Tabasco Coastal plain (Geographic Keyword)
1-5 (5 Records)
To be added
Pottery type images for the western Tabasco Coastal Plain (2008)
This set of images documents common ceramics types found at La Venta, Tabasco. The examples here were recovered from San Andrés (Barí 1), a subsidiary elite community in the Lower La Venta area of the flood plain. The ceramics at San Andrés demonstrate a range of states from refired and eroded to well-preserved. The type images presented here are of generally well-preserved examples. These types are defined in my dissertation (von Nagy 2003), and will receive full treatment in a forth coming...
Proyecto Encrucijada-Pajonal
Digital images and supporting documents related to the Encrucijada-Pajonal Project (von Nagy 2003) along the Pajonal and Arenal paleodistributaries of the Grijalva delta. The project focused on Early and Middle Formative (Preclassic) Olmec settlements in western Tabasco. Pottery data acquired through excavation of Pajonal sites and from the site of San Andrés near La Venta form the basis for the Early and Middle Formative pottery chronology for the region of the Tabasco Olmec.
Proyecto Laguna Costera Catalógo ● Muestras de Cerámica (2003)
Catalog of ceramic type collections on file with the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH). This is part of the Proyecto Laguna Costera document set.
San Andrés figurine photograph set (2004)
Processed digital photographs of figurines recovered by the PLC from San Andrés, Tabasco.