U. S. Southwest (Geographic Keyword)
1-10 (10 Records)
Archaeological investigations by Arizona State University in 1999-2000, directed by Katherine Spielmann and Billy Graves
Pueblo Blanco Ceramic Data (2003)
This dataset contains information on the ceramics recovered during the 1999-2000 ASU excavation seasons at Pueblo Blanco, New Mexico.
Pueblo Blanco Faunal Report (2004)
Report on the fauna excavated from Pueblo Blanco in 1999 and 2000.
Pueblo Blanco Ground Stone (2003)
This dataset contains information on the ground stone artifacts recovered from the ASU 1999 and 2000 excavations at Pueblo Blanco, New Mexico.
Pueblo Blanco Lithics (2015)
This dataset contains information on the chipped stone lithics recovered from Pueblo Blanco, New Mexico in ASU's 1999 and 2000 field seasons.
Pueblo Blanco Lot, Period, Context (2003)
This dataset provides square, level, temporal, and context information for each of the lot numbers assigned during the 1999-2000 ASU excavation seasons at Pueblo Blanco, New Mexico.
Pueblo Blanco Mineral Artifacts (2003)
This dataset contains information on the mineral 'artifacts' that were recovered during the 1999 and 2000 ASU excavation seasons at Pueblo Blanco, New Mexico.
Pueblo Blanco Miscellaneous Artifacts (2003)
This dataset contains information on miscellaneous artifact types, largely historic, recovered during the 1999 and 2000 ASU excavation seasons at Pueblo Blanco, New Mexico.
Pueblo Blanco Pot Lids (2003)
This dataset contains information on the pot lids (limestone disks) recovered during the 1999 and 2000 ASU excavation seasons at Pueblo Blanco, New Mexico.
Pueblo Blanco Projectile Points (2015)
This database contains information on the projectile points recovered in the 1999-2000 ASU excavations at Pueblo Colorado, New Mexico. The dataset creator is actually JS. The database was maintained by Graves.