Carson Desert (Geographic Keyword)

1-2 (2 Records)

An Optimal Foraging Model of Hunter-Gatherer Land Use in Carson Desert (Legacy 92-0497)
PROJECT David Zeanah.

This report expands and elaborates on an earlier model that predicted locations of prehistoric archaeology at Stillwater Marsh by analyzing the economic foraging potential of resource distributions there. A preliminary survey of selected lands administered by three federal agencies determined the predictive power of the model.

An Optimal Foraging Model of Hunter-Gatherer Land Use in Carson Desert - Report (Legacy 92-0497) (1995)
DOCUMENT Full-Text David Zeanah. James Carter. Daniel Dugas. Robert Elston. Julia Hammett.

This report expands and elaborates on an earlier model that predicted locations of prehistoric archaeology at Stillwater Marsh by analyzing the economic foraging potential of resource distributions there. A preliminary survey of selected lands administered by three federal agencies determined the predictive power of the model.