USA (Country) (Geographic Keyword)

35,126-35,150 (35,445 Records)

What’s in the Cellar: the Archaeology of an 1885 Officers’ Quarters at Fort Walla Walla, Washington (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Melissa Cascella.

This paper will provide insights into the daily lives of the families that lived on Fort Walla Walla, one of the Pacific Northwest’s earliest communities, from its early use as a military base and into its transition to a veteran’s facility. Established in 1858, Fort Walla Walla was built along the Oregon Trail by the U.S. Army to defend settlers moving into the territory and played a major military role into the early 1900s. After the Fort closed in 1910, it was converted into a veteran’s...

What’s the Deal with Corrugated Whitewares? An Analysis of the Corrugated Whitewares from the Haynie Site (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Julia Coverdale.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2023: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Corrugated exterior whitewares in the Ancestral Puebloan world are often thought of as a rarity. While these ceramics are not as common as gray ware corrugated or regular black-on-white ceramics, they are an important blending of pottery manufacture. Corrugated whiteware ceramics can also help us begin to understand symbolism and meaning of corrugation...

What’s the Point? Contextualizing the Significance of the Turpin Lithic Assemblage (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Grace Conrad. Robert Cook.

This is an abstract from the "Improving and Decolonizing Precontact Legacy Collections with Fieldwork: Making Sense of Harvard’s Turpin Site Expedition (Ohio)" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. A long-standing point of contention has been the degree of continuity and change between the Middle Woodland (ending AD 500) and Fort Ancient periods (beginning about AD 1000). The intermediate Late Woodland period has become a placeholder but is clearly of...

"What’s This Doing There": Archaeological Evidence of the St. Louis Barter Economy (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Michael J. Meyer.

This is an abstract from the "From Iliniwek to Ste Genevieve: Early Commerce along the Mississippi" session, at the 2019 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Beginning in 2013, excavations conducted by the Missouri Department of Transportation have identified buildings associated with six different properties dating to the late 1700s, but it is the latest finds that have generated the greatest interest. Excavations conducted in the winter and spring of 2017 revealed the...

What’s Under The Ice: A Geophysical Survey Of The King's Shipyard, Lake Champlain, New York (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only William Chadwick. Daniel E. Bishop. Steven Campbell.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "The King's Shipyard Surveys, 2019: Submerged Cultural Heritage Near Fort Ticonderoga" , at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. The Kings Shipyard, near Fort Ticonderoga, New York has been the resting ground for many ships that sailed Lake Champlain during the 18th century. Because of its sheltered position, near Fort Ticonderoga, it was used to build vessels and store vessels, with some being allowed to decay and...

What’s Your Question? Theoretical Bioarchaeology in the American Southwest and Ancient Arabia (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kathryn Baustian.

This is an abstract from the "Fryxell Award Symposium: Papers in Honor of Debra L. Martin" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Bioarchaeology today is interdisciplinary, scientific, and theoretical. For over 30 years, Debra Martin has contributed substantially to archaeology by promoting these shifts in the discipline. Her scholarly accomplishments are extensive but I suggest that perhaps her most important contribution to the field of bioarchaeology...

(What’s) Left of the Commodity: Archaeology and the Creative Resuscitation of Spent Goods (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Justin E. Uehlein.

Hobo jungles and other transient laborer and homelessness related sites present a sustained material critique of Capitalism. These kinds of sites provide insight into the creative strategies people employ to circumvent commodity markets when capital is not available. Whether residual evidence of an intentional statement against an oppressive system, or of a means to persist in the most desperate of situations, the assemblages left behind by people who reside on the fringes of...

The Wheel of Conflict: Physical and Spiritual Permanence of Mississippian Violence (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only David Dye. Keith Jacobi. William DeVore.

Violence in the daily lives of individuals in late prehistoric eastern North America took many forms. Exposure to violence was pervasive and persistent. From the time you were born until the time you died you were a witness, a participant, and possibly a victim. In some instances death was a not release. In the Tennessee Valley of northern Alabama two Mississippian sites, Kogers Island (1LU92) and Perry (1LU25), demonstrate a range of evidence for interpolity violence. Familiar examples of...

Whelan Lake (CA-SDI-6010): A La Jollan Campsite on the Lower San Luis Rey River, San Diego County, California (1993)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Rein Vanderpot. Jeffrey Altschul. Donn R. Grenda.

This report details the results of archaeological test excavations conducted in August, 1991, by Statistical Research, Inc., at the Whelan Lake site (CA-SDI 6010). Whelan Lake is an early La Jollan campsite dating between 6500 and 7400 B.P. The site is a moderately dense shell midden situated on a knoll overlooking the San Luis Rey River about 7 km upstream from the coast. The midden has a roughly oval shape and measures 90 m by 60 m. Over 200 m of backhoe trenches and 17 m 2 of test pits were...

When All You Have are Artifacts: Reassessing Intrinsic Issues in Assigning Cultural Identity to Artifact Assemblages in Colonial South Carolina (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jeremy C. Miller. Patrick H. Morgan. Aaron Brummitt. Quinn-Monique Ogden.

Just several years after the 1670 founding of Charles Towne, occupants of Barbados, England, and France seized opportunities for land and prosperity. By the 1680s, English settlers from Barbados began to settle the area along the Wando River, encroaching on land designated for the remaining indigenous population. Researchers and investigators examining archaeological sites do so with the aim to reconstruct the history about past landscapes.  Inherently, archaeologists assign cultural identity to...

When and Where Did They Go? More Fully Conceptualizing Fort Ancient’s Descendants (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Robert Cook.

There were two distinct cultural systems in a key part of the Fort Ancient region – Anderson and Madisonville – with the general understanding that one changed into the other in situ ca. AD 1400 and then left the region en masse ca. AD 1650, becoming one of several contemporary Central Algonquian tribes. However, new data raise the possibility that this interpretation needs revision. First, through a biodistance analysis we learn that at least some Anderson and Madisonville groups were not...

When Archeology is the Vehicle, Not the Point (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Teresa S. Moyer.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Slow Archaeology + Fast Capitalism: Hard Lessons and Future Strategies from Urban Archaeology" , at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Beginning in 2012, the National Park Service has held Archeology Corps at parks across the country with youth-serving non-profit organizations. Not quite summer camp, nor field school, the Corps projects have used archeology as a vehicle to provide safe spaces for summer employment,...

When Contemporary Becomes Historic: Preservation Maintenance to Mission 66 Architecture at El Morro National Monument (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Steve Baumann.

This is an abstract from the "The Vanishing Treasures Program: Celebrating 20 Years of National Park Service Historic Preservation" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. El Morro National Monument’s Mission 66 maintenance\utility complex is a distinctive Cecil Doty design uncharacteristic of Mission 66 program utilitarian buildings. Extending from the maintenance building is a service yard enclosed by a fence with battered stone masonry piers and...

When is a fieldhouse? Reconsidering fieldhouses on the Pajarito Plateau using GIS modeling and excavation data (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sean Dolan.

Archaeologists often assume that Ancestral Pueblo groups in the North American Southwest built small one- to three-room structures to serve as temporary fieldhouse shelters for extracting agricultural resources during the farming season, and to minimize transportation to and from their larger villages. If fieldhouses were associated with agriculture, then they should be found near agriculturally productive fields. To determine if there is an association between agriculture and fieldhouses during...

When Is a Horse Not a Horse? It Depends on Your Local Ecology (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ashley Parker. Lisa Johnson. Kate Magargal. Marianna Di Paolo. Brian Codding.

The (re)introduction of the horse to North America brought dramatic changes to American Indians. However, not all populations were affected equally; the horse became central to some societies, but had seemingly little effect on others. This variation is seen across Great Basin ethnographic groups, where some populations adopted the horse for transportation and hunting, while others ignored or even ate the horse. Some argue that this variation is the result of environmental constraints: where the...

When is a Living Shoreline Erosion Control Project Suitable to Protect a Coastal Mound Site? Establishing Preliminary Suitability Criteria Based on a Case Study, Adams Bay (16PL8) Mound 1, in Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Brian Ostahowski. Jayur Mehta. Ted Marks.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Many archaeologists studying coastal archaeological sites are weighing the costs vs. benefits of implementing erosion control structures to protect sites threatened by sea level rise and/or land loss. However, little literature is available about the types and applicability of erosion control structures, such as living shorelines, as protection measures...

When is a Pithouse a Pithome?: Reconstructing a Fremont Household Underneath the Book Cliffs of Utah. (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Tim Riley.

Perched along the northern edge of the Colorado Plateau, the Tavaputs Plateau is best known among archaeologists for its interior canyons, including the incredible rock art in Nine Mile Canyon and the well-preserved Fremont communities located in Range Creek Canyon. Despite the greater water resources and arable land along the Book Cliffs escarpment of the plateau, it has received little professional attention. This research program focuses on a small segment along the Grassy Trail Creek, a...

When Is Healing?: An Archaeological Case Study of the Chacoan and Post-Chacoan American Southwest (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Mark Agostini. Robert Weiner.

This is an abstract from the "Medicine and Healing in the Americas: Archaeological and Ethnohistorical Perspectives" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. For the Ancestral Puebloans, Chaco Canyon (ca. AD 800-1180), in what is now northern New Mexico, brought disparate communities together under a common cultural system by adjoining religious ceremonies, pilgrimages, and exotic goods with astronomical events, striking topographical features, and other...

When Isn’t a Va’aki? Additional New Perspectives on Ancestral O’Odham Ceremonial Architecture (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Travis Cureton. J. Andrew Darling.

This is an abstract from the "Collaborative Archaeology: How Native American Knowledge Enhances Our Collective Understanding of the Past" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Scholars of the Hohokam archaeological culture area have worked for decades to build a more comprehensive explanatory framework regarding the interpretation of vapaki, or ancestral O’Odham ceremonial houses. In 2023, an edited volume of the same name was published and represents a...

"When it’s steamboat time, you steam:" The Influence of 19th Century Steamships in the Gulf of Mexico (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Dave Ball. Jack Irion.

Driven by technological advances of the industrial revolution and the introduction of the steamboat in the Gulf of Mexico, the economy of the southern United States flourished. When Charles Morgan brought his first steamboat to the waters of the Gulf of Mexico, the stage was set for a commercial venture that helped transform the region. By the mid-19th century steamships served as the primary vehicle to transport agricultural products from the Mississippi River Valley to markets along the east...

When Men Cannot Work; Camp Au Train a Civilian Conservation Corps Camp (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Josef T Iwanicki.

This is a paper/report submission presented at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. The Great Depression represents the collapse of the economic conditions of capitalism. This meant millions of Americans were out of jobs, a situation that had real ramifications for men whose social roles were defined by their work. This crisis of masculinity devastated all men, but Government attempts to deal with it varied by age. Programs for young men were geared toward keeping...

When Pots Walk: Reverse Archaeology at a Chaco Outlier Site in the Central Mesa Verde Region (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Rebecca L. Simon.

More often than not, cultural resources on private land experience development and/or intentional disturbance. Data from sites are often lost or compromised during these activities. Occasionally, landowners keep notes on material culture that may be passed on to archaeologists. Incorporation of these data is important to understanding the condition of the site and maximizing interpretations of the past. As Crow Canyon Archaeological Center embarks on a new multi-year research project, the...

When Smuggling Sailors met the First Angelinos: Material Messages from Forgotten Santa Catalina Island, California (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Austin Ringelstein.

A colonial archaeological assemblage from Santa Catalina Island, California contains both "traditional" native materials and substantial Euro-American trade goods. Archival sources and artifacts suggest that the native islanders, known as the Pimu Tongva people, opportunistically acquired trade goods from Euro-American seafarers for close to 300 years. Although the bulk of the trade items appear to be European in origin, recent insight suggests that some of the materials have associations with...

When the Conflict Ends: Building Reuse on the Wyoming Frontier (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Dana Lee Pertermann.

Considering Conflict Event Theory as a paradigm for cuture change, we are then left to consider what happens to sites after the conflict ends, and what that change says about the nature of conflict and its temporal importance to the continuation of culture change. Several archaeological sites are examined within thisparadigm, including Ft Briger and Ft Fetterman. Parallels are also made between Wyoming sites and sites in Texas.

When the desert meets the sea: the annual journey of quitovaquenses to the San Jorge beach as a community of practice (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Selene Yuridia Galindo Cumplido.

This paper presents an ethnographic account of the people of Quitovac, Sonoras yearly journey to the sea. The village is set amidst the Altar desert. Every year the people of this town take a trip to the Sea of Cortés and make the shore a very special place. I present this account from the perspective of communities of practice emphasizing how the activities they undertake are the result of a continual interaction between people and places and between the distinct actors present. I also take...