Republic of El Salvador (Country) (Geographic Keyword)

2,726-2,750 (2,860 Records)

Vassals or Friendly Confederates: Disjuncture and Identity Imposition in the Late Horizon Northeastern Andean Montaña (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Brian McCray.

This is an abstract from the "Indigenous Stories of the Inka Empire: Local Experiences of Ancient Imperialism" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Borderlands, like the eastern Andean slopes between highland states and lowland complex chiefdoms, are frequently a destination for peoples fleeing from state control and characterized by complex multiethnic landscapes. Archaeological studies in northeastern Peru, however, often assume a mega-ethnic group,...

Verdant Signs: The Making and Shaping of Foodstuffs in Mesoamerican Texts (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Stephanie Strauss.

This is an abstract from the "Beyond Maize and Cacao: Reflections on Visual and Textual Representation and Archaeological Evidence of Other Plants in Precolumbian Mesoamerica" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Verdant signs abound in the writing systems of ancient Mesoamerica. Hieroglyphic records of abundance, germination, and rebirth ground ritual speech in agricultural metaphors. A robust iconography of vegetal growth reflects both the natural...

Veterans Curation Program in the Time of Corona (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sarah Giffin. Vanessa Armenta. Leah Grant.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2021: General Sessions" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Since 2009, the Veterans Curation Program (VCP) has been at the forefront of the effort to address the build-up of at-risk archaeological and archival collections in storage facilities around the United States. The VCP has the added mission of working with veterans to provide vital job skills and assist in the transition from military to civilian life. In...

The Veterans Curation Program: Unintended Public Archaeology (2018)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Jessica Mundt. Jasmine Heckman.

The Veterans Curation Program was created with the mission to rehabilitate U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) archaeological collections while providing temporary employment and vocational training to veterans. In the nine years that the VCP has been in operation, it has evolved into a dynamic public archaeology effort that engages non-archaeologists in the field of archaeology on a daily basis. This paper explores the varied approaches to public archaeology within the Program, as well as the...

Victims of Mesoamerican Royal Funerals: Companions of the Dead or Sacrificial Victims? (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Guilhem Olivier.

This is an abstract from the "Bringing the Past to Life, Part 1: Papers in Honor of John M. D. Pohl" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Since the seminal studies by Alain Testard, there has been debate over the function of victims in royal funerals in different parts of the world. In the case of Mesoamerica, did the wives, servants, dwarves, slaves, and other immolated individuals serve as “companions of the dead,” as “belongings” of the deceased...

Victorian Values: North American Archaeology at the British Museum during the Nineteenth Century (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ian Taylor.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2023: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The founding collection of the British Museum, given by Hans Sloane in 1752, contained several Archaic and Late Prehistoric stone points from North America, some of the first examples from the continent to be included within early museum collections. Over the following 150 years the collection expanded rapidly fulfilling a need for contemporary, analogous...

The View from Above: The Semi-Autonomous Elite Maya Hilltop Complex of Escalera al Cielo (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ken Seligson. George J. Bey III. Betsy M. Kohut. Tomás Gallareta Negrón.

Escalera al Cielo (EaC) is a Terminal Classic Period Maya elite hilltop complex located 1.5 km to the west of the site of Kiuic in the Puuc Region of the Northern Lowlands. Previous research on the hilltop focused largely on investigating the organization and day-to-day activities associated with the northern residential architectural group. The southern group, located atop the highest spur of the hill and consisting of four vaulted masonry structures accessed by a grand staircase, was believed...

The View from Here: An Introduction to Nuevomexicano and Chicanx Theory for Archaeology (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Valerie Bondura.

This is an abstract from the "Chicanx Archaeology" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. This paper is an introduction to an organized session on Chicanx Archaeology. It argues for the ethical and intellectual imperative of drawing Chicanx Studies scholarship in to archaeological method and theory. Archaeological frameworks for studying culture contact, ethnogenesis, and identity have tended to bypass theory that falls under the umbrella of Chicanx...

A View from Somewhere: Mapping 19th-Century Cholera Narratives (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alanna Warner-Smith.

Several scholars have explored the role of the empirical sciences in colonial contexts; far from a neutral study of the world, they were actively making and remaking material, social, and geographic boundaries. Cartography was part of these boundary-making practices, as the varying positions and views of actors engaging with the world are dissolved into the singular, authoritative view offered by the map. Studying a cholera epidemic that moved through the Caribbean in the 1850s, I consider how...

A View from the Hinterlands: Early Colonial Objects in Mortuary Contexts in Northern Highland Ecuador (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Tamara Bray.

In this paper I re-visit a particularly interesting find made in the Pimampiro District of northern highland Ecuador a number of years ago. It consisted of a traditional shaft tomb burial that contained an unusual assemblage of items, which included seemingly obvious Late Period Caranqui and Panzaleo wares together with a set of four Nueva Cadiz beads. How and why did these precious European objects penetrate this seemingly remote region at such an early date to be inserted into such a basic...

A View from the Past: A Reanalysis of Archaeological Collections from the Sama Valley and its Implications for Current Models and Chronologies of the Southern Andean Valleys (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sarah Baitzel.

Although limited in area compared to the neighboring Moquegua, Caplina, and Azapa valleys, the Sama valley (Departamento Tacna, Peru) with its the warm temperature, perennial water sources and arable flood plain creates hospitable conditions for highlanders who settled the valley as early as Late Horizon period. In his 1567 visita, Garci Diez de San Miguel notes the presence of a Luqapa colony and an Inca Tambo at the site of Sama Grande near the modern town of Sama-Inclan. In addition, survey...

Violence and Veneration at the Edges: Mortuary Traditions and Social Order along the Northern and Southern Frontiers of Mesoamerica (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only E. Christian Wells. Claire Novotny. Anna C. Novotny.

This is an abstract from the "Journeying to the South, from Mimbres (New Mexico) to Malpaso (Zacatecas) and Beyond: Papers in Honor of Ben A. Nelson" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The northern and southern frontiers of Mesoamerica are about 2000 km apart and are separated by an incredible diversity of peoples and environments. Yet, these frontier spaces appear to be developmentally similar in many ways during the period ca. AD 500-1000, including...

Virtual Anthropology in Fieldwork, Conservation, and Education in Mexico: Lessons Learned, Challenges, and Future Perspectives (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Miguel Contreras-Sieck. María Margarita del Olmo Calzada. Perla del Carmen Ruíz Albarrán. Maria Nieves-Colón.

This is an abstract from the "Archaeological Futures through a Virtual Past" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The development of novel digital technologies has consistently expanded the capacities to explore and approach existing anthropological and archaeological research questions. Virtual Anthropology stands as a relatively new interdisciplinary approach that further expands our resolution to study ancient and recent human remains, cultural...

Virtual Worlds: Underwater Archaeology and Indigenous Engagement (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ashley Lemke. John O'Shea. Robert Reynolds. Thomas Palazzolo.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2023: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The Alpena-Amberley Ridge (AAR) is a landform that is now 100 feet underwater in the Great Lakes – but 10,000 years ago, it was a unique dry land environment. Research on the AAR has documented some of the world’s oldest hunting features including drive lanes and hunting blinds for targeting caribou. To better understand this submerged landform an...

The Virtuous Archaeologist (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Christopher Fuchs.

This is an abstract from the "Research Hot Off the Trowel in the Upper Gila and Mimbres Areas" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Archaeology is a scientific profession critical to understanding the story humans have written on the world over the course of our history. However, unlike many areas of scientific study, the “subjects” of that scientific inquiry are ultimately people, leading to a complex system of ethics surrounding the treatment of...

Vista Alegre: Recent excavations of an ancient Maya port site along the north coast of Quintana Roo, Mexico (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Carrie Tucker. Nelda Issa Marengo. Ashuni E. Romero Butrón. Dominique Rissolo. Jeffrey Glover.

The Proyecto Costa Escondida (PCE) has undertaken investigations along the north coast of Quintana Roo, Mexico since 2006. In this paper we present results of the 2016 field season, which was focused on the small island port site of Vista Alegre. The 2016 field season at the site had two main objectives. One was to document the extent and scale of human modification at Vista Alegre. The second was to investigate distinct architectural groups at the site to better understand their chronology. To...

Visualizing the Origins of Monumentality: The Case of Tiwanaku, Bolivia (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alexei Vranich. Katheryn Killackey. Andrew Roddick. Erik Marsh.

This is an abstract from the "Ancient Mesoamerican and Andean Cities: Old Debates, New Perspectives" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Archaeologists examining early urban formations in the Andean Lake Titicaca basin have recently framed them as early “proto-urban” centers. In this paper, we reflect on our current understanding of the region’s proto-urbanism by deploying visualization methodologies to synthesize the evidence for Late Formative...

Visually Linking the Ritual and the Quotidian at Tiwanaku, AD 500-1100 (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jonah Augustine.

In this paper, I examine ceramic vessels, primarily serving wares, from the site of Tiwanaku, the preeminent city in the Central Andes between AD 500 and 1100, in order to examine the political effects of visual media in the ancient Andes. The paper’s empirical focal point is a comparison of ceramics recovered from the monumental core and from a residential sector at Tiwanaku. My analysis is based on both attribute and iconographic data I collected during fieldwork that sought to examine the...

Voices in Conversation: Assessing 36 Years of Demographics in a Professional Archaeology Newsletter (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Samantha Stone. Samuel Burns.

This is an abstract from the "Documenting Demographics in Archaeological Publications and Grants" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Academic research is comparable to a conversation. As in all conversations, certain voices are amplified while others are underrepresented. Much of this academic conversation happens in peer-reviewed journals and academic books, but informal conversations outside of these arenas are often overlooked. We are studying the...

Voted Off the Olmec Island: Remote Sensing and Regional Reconnaissance Surrounding La Venta, Tabasco, Mexico (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jeffrey Dobereiner. Rebecca González Lauck.

This paper reports on the first stage of a regional settlement study initiated in 2016 by the Proyecto Arqueológico La Venta (PALV). Previous work beyond the primary site core of La Venta, Tabasco, Mexico has primarily focused on a limited subset of regional features. PALV’s inaugural season of field reconnaissance, alongside analysis of 5-meter resolution LiDAR and historic aerial photos, demonstrates that Formative and Post-Classic period occupations beyond the main La Venta "island" were...

Waffen der SüdseeVölker (1965)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ernst Germer.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the EXARC Bibliography, originally compiled by Roeland Paardekooper, and updated. Most of these records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us using the...

A Wake of Change: Investigating Biocultural Interaction During the Early Colonial Period in the Central Andes, Peru (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Anna Gurevitz. Scotti Norman.

Burial practice in the Central Andes was transmitted continuously from the Middle Horizon (AD 700-AD 1000) onward, if not earlier in some areas, reflecting an agreed-upon understanding of Andean social identity throughout time. However, when the Spanish colonized the Andes, they drastically altered this continuity, forcing indigenous populations to bury their dead under the Church in idealized Catholic tradition. This sudden change in burial practice ruptured Andean identity as indigenous...

Walls, Ditches and Spoil: Methodological Issues in the Study of Pre-Columbian Fortifications (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Christopher Hernandez.

A critical facet of studying past warfare is the analysis of fortifications. Fortifications are often visible on the surface, making these archaeological features identifiable through surface reconnaissance. Moreover, test pits and trench excavations into gated areas or across various sections of fortifications can be used to establish the martial functions of these archaeological features. Yet, the study of past warfare and fortifications often stumbles in the interpretive stage. How do we know...

Warfare and the Origins of Social Complexity in Southern Central America (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Amanda Suárez Calderón. Yahaira Núñez-Cortés. Francisco Corrales-Ulloa.

This is an abstract from the "Warfare and the Origins of Political Control " session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Southern Central America is rich in examples of early complex societies, and yet, the timing and mechanism for the emergence of social complexity and differentiation are still not well understood. Recent works are moving archaeologists in the region to question, on the one hand, the definition of social complexity itself, and on the other...

Wari-Style Khipus from El Castillo de Huarmey (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jeffrey Splitstoser. Milosz Giersz.

Archaeological evidence suggests that khipus—devices made of wrapped and knotted cords—were used by people living in the Wari Empire at least as early as Middle Horizon 1B. These Wari-style khipus, like their later, more famous, Inka descendants, likely carried and conveyed information using color and knots. Wari khipus differ from Inka khipus, however, in many respects including their use of colorful wrapping to make bands and patterns to convey information. Wari-style khipus survive in far...