The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedoni (Country) (Geographic Keyword)

976-977 (977 Records)

Zero to Hero: Elite Burials and Hero Cults in Early Iron Age Greece and Cyprus (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alina Karapandzich. Paul Nick Kardulias.

Adulation of heroes, including the flawed, militaristic, authoritative men of Homeric epic was an important feature of ancient Hellenic culture. This phenomenon is reflected in cults and shrines built in the Archaic period. How did these so-called "hero cults" form, and can Early Iron Age (EIA) elite burials form a connection between the tomb cults of the Late Bronze Age (LBA) and the hero cults of the Archaic and later Classical periods? The purpose of this study is to examine EIA burials whose...

Zooarchaeological Remains from the Roman Harbor Vada Volaterrana (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Stephen B. Carmody. Lydia Carmody. Simonetta Menchelli. Ellie Shields. Madisen James.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The ancient Roman harbor of Vada Volaterrana was supported by a network of structures immediately surrounding the port at Vada's San Gaetano site. A 2015 GPR survey identified a series of rectangular buildings of unknown purpose in the southern sector of this site whose subsequent excavation produced several botanical and faunal remains. In 2019, a...