South America (Continent) (Geographic Keyword)

901-925 (2,200 Records)

Huaca del Loro: A Wari Colony in Coastal Nasca (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Christina Conlee. Corina Kellner. Chester Walker. Aldo Noriega.

This is an abstract from the "Developments through Time on the South Coast of Peru: In Memory of Patrick Carmichael" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Excavations at the site of Huaca del Loro in the Las Trancas Valley of the Nasca drainage have uncovered a Wari settlement, a cemetery with hybrid Nasca/Wari practices, and a large habitation area possibly for local support personnel. In the Wari sector, ground-penetrating radar (GPR) identified...

Huanca Stone and Ancestor Veneration at Cerro San Isidro, Middle Nepeña Valley, Peru (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only David Chicoine.

This is an abstract from the "After the Feline Cult: Social Dynamics and Cultural Reinvention after Chavín" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. In the Moro region of the middle Nepeña Valley, on the western slopes of the north-central Peruvian Andes, the fifth century BCE marked a major social crisis, perhaps best seen in endemic armed conflicts, unfinished monumental buildings, and the demise of Chavín-related artistic programs. In this balkanized...

Huari Urban Prehistory: An Introduction to the Excavations of 2017 (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only William Isbell. Ismael Pérez Calderón.

Huari Urban Prehistory: An Introduction to the Excavations of 2017 From June through mid-August archaeological excavations were conducted at the Patipampa section of Huari, Ayacucho, Peru, where prehistoric constructions are not preserved on the surface. The goal of this first season of excavation was to detect and expose outlines of the built environment in approximately a hectare of space believed to contain primarily residential remains. As spatial organization becomes clear, individual...

Huayna Picchu Survey with the Optech ILRIS-3D (2005)

Huayna Picchu is a large mountain that rises over Machu Picchu, on the north side of the site. The mountain's summit is terraced, and supports several structures. The Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies (CAST), University of Arkansas conducted high density surveys of Huayna Picchu in 2005. CAST researchers completed two long range scans of the mountain top and its ruins from a single vantage point. The original scan files and a merged point cloud data set are provided here. Visit...

Human Biogeography, Life Histories and Bioavailable Strontium in the Southern Andes (Argentina and Chile) (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ramiro Barberena. Valeria Cortegoso. Alejandra Gasco. Erik J. Marsh. Augusto Tessone.

This is an abstract from the "Patagonian Evolutionary Archaeology and Human Paleoecology: Commending the Legacy (Still in the Making) of Luis Alberto Borrero in the Interpretation of Hunter-Gatherer Studies of the Southern Cone" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. While regionally focused in Patagonia, Luis Borrero’s research has contributed to shape archaeological practice beyond this region, encompassing South America at large. As a regional case...

Human Coprolite Diet Reconstruction Confirms Wetland Resource Use in the Coast of the Atacama Desert, 6580 cal. yr BP (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Karl Reinhard. Luz Ramirez de Bryson. Nicole Searcey. Isabel Teixeira-Santos. Calogero Santoro.

It has been proposed that Chinchorro coastal people along the Atacama Desert in northern Chile had marginal access to plant food, a position refuted by recent scholars. The older perspective comes from bone chemistry analyses which showed a nearly exclusive reliance on marine animal resources. Newer analyses of mummy gut contents shows a substantial reliance on wetland plant resources, especially sedge rhizomes and seeds. Therefore, existing analyses present very different ideas of Chinchorro...

Human Demography and Ecosystems: Comparative Approach of Human Age-at-Death Profiles from Northpatagonia (Southern Mendoza, Argentina) (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Eva Peralta. Leandro Luna. Claudia Aranda. Adolfo Gil.

The aim of this presentation is to provide information about human age-at-death profiles in order to understand the environmental/demographic dynamics of pre-Hispanic people from Southern Mendoza. Burials from 20 archaeological sites are included in age-at-death profiles, which are compared to discern regional particularities. This is a transitional area between hunter-gatherers groups and farming populations. The presentation evaluates if the introduction of domesticated resources in the diet...

Human Impact on an Inhospitable Plain: New Insights into the Hydraulic System of the Rio Huaycho (Lake Titicaca, Bolivia) (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Christophe Delaere. Sergio Durán Chacón. Maureen Le Doare. Romuald Housse.

This is an abstract from the "Water Management in the Andes: Past, Present, and Future" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The ALTI-plano research project (Archaeological Lake Titicaca Inventory-Mapping) aims, in particular, to provide a complete map of archaeological sites along the eastern shores of Lake Titicaca. Our focus lies primarily on refining our grasp of local chronologies, human settlement patterns, and the environmental change effects on...

Human Responses to Holocene Aridization South of the Atacama Desert (31° to 32° S), the Meaning of Differences in Landscape Use (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only César Méndez. Antonio Maldonado. Andrés Troncoso. Amalia Nuevo Delaunay. Sebastían Grasset.

The geographical band between 31°-32° S, from the Pacific to the Andes, lies in the southernmost part of the Semi-Arid North of Chile, south of the Atacama Desert. Multidisciplinary research to the north and south of the Choapa River’s mouth is uneven, thereby in need of new data for understanding the relative intensity of the human traces across the landscape and the human interactions with environmental changes. Currently, the combined pollen records in the coast and highlands indicate arid...

Human Selection on Maize Size Traits. A contribution from the archaeological record of Tarapacá, chile, South Central Andes. (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alejandra Vidal Elgueta. Luis Felipe Hinojosa. María Fernanda Pérez.

Maize from Andean region has a recognized complex history, involving ecological and human interaction. Today, while Andean maize show high morphological and low genotypic diversities, the process involved in its production and selection is unclear. In this work we ask how the morphological and genetic diversity of maize has varied through Formative Period to present time in Tarapacá Region, northern Chile? To answer this we analysed thirty morphological traits and eight microsatellites markers...

Human-Environment Interactions and the Hunter-Gatherers of Chachapoyas, Peru (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Lauren Pratt.

This is an abstract from the "The Archaeology of Tropical Montane Cloud Forests" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Although a growing bodies of scholarship address later cultural developments in such regions, Tropical Montane Cloud Forests (TMCF) are nevertheless perceived by many as environments marginal for human occupation, especially for hunter-gatherers. One such region, the Chachapoyas culture area in northern Peru, has to date been home to...

Human-Environment Relationships and Spatial Organization in the Nepeña Valley, Ancash Peru (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Corey Hoover.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The built environment is not a simple, haphazardly constructed idea. The human condition and cultural components, combined with environmental factors have undoubtedly influenced the built environment situated within landscapes. Not only are these landscapes environmental, but also social. In addition, these landscapes are not static and are subject to...

Human-Environment System Change and Stability in the Farming/Hunter-Gatherer Transition (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Adolfo Gil. Gustavo Neme. Maria de la Paz Pompei. Laura Salgan. Nuria Sugrañes.

This is an abstract from the "Global Perspectives on Climate-Human Population Dynamics During the Late Holocene" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Central Western Argentina shows during historical times a surprising mosaic of human strategies, ranging from populations with domestic plants and animals in one extreme, to populations focused on wild resources in the other. In general, this variation was associated with more sedentary and dense...

Humans strategy and paleoclimate in the Andean: variation in intensity occupation in the Laguna del Diamante (ca. 2000-500 años aP) (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Lucía Yebra. Valeria Cortegoso. Erik Marsh. María Eugenia de Porras. Antonio Maldonado.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Laguna del Diamante (34°S) is a high-altitude wetland (3,000 m asl) with resources that have been attractive to human societies for the last 2,000 years. This article evaluates the variable intensity of its occupation in five temporal segments between 2030 and 440 cal BP, according to a chronology modeled from 14 radiocarbon dates excavated in stone...

Hunter-Gatherer Adaptation in the Deserts of Northern Patagonia (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Fernando Franchetti. Miguel Giardina. Loukas Barton. Clara Otaola.

Arid environments (marked by scarce water and heterogeneous resources) constrain human adaptation. In this paper, we explore changes in the use of land in the Diamante Valley, Mendoza province, Argentina, during the Holocene. The principal aim of this exploration is to test the validity of a perceived intensification process in the area of North Patagonia where we conducted a systematic random surface sampling in three ecological zones: the Highlands, the Piedmont and the Lowlands. Within these...

Hunter-gatherer home ranges in arid environments: exploring some of the differences and similarities (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Elizabeth Pintar. Nora Viviana Franco.

Deserts have traditionally been considered marginal environments, because survival depends on several factors. Some researchers have pointed to the importance of water for hunter-gatherers living in these environments, as well as the increased knowledge of the environment they lived in, and its resources, as well as the awareness and knowledge of neighbors on whom to call in lean times or with whom to interact and exchange partners and the knowledge of resources. Here we present two cases from...

The Hydrologic and Geologic Dynamics of the Las Peñas Spring (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Megan LeBlanc.

This presentation addresses the hydrology of agricultural terraces and a spring associated with the Late Intermediate Period (post AD 1200) site of Las Peñas located in the Moquegua Valley of Peru. Positioned 150 meters northwest of Las Peñas, the spring is located at roughly 2,700 meters in elevation and sits at the base of several agricultural terraces. This field system was presumably in production at the time Las Peñas was occupied and is still in use today. Using coring techniques, sediment...

(I) A Typology for a Class of Objects in Museum Collections in Ecuador; (II) Proposed Study to Test Objects from Museum Collections in Ecuador to Verify Usage of Hallucinogenic Entheogens to 2650-2100 Y.B.P , 450 B.C.E - 100 C.E.
PROJECT Uploaded by: Robert Caldwell

(I) A Typological Identification of a Class of Objects in Museum Collections in Ecuador; Classification and Typology for this Class; Identification of Types of Objects of this Class and Sub-Types; Interpretation of Meaning in Iconography and Forms; (II) Proposed Study to Test Objects from Museums in Ecuador to Verify Usage of Hallucinogenic and Psychedelic Entheogens to circa 2650-2100 Y.B.P.- 450 B.C.E - 100 C.E.; Significance; Outline of Testing to be Performed including Types of Testing and...

(I) A Typology for a Class of Objects in Museum Collections in Ecuador; (II) Proposed Study to Test Objects in Museum Collections in Ecuador to Verify Usage of Hallucinogenic Entheogens to circa 2650-2100 Y.P.B - 450 B.C.E - 100 C.E. (2022)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Robert Caldwell.

(I) Identification of a Class of Objects in Museum Collections in Ecuador; Classification and Typology; Stylistic, Construction, Iconography, and Other Differences in Types of these Objects; Interpretation of Meanings of Iconography and Forms Thereof; (Ii) Proposed Study to Test Objects in Museum Collections in Ecuador to Verify Usage of Hallucinogenic Ethneogens to circa 2650-2100 Y.B.P.- 450 B.C.E - 100 C.E.; Significance; Outline of Testing to be Performed; Identification of Specific Objects...

Iconographic Depictions of Spear-Thrower Use in the Ancient Andes (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Zachary Critchley.

Spear-thrower devices held a role around the world as a primary weapon and tool before slowly falling out of favor in certain areas for other projectile weapons. While it is widely accepted that spear-throwers were used by the people of the ancient central Andes, comparatively little research has gone into the role that they had as weapons of war, hunting tools, and objects of ceremonial reverence. Many Andean societies have rich traditions of art and iconography, often portraying human and...

Iconographic Evidence for Altered States of Consciousness in Andean Cupisnique Visual Culture (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Cathy Costin.

This is an abstract from the "Magic, Spirits, Shamanism, and Trance" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Although a shamanic component has long been recognized in Andean Formative cultures, recent research on Cupisnique (ca. 1200–900 BCE) ceramic iconography yields evidence for more varied, more prevalent, and much more far-reaching use of therapeutic and entheogenic substances during the early phases of Andean prehistory than has been previously...

Iconographic, Technological, and Contextual Analysis of Wari Pyro-Engraved Gourds from Castillo de Huarmey, Peru (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Emanuela Rudnicka.

This is an abstract from the "A Decade of Multidisciplinary Research at Castillo de Huarmey, Peru" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The technological, stylistic, and iconographical aspects of decorated gourds are yet insufficiently addressed by researchers of precolumbian Andean art. This paper investigates Wari pyro-engraved gourd vessels that have been discovered during the excavation process at Castillo de Huarmey since 2013. The archaeological...

DOCUMENT Full-Text Kathryn Puseman. Linda Scott Cummings.

Two groups of charcoal/botanic samples from the Early Horizon site of Caylán (PV31-30), on the north-central coast of Peru, were submitted for identification and AMS radiocarbon dating. Previous radiocarbon dates obtained from this site yielded two-sigma calibrated ages ranging between 800 BC and AD 20, reflecting occupation during the Early Horizon period. The first submission consisted of ten samples. Radiocarbon dates in Submission 1 were obtained from two charred maize cob fragments, two...

DOCUMENT Full-Text Kathryn Puseman.

A total of six samples from geologic trenches at the 7 Lagos Project in Valdivia, Chile, were examined to recover charcoal or other organic fragments suitable for radiocarbon dating. Botanic components and detrital charcoal were identified, and potentially radiocarbon datable material was separated. One sample consisted of uncharred wood that did not survive the chemical pre-treatment for dating, while one of the samples did not contain any charred material. A total of four AMS radiocarbon...

DOCUMENT Full-Text Kathryn Puseman. Linda Scott Cummings.

A total of eleven samples from geologic trenches at the San Pedro Dam Site in Valdivia, Chile, were floated to recover organic fragments suitable for radiocarbon analysis. Botanic components and detrital charcoal were identified, and potentially radiocarbon datable material was separated. A total of seven radiocarbon dates were obtained on charcoal from these samples.