Eastern Texas (Geographic Keyword)

1-1 (1 Record)

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 2009 Section 110 Compliance Report for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Galveston District NHPA, Cultural Resources Investigations Technical Report No. 6, Part 1 Section 110 Survey and Evaluation of 193 Previously Recorded Archaeological Sites at Wallisville Reservoir, Chambers and Liberty Counties, Texas (2011)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Shannon Dunn. Chris Hunt. Scott Butler.

Section 110 Survey and Evaluation of 193 Previously Recorded Archaeological Sites at Wallisville Reservoir, Chambers and Liberty Counties, Texas Between November 2, 2009 and May 20, 2010, Brockington and Associates reevaluated 193 previously recorded archaeological sites in Wallisville Reservoir area. The project area includes 9,966 acres within federally owned (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Galveston District) Wallisville Reservoir, which includes 6,875 acres in Chambers County and 3,091...