USA (Country) (Geographic Keyword)

35,501-35,525 (35,635 Records)

Woodland Systematics and Monumentality: A Preliminary Discussion of the Re-discovery of the Caldwell Mound (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Timothy Everhart.

The Caldwell Mound was a prehistoric conical mound located in the central Scioto River Valley, in modern-day Ross County, Ohio. Excavated by prominent amateur archaeologist, Donald McBeth in 1942, the Caldwell mound revealed a unique, if detailed funerary complex. Yet, these results remained largely unpublished. Exhibiting characteristics historically considered "Adena" and "Hopewell", the Caldwell mound presents either a call to update local cultural systematics or adds data speaking to a...

Woodland Tradition Plant Use and Foodways in the Western Great Lakes: A View from Southeastern Wisconsin (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jennifer Haas.

This is an abstract from the "Histories of Human-Nature Interactions: Use, Management, and Consumption of Plants in Extreme Environments" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. This paper implements a multiproxy approach to Woodland foodways, integrating plant macrobotanical studies, faunal analyses, ceramic morphological and use-wear analyses, and absorbed residue analyses. Datasets from southeastern Wisconsin and the surrounding region highlight...

Woody Plant Data Collected from Transects at Richinbar Ruin (2004)
DATASET Legacies on the Landscape Project, Arizona State University.

Woody Plant Data Collected from Transects at Richinbar Ruin

Woody Plant Frequency Data from Transects at Pueblo la Plata (2004)
DATASET Legacies on the Landscape Project, Arizona State University.

Woody Plant Frequency Data from Transects at Pueblo la Plata

Woody Plant Morphological Data from Transects at Pueblo la Plata (2004)
DATASET Legacies on the Landscape Project, Arizona State University.

Woody Plant Morphological Data from Transects at Pueblo la Plata

Woody Species Diversity (2005)
IMAGE Legacies on the Landscape Project, Arizona State University.

Graph showing woody species diversity along several pedestrian survey transects at Richinbar Ruin (Black Mesa)

Woody Vegetation Expansion in a Desert Grassland: Prehistoric Human Impact? (2007)
DOCUMENT Full-Text John Briggs. Hoski Schaafsma. Demitar Trenkov.

Woody plant encroachment into grasslands and savannas is a global phenomenon with undisputed environmental and economic consequences. In central Arizona, the location of our study, it is well known that mesquite, juniper, and cacti account for the majority of the woody plant expansion into arid grasslands. Using aerial photographs (1940 and 2001), we quantified an increase in woody vegetation in this area. We estimated that from 1940 to 2001, the amount of woody vegetation at our study site...

Wool’d You Be My Neighbor: Excavation of a German Immigrant Household in Providence, RI (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alex J. Marko. Miriam A. W. Rothenberg. Evan I. Levine.

This is a paper/report submission presented at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Since 2015, Brown University’s “The Archaeology of College Hill” class has excavated the former home of A. Albert Sack and his family. Sack was a German immigrant to Providence, who owned several wool mills in the city and was of some local prominence. Built in 1884, the house was occupied by Sack and his descendants for some fifty years. In 1939, Moses Brown School acquired the...

Work of a Master? Addressing Evaluation of Routine or Prosaic Architecture by Famous Architects on Military Facilities (Legacy 15-779)
PROJECT Uploaded by: McKenna McMahon

This project outlined the challenges of evaluating military buildings under the "work of a master" standard of NRHP Criterion C and details research and analysis approaches.

Work of a Master? Addressing Evaluation of Routine or Prosaic Architecture by Famous Architects on Military Facilities - Flow Chart (Legacy 15-779) (2017)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Rand Herbert. Joseph Freeman.

This flow chart resulted from a project that outlined the challenges of evaluating military buildings under the "work of a master" standard of NRHP Criterion C and details research and analysis approaches.

Work of a Master? Addressing Evaluation of Routine or Prosaic Architecture by Famous Architects on Military Facilities - Report (Legacy 15-779) (2017)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Rand Herbert. Joseph Freeman.

This document outlines the challenges of evaluating military buildings under the "work of a master" standard of NRHP Criterion C and details research and analysis approaches. The guidance contains case studies and reference tools, including an annotated list of standard sources for performing evaluations, a reference checklist, and guidance on consulting with SHPO reviewers.

Work Order Directory, April 2012 State Historic Preservation Office Spreadsheet, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (2012)
DATASET Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter

This procurement log is a spreadsheet of 556 work order numbers, their vendors, status and date of completion. The work orders were completed at Randolph Air Force Base in the month of April 2012.

Work Order Directory, August 2011 State Historic Preservation Office Spreadsheet, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (2011)
DATASET Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter

This procurement log is a spreadsheet of 504 work order numbers, their vendors, status and date of completion. The work orders were completed at Randolph Air Force Base in the month of August 2011 and a few in September 2011.

Work Order Directory, August 2012 State Historic Preservation Office Spreadsheet, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (2012)
DATASET Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter

This procurement log is a spreadsheet of 573 work order numbers, their vendors, status and date of completion. The work orders were completed at Randolph Air Force Base in the month of August 2012.

Work Order Directory, December 2011 State Historic Preservation Office Spreadsheet, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (2011)
DATASET Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter

This procurement log is a spreadsheet of 380 work order numbers, their vendors, status and date of completion. The work orders were completed at Randolph Air Force Base in the month of December 2011.

Work Order Directory, February 2012 State Historic Preservation Office Spreadsheet, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (2012)
DATASET Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter

This procurement log is a spreadsheet of 520 work order numbers, their vendors, status and date of completion. The work orders were completed at Randolph Air Force Base in the month of February 2012.

Work Order Directory, January 2012 State Historic Preservation Office Spreadsheet, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (2012)
DATASET Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter

This procurement log is a spreadsheet of 585 work order numbers, their vendors, status and date of completion. The work orders were completed at Randolph Air Force Base in the month of January 2012.

Work Order Directory, July 2011 State Historic Preservation Office Spreadsheet, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (2011)
DATASET Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter

This procurement log is a spreadsheet of 297 work order numbers, their vendors, status and date of completion. The work orders were completed at Randolph Air Force Base in the month of July 2011.

Work Order Directory, July 2012 State Historic Preservation Office Spreadsheet, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (2012)
DATASET Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter

This procurement log is a spreadsheet of 526 work order numbers, their vendors, status and date of completion. The work orders were completed at Randolph Air Force Base in the month of July 2012.

Work Order Directory, June 2011 State Historic Preservation Office Spreadsheet, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (2011)
DATASET Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter

This procurement log is a spreadsheet of 563 work order numbers, their vendors, status and date of completion. The work orders were completed at Randolph Air Force Base in the month of June 2011.

Work Order Directory, June 2012 State Historic Preservation Office Spreadsheet, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (2012)
DATASET Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter

This procurement log is a spreadsheet of 469 work order numbers, their vendors, status and date of completion. The work orders were completed at Randolph Air Force Base in the month of June 2012.

Work Order Directory, March 2012 State Historic Preservation Office Spreadsheet, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (2012)
DATASET Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter

This procurement log is a spreadsheet of 544 work order numbers, their vendors, status and date of completion. The work orders were completed at Randolph Air Force Base in the month of March 2012.

Work Order Directory, May 2011 State Historic Preservation Office Spreadsheet, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (2011)
DATASET Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter

This procurement log is a spreadsheet of 429 work order numbers, their vendors, status and date of completion. The work orders were completed at Randolph Air Force Base in the month of May 2011.

Work Order Directory, May 2012 State Historic Preservation Office Spreadsheet, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (2012)
DATASET Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter

This procurement log is a spreadsheet of 598 work order numbers, their vendors, status and date of completion. The work orders were completed at Randolph Air Force Base in the month of May 2012.

Work Order Directory, November 2011 State Historic Preservation Office Spreadsheet, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (2011)
DATASET Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter

This procurement log is a spreadsheet of 494 work order numbers, their vendors, status and date of completion. The work orders were completed at Randolph Air Force Base in the month of November 2011.