Western Europe (Geographic Keyword)

351-352 (352 Records)

Working-class culture in the urban landscape of twentieth-century Sheffield (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Katherine Fennelly.

This paper will examine the legacy of early twentieth-century working-class cultural practice encoded within the archaeology of the post-industrial landscape of Sheffield, in the United Kingdom. Sheffield was a booming industrial city, specialising in the metal trades, which underwent a considerable building boom towards the end of the nineteenth century. The north-city suburb of Firth Park saw the rapid expansion of domestic housing stock and the opening of Sheffield’s first public park in this...

World Heritage and Industrial Archaeology on Minions Moor: Cars, Cattle and Commoners (2013)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Hilary Orange.

Tin and copper mining on Minions Moor (Cornwall, England) was a relatively brief interlude in the traditional economy of the moor, which is largely based around grazing. In 1836 rich reserves of copper were discovered here, leading to mass immigration and the development of moorland settlements. The ensuing mining boom turned to bust after only 40 years. As the industrial wasteland began to green-over grazing practices were gradually reintroduced. The moor today is commonly seen as a ‘natural’...