Swiss Confederation (Country) (Geographic Keyword)

651-675 (1,568 Records)

HistoGenes: Integrating genetic, archaeological and historical perspectives on Eastern Central Europe of the 1st millennium CE (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Zuzana Hofmanová.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. I will present the ERC-sponsored project HistoGenes, an interdisciplinary project that engages archaeologists, geneticists, anthropologists, and historians in a fine-grained analysis of more than 6,000 burials in the Carpathian Basin between 400 and 900 CE in order to understand population changes, mobility, social structures, and cultural practices in...

Histoire de la restitution du geste Préhistorique (2009)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Cyril Dumas.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the EXARC Bibliography, originally compiled by Roeland Paardekooper, and updated. Most of these records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us using the...

Historic Water Management Infrastructure in the San Pasquale Valley, Calabria, Italy (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Isaac Ullah. Yesenia Garcia. Paula Kay Lazrus. Nicholas Ames. Meredith S. Chesson.

Over the last several field seasons, the Bova Marina Archaeological Project has been documenting the timing of construction and the physical characteristics of the original water management infrastructure as well as documenting the changes in the natural and social systems of the San Pasquale Valley in Calabria, Italy. The Valley was recolonized in the 19th and early 20th centuries for both large scale bergamot plantations and by peasant farmers. With large scale population exodus from the...

Historical awareness: the role of archaeological open air museums (2007)
DOCUMENT Citation Only W G van der Weiden. James R Mathieu. Rüdiger Kelm. Roeland P Paardekooper. Hana Dohnálková. Karola Müller. Hywel J Keen. Camille Daval. J. Kateřina Dvořáková.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the EXARC Bibliography, originally compiled by Roeland Paardekooper, and updated. Most of these records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us using the...

The historiography of the archaeology of slavery in the French West Indies (2013)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Noura SAHNOUNE.

This paper poses the questions "what is an archaeology of slavery? why has it only developed in French archaeology in the last twenty years?" In the 1990s a number of organizations began to take an interest in the archaeology of slavery, and worked towards a commemoration of the institution. In the French West Indies, the DRAC and Inrap began to undertake CRM work on cemeteries and other sites associated with slavery.  At the same time, activist organizations in the French West Indies...

The Histotaphonomy of Human Skeletal Exposure within a Neolithic Long Cairn at Hazleton, UK (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Lynne Bell.

The total excavation of the Cotswold-Severn Neolithic long cairn at Hazleton was unusually meticulous and represents an excellent example of long term skeletal exposure. Some discussion exists around the nature of bodies prior to deposition in theses long cairn structures and histotaphonomy is here used to consider this question. The human remains at Hazleton were recovered from two spatially distinct stone-lined chambers in a highly disarticulated and commingled state. During excavation each...

Hitler's Fortress Builders: The Use of Non-Destructive Testing to Quantify the Differential Treatment of Labourers on Second World War Alderney (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Maxwell Meredith.

World War II left behind archaeological evidence of an impressive magnitude on the British Channel Islands, and today many of these features lay untouched. It was throughout my Master's research at Glasgow University in 2013-2014 that I developed a project to enhance our archaeological understanding of these concrete relics. Using a specific set of methods, I was able to accurately and non-destructively test the compressive strength of several concrete features. Combining this raw data with the...

Human Adaptability to Fauna and Flora Changes during MIS 5-3. Is the Iberian Mediterranean Region a Refuge? (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Cristina Real. Carmen María Martínez-Varea. Yolanda Carrión. Ernestina Badal.

This is an abstract from the "Peninsular Southern Europe Refugia during the Middle Paleolithic" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Neanderthal and AMH from the Early Upper Palaeolithic have a really good knowledge of their environment and its potential resources. The local landscape and its changes should influence their behavior and the availability of resources. In this sense, the faunal remains have been better documented than flora. But our team...

The Human Experience of Social Transformations in the North Atlantic and US Southwest (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Michelle Hegmon. Matthew Peeples.

This is an abstract from the "Celebrating Anna Kerttula's Contributions to Northern Research" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Archaeologists and other scholars have long studied the causes of collapse and other major social transformations and debated how they can be understood. This paper instead focuses on the human experience of living through those transformations, analyzing 18 transformation cases from the North Atlantic and the US Southwest....

Human Interment and Making Memory in Viking Age Iceland (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Erica Hill.

This is an abstract from the "SANNA v2.2: Case Studies in the Social Archaeology of the North and North Atlantic" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Over 300 Viking Age (AD 871–1000) human interments are known from Iceland, many with accompanying dogs and horses. Though these interments are similar to those of elites in Scandinavia, inhumation burial in Iceland apparently served a different purpose — to demarcate boundaries in a landscape devoid of...

Human Occupation of the Central Balkans during the Last Glacial Maximum: Recent Results from Serbia (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Steven Kuhn. Dušan Mihailovic. Bojana Mihailovic. Tamara Dogandžic. Senka Plavšic.

This is an abstract from the "Interdisciplinary Research into the Late Pleistocene of Europe" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), or Marine Isotope Stage 2, produced some of the most extraordinary environmental challenges faced by Homo sapiens during the Pleistocene. Large parts of temperate and subarctic Eurasia were depopulated, as humans retreated to areas with relatively favorable conditions. Although the Balkans...

Human-Material Interactions during the Aurignacian of Europe, 35,000–27,000 BP: An Analysis of Marine Shell Ornament Distribution (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Lisa Rogers.

This research explores dynamic relationships between people and materials during the Aurignacian period of Europe, 35,000-27,000 BP. More specifically, a network analysis is used to determine whether there are discernible patterns in the geographic distribution of marine shells used for the creation of beads and pendants. As early inhabitants of Europe moved across the landscape they came into contact with others and left behind material traces of these interactions. Whether these artifacts came...

The Human-Mediated Evolution of Cattle and Its Impact on Cattle-Based Agriculture in the Neolithic of the Polish Lowlands (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Arkadiusz Marciniak.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2021: General Sessions" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Cattle were the most important domesticated animal in the Neolithic of the Polish lowlands. The paper will explore the character of human-mediated evolution of cattle following rapid development of Neolithic groups in the region, the need of adaptation to new ecological niches and the strain caused by climate change and human induced environmental pressure. It...

Hunters in transition: Mesolithic societies of temperate Eurasia and their transition to farming (1986)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Marek Zvelebil.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the EXARC Bibliography, originally compiled by Roeland Paardekooper, and updated. Most of these records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us using the...

Hunting lesions caused by osseous projectile points: experimental results and archaeological implications (2008)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Claire Letourneaux. Jean-Marc Pétillon.

J. Whittaker: Upper Magdalenian (Upper Paleolithic) antler points, fork-based or double beveled, from Isturitz, France. Could be on darts or arrows - earliest definite bow evidence is Ahrensburgian arrow shafts from Stellmoor, Germany, ca 2000 yrs younger than Up Magd. Replicated pts on foreshafts with hide glue and sinew, used (96) on arrows with self bow, and atlatl darts 2.5 m L, 157-193 gm, atlatls of Up Pal type 50-70 cm long, Chauvaux, Cattelain, Demoulin, and Rivere throwers. Two...

Hunting the Helmet: Social and Practical Aspects of Building a Boar’s Tusk Helmet (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Deborah Ruscillo.

From the earliest occurrence of the boar's tusk helmet from Grave Circle B at Mycenae (ca. 1650BCE) to the latest from a sub-Minoan tomb from the North Cemetery at Knossos (ca. 1000BCE) presents a span of 650 years of reverence for this important accessory of Bronze Age warriorhood. Depictions and copies of this helmet in other cultures, including in the Hittite, Egyptian, and even later Roman cultures, demonstrate its pervasive and deeply respected meaning. Helmets of this kind were known to...

Hypothèse de Cavalerie Gauloise (2008)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ludovic Moignet.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the EXARC Bibliography, originally compiled by Roeland Paardekooper, and updated. Most of these records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us using the...

Hölzernes Mobiliär im vor- und frühgeschichtlichen Mittel- und Nordeuropa (1989)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Barbara Grodde.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the EXARC Bibliography, originally compiled by Roeland Paardekooper, and updated. Most of these records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us using the...

Iberian Mines and Imperial Matters: Re-conceptualizing Labor, Technologies, and Communities of Practice in Roman Iberia (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Linda Gosner.

The landscapes of the Iberian Peninsula were famous in antiquity for their richness in metals, and scholars have long claimed that these metals were a draw for colonial interest in the region from early on. This is especially true following the Roman conquest of Iberia in the late 3rd century BCE, when the scale of mining increased dramatically to accommodate the growing needs of the Roman empire. This was made possible through dramatic shifts in the organization of labor and the technological...

Icelandic Livestock and Landscapes: Biometrical Signatures of Land Surface Change (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kevin Gibbons.

Zooarchaeologists have typically employed faunal biometric data to address questions of domestication, breeding and improvement strategies, animal population demographics, market economies, and the movement of livestock. However, an historical ecology approach to biometrics also suggests the utility of investigating relationships between livestock management strategies and landscape change. Building on over twenty years’ worth of standardized zooarchaeological datasets from across the North...

Identification of Post-Marital Residence Patterns in Prehistory: A Case from the European Neolithic (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Petr Kvetina. Vaclav Hrncir.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The aim of this contribution is to test hypotheses about the correlation of post-marital residence with several material patterns observed in the archaeological record, namely household floor area, the spatial arrangements of households and type of subsistence. These associations, which were previously revealed in the anthropological literature, are...

Identifying pre-incineration state from heat-induced fracture and warping patterns found on human cremains in a Hungarian Bronze Age cemetery (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Audrey Choi. Jaime Ullinger. László Paja.

Attempts to determine the status of human remains prior to their final deposition are complicated in the analysis of cremains. Forensic and archaeological studies, however, have advocated for the interpretation of heat-induced fracture and warping patterns as indicators of the pre-incineration state of the body and of the characteristics of the funeral fire. The purpose of this research is to examine the possible internal social structures of a Bronze Age population in the Körös region of...

Identifying Signatures of Bone Grease Rendering in Archaeological Contexts (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alison MacMillan. Eugène Morin.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2023: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Toward the end of the Paleolithic, foragers have been inferred to render small amounts of fat from cancellous bone in a process known as bone grease rendering (BGR). As the goal is to extract additional energy from each animal, the technology possibly emerged in response to seasonal resource stress. BGR is presently associated with the Holocene; more...

If the Dead Could Return: The Politics of World War II Era Human Remains in Eastern Europe (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Katharine Kolpan.

Although World War II (WWII) hostilities ended in 1945, still today the graves and remains of both combatants and civilians continue to be unearthed, especially in Eastern Europe. These discoveries of graves become entwined with the dynamic physical and geopolitical landscapes, whereby the post-human remains take on new, contested identities. Their unique identifications to name or nationality are sublimated, as their collective national or ethnic identities become prioritized. Combatants...

Il progetto archeolive. Parchi archeologici della Protostoria Europea (2003)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Wolfgang F A Lobisser. Gunter Schöbel. Franz Eckart Barth. Andrea Cardarelli.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the EXARC Bibliography, originally compiled by Roeland Paardekooper, and updated. Most of these records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us using the...