Highland Canal (Geographic Keyword)
1-2 (2 Records)
Northland Research, Inc. (Northland) has completed an archaeological survey of 119 acres (48.1 hectares) for the Salt River Project in the Town of Gilbert. Survey of the existing Santan Generating Station was completed in anticipation of renovations to the power generating station. Construction of a proposed 825 megawatt, natural-gas fired generating station is the impetus for the survey. The proposed construction will entail demolition and relocation of existing facilities and infrastructure....
A Cultural Resources Survey of Approximately 1 Acre Along the Eastern Canal at Ray Road, in Gilbert, Maricopa County, Arizona (2001)
Northland staff conducted a full-coverage (100%) cultural resources survey of the project area. The pedestrian survey consisted of an archaeologist walking parallel east-west transects spaced no more than 15 meters apart. The soil had been graded in the recent past, resulting in near-perfect surface visibility. The area along and between transects was inspected for cultural remains and/or modifications. No artifacts or features were identified; a few pieces of modern trash, primarily crushed...