Kartchner Caverns State Park (Geographic Keyword)
1-7 (7 Records)
The purpose of this study is to determine if the removal of large, rusty metal objects (and several plastic ones) can be done without serious impacts to the historic archaeological site.
An Archaeological Investigation into the McGrew Springs Parcel at Kartchner Caverns State Park, Benson, Arizona (2007)
Arizona State Parks condemned and purchased the McGrew Springs parcel in 2004. As stewards of this 160-acre parcel A.S.P. Kartchner Caverns would like to install a wildland fence on the north, east and west boundaries of this land to protect the entire parcel, including the perennial spring. An archaeological survey was requested to determine if any cultural resources will be impacted where the perimeter fence is going to be installed.
A Class III Cultural Resource Survey of 1.9 Acres to Aid in Planning Improvements to the Foothills Loop Trail's Western Drainage Crossings at Kartchner Caverns State Park, Cochise County, Arizona (2017)
Staff at Kartchner Caverns State Park are considering alterations to sections of the Foothills Loop Trail. Specifically, the westernmost portion of this trail crosses two dry drainages which run east from the eastern flank of the Whetstone Mountains. At present, these crossings include steep, stepped sections. An alternative would be to replace these sections with switchbacks or ramps paralleling the drainages. The property in question is owned by Arizona State Parks & Trails (ASPT). If the...
A Class III Cultural Resource Survey of Approximately 29 Acres in Anticipation of the Ocotillo Trail at Kartchner Caverns State Park, Cochise County, Arizona (2017)
Arizona State Parks & Trails (ASPT) intends to build a trail section at Kartchner Caverns State Park. The two ends of the proposed section will connect with the existing Foothill Loop Trail in order to add another loop. The proposed trail section is approximately 1.7 miles long. Construction will involve the clearing of rock and vegetation, along with the installation of steps at places where the trail crosses drainages. The area of potential effects (APE) is on lands owned and managed by ASPT....
A Cultural Resources Survey Conducted for Proposed Camp-Ground Extensions and Group Area Improvements at Kartchner Caverns State Park (2015)
Arizona State Parks (ASP) proposes to complete a project to extend individual tent campgrounds, create a group camp area, and install a Ramada for campers in Kartchner Caverns State Park. ASP proposes minimal ground disturbing preparation consisting of vegetation clearing and leveling for primitive tent-camp locals north and south of an existing gravel road in the southeast portion of the park. In addition, a separate group camp location is proposed, which consists of clearing and leveling an...
Monitoring and Discovery Plan for a Waterline Installation at Kartchner Caverns State Park (2013)
This document represents a monitoring plan for a proposed water line installation at Kartchner Caverns State Park. The proposed water line will cut through the southwest corner of an Archaic artifact scatter, AZ EE:3:28 (ASM). Site AZ EE:3:28(ASM) was determined eligible for listing on the NRHP. In consultation with SHPO, a “no adverse” project finding of effect would be appropriate on the condition that an archaeologist meeting the Secretary of Interior standards monitored the construction of...
Trip Report: Archaeological Survey and Assessment of Effect for New RV Sites at Kartchner Caverns, AZSP, 2010 (2010)
The goal of the survey was determine if the proposed RV sites would adversely affect the cultural resources present or have the potential to affect any previously unknown cultural resources. After looking over the information from previous archaeological surveys (Madsen and Bayman 1989, Whalen 1971) it was determined that the proposed RV sites lie within a large lithic artifact scatter w/ roasting pits, identified as Late Archaic first by Whalen in 1971, and again by Madsen and Bayman (1989)...