Republic of Cyprus (Country) (Geographic Keyword)

201-225 (1,171 Records)

A Comparison of Elemental Analysis Methods for Sediment Geochemistry (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Catherine Scott.

This poster will present preliminary interpretations from a study comparing different techniques of elemental analysis for sediment geochemistry, the goal of which is to determine the "best" technique to answer the questions at hand. "Sediment geochemistry" here refers to the collection of sediment samples and the elemental analysis of these samples in order to map activity areas across archaeological sites. This study used sediment samples collected from a modern, abandoned village called Eski...

Comparison of Nubian and Egyptian patterns of physical activity at New Kingdom Tombos (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Michele Buzon. Sarah Schrader.

Tombos, located at the Third Cataract of the Nile River in Sudan, was established as an Egyptian colonial site in Nubia during the New Kingdom period. Burials provide evidence for high level Egyptian administrators and support staff as well as local community members. Previous investigations of the Tombos remains have indicated that individuals buried at Tombos participated in relatively low levels of strenuous physical activities, indicative of roles such as administrators, scribes, and...

A comparison of Sail Control Methods in Second Century Egypt and in Viking Gotland [Krampmacken] (1987)
DOCUMENT Citation Only O T P Roberts.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the EXARC Bibliography, originally compiled by Roeland Paardekooper, and updated. Most of these records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us using the...

Complete and Commingled Juveniles: Comparison and Interpretation (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Cecelia Chisdock. Susan Sheridan.

This is an abstract from the "Continued Advances in Method and Theory for Commingled Remains" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Throughout much of bioarchaeology’s history, the remains of juveniles (nonadults) have seen a lack of study. Reasoning ranged from their perceived lack of importance in ancient societies, the complexities of growth and development, and the more fragile nature of their bones. Similarly, commingled remains are less often...

Complete vs. broken:exploring assemblage variation in two Natufian sites from Jordan (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Michael Neeley. Steven Swinford.

Archaeological sampling of lithic assemblages is an important process for characterizing the make-up and range of variability of these materials. These characterizations often focus on complete pieces due to the greater number of variables that can be recorded and the uncertain utility of incomplete data. But do complete pieces adequately characterize assemblage variability? Are these samples capturing the same range of variation found in broken pieces (e.g., proximal pieces)? This paper...

A Computational Approach to Initial Social Complexity: Göbekli Tepe and Neolithic Polities in Urfa Region, Upper Mesopotamia, Tenth Millennium BC (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Claudio Cioffi-Revilla. Niloofar Bagheri-Jebelli.

Extensive archaeological field work and multidisciplinary research in recent decades shows that communities of sedentary hunter-gatherers during the tenth millenium BC built the earliest presently known monumental structures during the PPNA (ca. 9600–8800 BC) at the ceremonial site of Göbekli Tepe and nearby PPNB settlement sites in present-day Urfa province, southeastern Turkey. However, the earliest evidence of agriculture dates to a later period (early PPNB, ca. 8750 BC, terminus post quem)...

Confirmation of an osteological feature, diploic veins, via three imaging modalities (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Daniella Tarquinio. Gerald Conlogue. Jaime Ullinger. Ramon Gonzalez.

Skeletons from site Tell el-Hesi (ca. 1400-1800CE; located in the southern Levant) have been undergoing renewed paleopathological analysis with the use of non-destructive imaging techniques. Upon assessing for pathology a computed radiograph image revealed multiple thin radiolucent structures within the cranial fragments of an individual that were not observed on the surface of the bone. These canal-like structures, thought to be some type of nutrient vessel, required further analysis to...

Confronting the Lost Cause through Conflict Archaeology: Natural Bridge, Florida (2022)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Janene Johnston. William Lees.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Paper / Report Submission (General Sessions)" , at the 2022 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. The Lost Cause is an essential underpinning of Jim Crow most visible in Confederate monuments but also in Civil War battles preserved as public monuments. Although it is true that the victors write the history books, there may not have been a push to do so in the case of small-scale engagements, which allowed the fabricated...

Connecting Survey and Fieldwork: Archaeology of the Core (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Katarina Jerbic.

This is an abstract from the "Palaeoeconomic and Environmental Reconstructions in Island and Coastal Archaeology" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Based on a PhD research case study in the Croatian Adriatic, the paper demonstrates a step further into investigating coastal and submerged archaeology. Seabed mapping methods adopted from marine geology, such as side-scan and multi-beam sonar surveys and shallow water sub-bottom profiling are now...

Considering Pb Mixing in Lead Isotope Analysis (LIA) of Tin Artifacts (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Wayne Powell. Ryan Mathur.

This is an abstract from the "Geological and Technological Contributions to the Interpretation of Radiogenic Isotope Data" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. LIA of tin metal must consider the U-Th-Pb characteristics of cassiterite ore. The initial Pb content of cassiterite is <1 ppm and Th is <0.005 ppm. However, it contains as much as 50 ppm U. Therefore, 206 Pb and 207 Pb accumulate over time, potentially allowing the definition of an isochron....

Constructing the Herd: Critically Considering the Temporality of Human-Animal Relations in Archaeological Analysis (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Theo Kassebaum.

This is an abstract from the "If Animals Could Speak: Negotiating Relational Dynamics between Humans and Animals" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The concept of the herd is often deployed when discussing systems of animal management in the ancient past, sometimes explicitly but most often implicitly. Due to the nature of the archaeological record, zooarchaeological assemblages often compress multiple generations of livestock into a single dataset....

Consumption Preferences at the Collapse of Empire: The Case of New Kingdom Jaffa (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jacob Damm.

The site of Tel Yafo (modern Jaffa, Israel) provides unique insight into the tenure of the Egyptian New Kingdom empire in the Levant (ca. 16th - 11th centuries BCE). As attested to in both ancient documents and by the presence of Egyptian monumental architecture, Jaffa functioned as an important imperial center. As the empire waned, Jaffa persisted as one of the last Egyptian holdings in the region. Recent excavations by the Jaffa Cultural Heritage Project (JCHP) have opened this final period to...

The Contemporary Archaeology of Old Cities: State Heritage and its Production in Rhodes and Acre (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Evan Taylor.

This is an abstract from the "Mediterranean Archaeology: Connections, Interactions, Objects, and Theory" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Among the historic urban centers represented on the UNESCO World Heritage List, nearly half are located in states of the Mediterranean Basin. Through the lens of contemporary archaeology, this paper traces how the material fabric of historic urban centers is manipulated to conform to particular ideas and visions...

Contested Images: Rock Art Heritage on and off the Rocks (2016)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Jamie Hampson.

In many countries, cultural and socio-political identity is still shaped, manipulated, and presented through rock art. Both on and off the rocks, pictographs and petroglyphs are powerful tools. In this poster, I present results from ten years of fieldwork in southern Africa, northern Australia, and west Texas. I focus on re-contextualised rock art images, in commercial settings, in academic publications, and as integral components of national symbols. I also consider innovative new visitor...

Contesting Landscapes. Hidden Histories vs. Memorialised Spaces in Cyprus (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Louise Steel.

People’s relationship with place plays a significant role in shaping, contesting and (re-)negotiating identities. This paper considers place as an active agent in the mediation of modern Cypriot identity against a backdrop of centuries of colonial occupation. The focus is Arediou, south of the Green Line. Here, I explore how experiences of the past are embedded spatially but are also experienced differently according to their relationship to current narratives of being (Greek-)Cypriot and...

Contextual Taphonomy in Zooarchaeology: From Refuse Behavior to Site-Occupation Intensity in Levantine Epipaleolithic Camps (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Reuven Yeshurun.

In zooarchaeology, Contextual Taphonomy means the integration of the stratigraphic and contextual data with zooarchaeological and taphonomic data, to clarify the 'life history' of a faunal sub-assemblage in a given context. The approach uses animal remains to explain variability among site features by looking into the differential taphonomic histories of the bones, most importantly in the post-discard stage. Archaeofaunal remains are normally ubiquitous in foragers’ camps and their histories are...

Contextualizing Conflict: Social Theory in the Bioarchaeology of Central Anatolia (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Cheryl Anderson.

This is an abstract from the "Fryxell Award Symposium: Papers in Honor of Debra L. Martin" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Throughout her career Debra Martin has utilized an innovative, multidisciplinary, and theoretical approach to bioarchaeology. One of her most significant contributions to archaeology has been her pioneering work on violence, utilizing social theory and current methodologies in order to interpret the skeletal evidence. Her...

Contextualizing Ritual and Collapse in Eastern and Southern African Chiefdoms and States (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Chapurukha Kusimba.

The role of ritual in the rise of complex societies is well understood in many regions of the world. In contrast, the roles ritual may have played in state collapse, regeneration, and resilience remains inadequately theorized in archaeological studies of the political dynamics of complex societies. This paper will evaluate the role of ritual in the emergence, resilience, and collapse of chiefly and state societies in Eastern and Southeastern Africa. Social and symbolic factors especially the...

Contributing Bodies: The Foundation of the Modern Human Skeletal Collection of the University of Athens in Greece (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Anna Lagia.

The capacity of humans to contribute positively even long after death includes not only donations and institutions but also one’s own body. The human body and its parts provide the opportunity to bridge time in archaeological and forensic contexts and appreciate human history. In 1996-7 this capacity was aptly evaluated by the scientific committee of the Wiener Laboratory of the American School of Classical Studies in Athens and the foundation of the modern human skeletal reference collection...

Contributions of Experimental Archaeology and Use-Wear Analysis to the Study of Limpets (Patella Sp.) (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Güner Coskunsu. Maria Rosa Iovino. Arzu Karahan.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2023: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Shells have great potentials to inform about the past both from cultural and environmental perspectives. However, despite their importance for ancient people and vast occurrence in prehistoric archaeological sites, Pleistocene shells have gotten less attention. Limpets (Patella sp.) rarely occur in Mediterranean Pleistocene and Holocene assemblages,...

Copper Smelting in the Early Bronze Age Aegean (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Yvette Marks. Roger Doonan.

Our understanding of Early Bronze Age copper smelting in the Southern Aegean has improved dramatically in the last two decades through a combination of fieldwork, laboratory analyses and experimental reconstructions (Betancourt 2006, Bassiakos, 2007, Pryce 2007). The currently accepted model for primary copper production has been largely based on the outcome of an experimental campaign (Pryce et al. 2007). While this study accepts the value of experimental archaeology it challenges the current...

Cordage as Ship Fastener: The Roman-Era Northwestern Adriatic Tradition of Sewn Boats (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Staci Willis. Heather Thakar. Massimo Capulli.

This is an abstract from the "The Ties That Bind: Cordage, Its Sources, and the Artifacts of Its Creation and Use" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Across the globe and over the millennia, cordage has been used as a key element to fasten the hulls of wooden plank boats and ships. As such, cordage has been an integral element of naval technology. Furthermore, the communal nature of constructing sewn plank boats arguably puts cordage at the heart of...

The "Cracking the Code" Project: Markers of Culture and Networks in Early Iron Age Stamna, Greece (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Eleni Simoni. Olga Christakopoulou.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. In Stamna, Greece, ceramic art is the focal point of investigation. This research reveals questions about the symbolism on the decorated surfaces of 709 Protogeometric funerary vessels discovered in 500 graves excavated in the 1990s. Our objective is to show how different theoretical perspectives on ceramic interpretation can be explored through both...

Creating the ‘Imagined Community’ of Mapungubwe (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ceri Ashley.

Mapungubwe’s influence spread deep into the regional hinterland, drawing in far-flung communities, trade networks and people. The traditional picture of a centripetal economy however has been challenged recently by work at these so called peripheries, indicating unexpected levels of autonomy and material wealth. While the place of these newly explored hinterlands need to be re-theorised and their agency acknowledged, there is danger in swinging the interpretive pendulum too far towards a...

Cremation Mortuary Practices at Phaleron during the Archaic Period (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jessica Cerezo-Román. Megan Walsh. Jane Buikstra.

This is an abstract from the "The Bioarchaeology of the Phaleron Cemetery, Archaic Greece: Current Research and Insights" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. In this paper, we reconstruct cremation mortuary practices from the Archaic site of Phaleron (ca. 750–480 BCE) located in Athens, Greece. We build on performance theory and issues of identities to answer two main research questions: (1) How was the identity(ies) of the cremated individuals at...