial lienzos. One manufactured during the 16th century, and four manufactured during the 18th century and used as legal documents in colonial land disputes. The...

Pigment Mining for Color Meanings: El Condor Mine from Atacama Desert (A.D. 300-1.500) (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Benjamín Ballester. Marcela Sepúlveda. Francisco Gallardo. Gloria Cabello. Estefanía Vidal.

The mineralogical richness of the Atacama Desert allowed for the development of an important set of mining-extracting and metallurgic, lapidaric and pigmental productive activities, which became significant activities in the sociocultural dynamics of desert dwellers. El Cóndor mine, an important hematite source located in the middle section of the Loa River, was exploited from the Formative Period (~A.D. 300) until Inka times (~A.D. 1500). In contrast to other mining sites in Atacama, El Cóndor...

PIN7, a diachronic study of a specialized production in Eastern Soconusco (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Marx Navarro-Castillo. Hector Neff.

Soconusco, a rich ecological environment in far-southern Chiapas, Mexico, has been occupied throughout Mesoamerican history. The Proyecto Arqueológico Costa del Soconusco (PACS) focused on settlements in the mangrove zone of Eastern Soconusco. A LiDAR survey identified a total of 203 features thought to be associated with human activities. This paper focuses on site Pin7, which is located in the mangrove zone about 1.5 km west of the Rio Cahuacan. Magnetometer and ground-penetrating radar...

The Pinta Ceramic Phase. Explaining a Paracas ceramic phase from Cerro del Gentil (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Henry Tantaleán. Alexis Rodríguez Yábar. Kelita Pérez Cubas. Charles Stanish.

During the last five years, we have developed an archaeological research program in the southern Peruvian coastal valley of Chincha. This project focuses on the rise of the Paracas society ca. 800-200 BCE. We excavated the monumental Paracas site of Cerro del Gentil located in the Chincha mid-valley where we recovered an important ritual context in a sunken court related to the Pinta phase. The Pinta phase was defined by Dwight Wallace in 1950´s but not has been systematically described. In...

The Pipil/Nicarao Migration from the Perspective of Pacific Nicaragua: An Archaeological Critique of Mythstorical Mobility (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Geoffrey McCafferty.

Ethnoshitorical sources describe migrations from central Mexico of Nahuat and Mangue speakers, known as the Pipil/Nicarao and the Chorotega, who settled along the Pacific Coast of Central America in the centuries prior to European contact. According to these accounts the new groups introduced cultural and religious traits into settlements in El Salvador, the Pacific coast of Nicaragua, and northwestern Costa Rica. Beginning in 2000, archaeologists from the University of Calgary have investigated...

Pisanay and the Endangered Rock Art Traditions of Arequipa, Peru (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jo Burkholder.

Drawing on the archaeological excavations at the site of Pisanay, located in the Sihuas Valley of Arequipa (southern) Peru, this paper will situate the rock art at the site within the broader contexts of multiple rock art traditions in the region. These traditions include both painted and pecked images on rock surfaces, a wide variety of geoglyphs, mobilary art, and sacred offerings made to particular rocks and geographic landmarks that represent huacas (loosely ‘holy places’). Within the...

A Place for the Living, A Place for the Dead: Social Memory at the Ancient Maya Hinterland Community of San Lorenzo, Belize (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Victoria Ingalls.

Public structures across the Maya lowlands functioned as materializations of ideology, memory, and identity. However, documentation of public ritual structures is typically limited to formal ceremonial centers. Little is known about public spaces within hinterland communities. Excavations at the site of San Lorenzo offer insight into the use and transformation of ritual space within a hinterland community. Recent excavations of a public structure group have uncovered multiple construction phases...

Place Making and Remaking: Early Classic Mortuary Rites at the Ancient Maya Site of Chan Chich, Northwest Belize (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Tomás Gallareta Cervera. Anna Novotny. Brett Houk.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2023: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Funerary customs and monumental architecture in the Maya Region are viewed by archaeologists as markers of social status and complexity. The intersection of mortuary rituals and the built environment gives us a window through which to understand the development of social complexity. Excavations at Chan Chich, a medium-sized city located in northwest...

Place-Making, Erasure, and the Death of Kingship at the Ancient Maya Site of Pacbitun, Belize (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sheldon Skaggs. Adam King. Christina Luke. George Micheletti. Terry Powis.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2021: General Sessions" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. During the Late Classic Period (550–800 CE) at Pacbitun, a sequence of events took place that changed the landscape of power and sacredness in the site’s core during a tumultuous time in the Belize River Valley. The sequence of caches and burials likely began in order to consecrate a new courtyard (Court 3) and establish the new center of power at the site....

Placing the Early Pre-Latte Period Site of San Roque on Saipan in Its Broader Context (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Boyd Dixon. Mike Dega.

This is an abstract from the "When the Wild Winds Blow: Micronesia Colonization in Pacific Context" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. This comparative assessment of the San Roque site in northern Saipan to other early Pre-Latte period sites in the Mariana Islands, circa 1500–1100 BC, presents far from uniform data that suggest that maritime settlers of the archipelago may have targeted a range of natural settings for survival upon arrival. These...

A Plan to Revive a Failed Stewardship Program (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Melissa Zabecki.

This is an abstract from the "Site Stewardship Matters: Comparing and Contrasting Site Stewardship Programs to Advance Our Practice" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Site stewardship looks different in every state based on how the archeology programs are organized. Public archaeological networks, archaeological surveys, SHPOs, state archaeologist offices, academic departments, and volunteer organizations are connected in infinite configurations...

Plant Use at Cinnamon Bay, St. John, USVI: A Window into Taíno Ecology and Ritual (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Anna Chitwood. Dana Bardolph.

This is an abstract from the "Advances in Macrobotanical and Microbotanical Archaeobotany Part 1" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. This paper presents the analysis of paleoethnobotanical data from excavations at a Classic Taino site (1000 CE–1490 CE) at Cinnamon Bay, a shoreline ritual site located on St. John in the United States Virgin Islands (USVI). Excavations began in 1992 when it was determined that the site was at risk of being lost to...

Plantation Environments and Economics: Household Food Practices at Morne Patate (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sarah Oas.

The dynamics of household economies provide an important window into processes of social, economic, and environmental change in plantation settings. This paper examines household food production and consumption activities and the use of local landscapes at Morne Patate to better understand the relationships between daily life, landscape use, and the broader political economic changes that influenced plantation life on Dominica over several generations of occupation. I present the results of...

Planting a Seed and Watching It Grow: Planning an Open Textbook from Scratch (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Katie V. Kirakosian.

This paper outlines how this open textbook moved from an idea to a reality over the past year. As a non-traditional project in archaeology, the infrastructure for such a project had to largely be framed from scratch, including a social media and marketing campaign as well as a process for co-authoring and reviewing chapters. Although the textbook is not yet completed, lessons learned along the way will be offered with the hope that sharing our model will inspire more open textbooks in our field.

Plants in Ancient Pots: A Comparative Study of Paleoethnobotanical Results from Unwashed and Washed Ceramics (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sophie Reilly.

Paleoethnobotanists study human-plant interactions in the past, including the role of plants in ancient foodways. Microbotanical remains (phytoliths and starch grains) enable the identification of many plants because their morphology can be diagnostic to the family, genus, and species. Microbotanical samples can be extracted from specific artifacts, such as ceramics, enabling a better understanding of their use. Paleoethnobotanists can thus discern associations between certain vessel types and...