Vanderburg Air Force Base (Geographic Keyword)
1-2 (2 Records)
Six soil samples from undifferentiated midden deposits at site CA-SBA-990 on North Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, were floated to recover macrofloral remains. This site is a lithic and shell deposit containing chert debitage, flaked stone tools, marine shell, fish and terrestrial animal bone, shell beads, fire-altered rock, and ground stone tools. Radiocarbon dates from shell at the site suggest occupation from the Late Prehistoric into the Protohistoric, approximately A.D....
Wildland fire in ecosystems: effects of fire on cultural resources and archaeology (2012)
This state-of-knowledge review provides a synthesis of the effects of fire on cultural resources, which can be used by fire managers, cultural resource (CR) specialists, and archaeologists to more effectively manage wildland vegetation, fuels, and fire. The goal of the volume is twofold: (1) to provide cultural resource/archaeological professionals and policy makers with a primer on fuels, fire behavior, and fire effects to enable them to work more effectively with the fire management community...