Republic of El Salvador (Country) (Geographic Keyword)

426-450 (2,860 Records)

Characterization of Local and Aztec Rule at Calixtlahuaca (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Angela Huster.

The Aztec Empire has been characterized as both an example of relatively indirect rule and as a case of relatively collective rule, positions which are least superficially opposed. In this paper, I use ceramic data (INAA, petrography, and type classification) from multiple contemporaneous households at the provincial capital of Calixtlahuaca in the Toluca Valley to evaluate these two positions. I compare data from the time periods during which the site was under local rule and when it was...

Characterization of Mendoza and Cortezo Pigments: Communities of Practice and Ceramic Production in Precolumbian Panama (AD 1300–1500) (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ana Navas-Méndez. Brandi MacDonald. Daniel Pierce.

This is an abstract from the "Materials in Movement in the Isthmo-Colombian Area" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. We present the results of an exploratory pigment characterization of the Mendoza and Cortezo Red-Buff ceramics. These ceramic styles produced from CE 1300 until the first part of the Spanish colonization tend to appear in association (Mendoza-Cortezo complex). Mendoza, distinguished for the ceramic plates decorated with polychrome...

DOCUMENT Citation Only Mijaely Castañón. Lissandra González. Alejandro Valdes. José Luis Punzo.

This poster shows the results of the petrographic characterization of the ceramics found in the basins of the Parota River and Lake Sirahuen, two archaeological areas surveyed as part of the Proyecto Arqueología y Paisaje del Área Centro Sur de Michoacán. Fluorescence techniques applied are an induction of ultraviolet light and petrographic analysis in thin sheets; the first technique was used as an experimental test to identify variances in a very large sample and thereby to reduce to a viable...

Charki and Red Currant Jam: Provisioning Extractive Industries in Republican Highland Peru (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Noa Corcoran Tadd.

With the current boom in the archaeology of the colonial period in the central Andes, we risk losing sight of the potential for archaeological investigation of the colonial aftermath. Following important work further afield in the Southern Cone, I argue for the particular relevance archaeology could have in exploring trade liberalization, emancipation, and the new commodity booms of the 19th century. Drawing on the recent investigation of a series of Republican tambos (roadside inns) in the...

Charting Long-Term Social Stability in the Tres Zapotes Region: Theory, Method, and Settlement Patterns (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Christopher A. Pool. Michael L. Loughlin. Ashley Whitten.

In 2014 we initiated the Recorrido Regional Arqueológico de Tres Zapotes (RRATZ) to implement the NSF-funded project, "Long-term Social Stability in the Tres Zapotes Region." The goal of this project was to better understand the resilience of a tropical lowland polity through a millennium of political, economic, and environmental challenges, to document the preconditions that gave rise to this Olmec and Epi-Olmec polity, and to document the transformations that occurred in the wake of its...

Chasing the Cure: The Archaeology of Alternative Health Practices at a Tuberculosis Sanatorium (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Karin Larkin. Michelle Slaughter.

Eighty years ago, Cragmor Sanatorium in Colorado Springs, Colorado was a celebrated asylum for wealthy tuberculars and one of the premier facilities in the West. In its heyday, Cragmor housed some of the wealthiest patients in the United States. In the 1950s, the sanatorium contracted with the Bureau of Indian Affairs to treat Navajo women with tuberculosis. Once it became part of the University of Colorado system in 1965, much of the original history was subsumed under the growing campus but a...

Chemical Residues Analysis and Infrared Spectroscopy to Determine a Kiln´s Function from a Henequen Hacienda in Yucatan, Mexico (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Hector Hernandez. Soledad Ortiz. Jose Luis Ruvalcaba.

San Pedro Cholul was a henequen plantation and industrial facility, a hacienda estate, situated on the northeastern part of Merida city, Yucatán, México. Its principal development was during the last decades of the nineteenth century, known as Yucatan´s Gilded Age, and it was totally abandoned by the middle of the twentieth century. In 2015 we excavated a kiln facility in order to confirm its function as a lime production structure, to obtain archaeomagnetic dates, and to extract sediment...

Chemical residues in ceramic household containers of Santa Cruz Atizapan site in the valley of Toluca, Mexico (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Mauricio Obregón. Luis A. Barba.

The results of analysis of chemical residues are presented in a set of 2469 samples of archaeological ceramic artifacts: 434 foreign vessels (Kabata 2010), 452 samples of various types of local vessels (Pérez 2002, 2009), 480 comales (Terreros 2013), 470 pots, pans, 334 cazuleas, 140 braseros and 159 sahumadores. The containers correspond to the Late Classic and Epiclasic lakeside site occupation of Santa Cruz Atizapán, in Mexico State. Residues of protein, carbohydrates, fatty acids, phosphates...

Chenopod data in two countries of South America: Advances in knowledge about the use of Chenopodium in Argentina and Chile from Early Holocene (9000-11000 BP) to Historical Times (250 BP). (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only María Laura López. María Teresa Planella.

Argentina and Chile are the most austral American countries where Chenopodium species are recovered in several archaeological contexts. In both countries from the north to central and south, various issues are addressed from these findings such as hunter-gatherers subsistence strategies and chenopod grain morphological changes. Multi-proxy methods are used based on pollen, macro and micro botanical remains analyses, and isotopic data. However scarce botanical evidence has carried an uneven depth...

Chibchan Enlightenment (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Scott Palumbo.

This is an abstract from the "Centralizing Central America: New Evidence, Fresh Perspectives, and Working on New Paradigms" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. This presentation explores interpretations of past Indigenous political complexity in the Isthmo-Colombian Area. The paper argues that a preoccupation with hierarchy carries unforeseen consequences for the epistemology of the area and proposes a critique; that the various societies of the area...

The Chicama Valley Archaeological Project (1989-2000) Revisited (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Glenn Russell. Christopher Attarian.

Between 1989 and 2000, the Chicama Valley Archaeological Project, lead by Glenn S. Russell, Banks Leonard and Christopher Attarian, conducted archaeological survey and excavations in the lower Chicama Valley. This presentation will focus on a broad summary of settlement pattern change with reference to key excavation data that informs interpretation of the survey data. A focus will be how sociopolitical complexity developed in the context of control of irrigation systems. Approximately 25% of...

The Chicama Valley in Time and Space (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jeffrey Quilter. Regulo Franco J..

The Chicama is one of the largest valleys of the Peruvian coast, was part of the "heartland" of Moche culture, and a frontier between different cultural and linguistic regions at the time of Spanish arrival. This paper will review past and recent research in the valley and and their problems and potentials. Particular attention will be paid to landscape archaeology and the history of irrigation systems and land use through time, themes to be addressed in the other papers of the session.

Child Burials and Figurines at a Terminal Classic Maya Household, Ceibal, Guatemala (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jessica MacLellan. Daniela Triadan.

The ancient Maya center of Ceibal is known for a florescence during the Terminal Classic period (c. AD 800-900), a time when most cities in the region were in decline. Excavations at the Karinel Group, a residential complex, have focused on the site’s Preclassic origins. However, an elite household also occupied the area during the Terminal Classic period. The residents built four house platforms around a patio, had access to high-status goods, and took part in crafting activities. Along the...

Childhood Diets and Residential Mobility in the Late Intermediate Period, Colca Valley, Peru: A Study of Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Ratios from Dental Apatite (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Matthew Velasco. Loro Qianhui Pi. Tiffiny A. Tung.

Around AD 1300 in the Colca Valley of southern Peru, an increasing proportion of elite individuals began to mark themselves as ethnically distinct by elongating the heads of children. This permanent act had far-reaching effects on the livelihoods of modified individuals, especially females, who exhibit more diversified diets in adulthood and experienced lower rates of cranial trauma. The present study complements prior stable isotopic analysis of bone collagen by examining carbon and oxygen...

Children at the Heart of Buen Suceso (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Mozelle Bowers. Sara Juengst.

This is an abstract from the "Finding Community in the Past and Present through the 2022 PARCC Field School at Buen Suceso, Ecuador" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Children in antiquity provide bioarchaeologists with a window into the past as they embody the environment and culture around them (Halcrow and Tayles 2011). Due to subadults’ sensitivity to biocultural factors, they are excellent indicators of the health and nutrition of a society...

Children of the Atacama Desert: The complex interactions between breastfeeding, weaning and environmental stress in one of the world’s harshest environments. (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Charlotte King. Sian Halcrow. Andrew Millard. Anne Marie Sohler-Snoddy. Vivien Standen.

Infant feeding practices and the weaning process have important implications for early life health and mortality patterns. In particular, the concept of weaning stress is often invoked as an explanation for increased infant or child mortality and morbidity. In this paper we evaluate the concept of weaning stress and the bioarchaeological methods used to interpret its presence. We highlight the intimate connection between stress and the weaning process in our own research in the northern Atacama...

The Children of the Fire (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Mónica Sosa Ruiz.

This is an abstract from the "Ways to Do, Ways to Inhabit, Ways to Interact: An Archaeological View of Communities and Daily Life" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Fire is an important part of ceramic production; nevertheless, it is usually taken for granted when studying and analyzing ceramics. Ethnoarchaeology, experimentation, and sensory archaeology allowed us to grasp a better understanding of the relationships entangled between fire-using...

Chipped Tool Production and Exchange in Late Postclassic Tlaxcallan: Integrating Specialized Production with the Political Economy of a Collective State (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Marc Marino. Lane Fargher. Richard Blanton. Verenice Heredia Espinoza. John Millhauser.

Archaeological and ethnohistoric research has demonstrated that political-economic strategies in Late Postclassic (AD 1250 – 1521) Tlaxcallan were highly collective. At the same time, recent cross-cultural research indicates that collective political structures are strongly correlated with internal revenue sources, or taxes and corvée paid by free citizens. Thus, we hypothesize that Tlaxcaltecan political architects established internal revenue strategies to fund state activities. If this were...

The Chiquihuite Cave in Zacatecas, Mexico: Cultural Components, Lithic Industry and the Role of This Pleistocene Site in the Peopling of America (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ciprian Ardelean.

The high altitude Pleistocene site of Chiquihuite Cave, in the Central-Northern Mexican Highlands, is slowly turning into one of the most important players on the sensitive stage of the debates about the earliest human presence in North America. After the first three exploration seasons and before the imminent continuation of the excavations at this multi-component archaeological site, we can surely talk about several important Late Pleistocene, older-than-Clovis occupational phases. Dozens of...

Chirping Birds, Barking Dogs, and Singing Men: Ancient Ceramic Effigy Vessel Flutes from Tala, Jalisco, West Mexico (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kong Cheong. Mads Jorgensen.

Duct flutes are an important class of aerophone instrument among the ancient and modern indigenous Americans. Duct flutes can be further classified into tubular and vessel types. While they are widely distributed, vessel flutes, unlike tubular flutes, are rarely depicted in regional iconographies. This is perhaps because they are small in size and generally hidden by the player’s hands and are thus difficult to portray in murals, vases and sculptures. However, this is not the case in West Mexico...

The Chonos archipelago: from hunting-gathering to industrial productivity in the western Patagonian channels (43°50’ - 46°50’ S), Chile. (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Omar Reyes. Cesar Mendez. Manuel San Roman. Camilo Robles.

The Chonos archipelago is a series of islands and fjords in the northernmost part of western Patagonia, South America. It has been disconnected from continental landforms since glacial retreat, thus it is an ideal area for assessing the human use of maritime habitats. We analyze the spatial and temporal distribution of the archaeological record focusing on the emergence of human intense signatures in the last part of the late Holocene. The archaeological record (87 sites) includes open-air and...

Chronological Evidence of Material and Landscape Changes Associated with a Shift in Colonial Control at the Morne Patate Plantation, Dominica (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alan Armstrong.

Morne Patate Plantation in southern Dominica (occupied between the 1740s and 1950s) provides us with an opportunity to examine a setting that underwent major changes in social organization and economic engagements associated with the shift in colonial control of the island from the French to the British in 1763. This paper presents an overview of the chronology of the archaeological contexts at the site and changes in settlement organization. This material record provides evidence for discrete...

Chronological Modeling of Early Settlement on Yap, Western Micronesia (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Matthew Napolitano. Scott Fitzpatrick. Geoffrey Clark. Amy Gusick. Esther Mietes.

This is an abstract from the "When the Wild Winds Blow: Micronesia Colonization in Pacific Context" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The initial human settlement of Yap, a group of four small islands in western Micronesia, is one of the least understood colonization events in Remote Oceania. Unlike Polynesia, where multiple lines of evidence such as linguistics, genetics, and material culture analyses coalesce around a coherent narrative of initial...

A Chronometric Study of the Peopling of the Americas (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Lorena Becerra-Valdivia. Tom Higham.

This is an abstract from the "Constructing Chronologies II: The Big Picture with Bayes and Beyond" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The initial peopling of the Americas marks a major event in the expansion of modern humans across the planet. Questions associated with this dispersal remain, however, largely unanswered, with the previously accepted model, “Clovis-first,” effectively refuted. Considering that timing is fundamental in the study of human...

Circum-Atlantic Responses to the Late Antique Little Ice Age (536-660 CE) (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Joel Gunn.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Studies of North Atlantic cultures around the margins of the Bermuda Azores Subtropical High offer opportunities to observe parallel impacts on cultures on both sides of an ocean on four continents (Americas, Eurasia, Africa) as changes in global average temperatures influence the size and position of the High. Of special interest is the influence of the...