Charles County (County) (Geographic Keyword)
151-175 (670 Records)
This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at
Letter from Adelphi Laboratory Center to Kise, Franks and Straw and Memorandum (1991)
A memorandum to Kise, Franks & Straw from the Directorate of Facilities Engineering providing site plans and a final report for the Blossom Point Farmhouse. The memorandum provides information on the marketing/disposal of the Blossom Point Farmhouse, Blossom Point Field Test Facility.
Letter and Response from Adelphi Laboratory Center to the Maryland Historical Trust, Environmental Assessment (1991)
Multiple letters from the Adelphi Laboratory Center to the Maryland Historical Trust and from the Maryland Historical Trust in reference to the Environmental Assessment that was prepared and completed for the relocation/salvage of the Ballast House. Following the letters is a memorandum for the Commander of the US Army Materiel Command in reference to the Environmental Assessment.
Letter from Adelphi Laboratory Center to the Maryland Historical Trust with News Release (1991)
A letter from the Directorate of Facilities Engineering at Adelphi Laboratory Center to the Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer of the Maryland Historical Trust in reference to the environmental assessment conducted by the US Army Laboratory Command. Also included is a facsimile with a transmittal sheet and a news release entitled "environmental assessment finds no significant impact in environment."
Letter from Adelphi Laboratory Center to the Maryland Historical Trust, Blossom Point Treatment and Memorandum of Agreement (1990)
A response letter from the commander of the Adelphi Laboratory Center to the Maryland Historical Trust regarding treatment of the Blossom Point House. Included is also a signed Memorandum of Agreement for the Ballast House Historic Preservation.
Letter from Besche/Hailstone to the Adelphi Laboratory Center, Ad Response (1991)
A letter from Besche/Hailstone in response to the ad published in January 6, 1991 regarding the Ballast House.
Letter from Building Technology Inc to U.S. Army Electronics Research and Development Command, Historic Properties Report Revisions (1984)
Letter and a revision of chapter 3 of the drafted report "Historic Properties Report for Harry Diamond Laboratories, Maryland, and Subinstallations Woodbridge Research Facility, Virginia and Blossom Point Field Test Facility, Maryland" of July 1983.
Letter from Envirosphere Company to Harry Diamond Laboratories, Map Requests (1983)
A letter from Dr. Joel I. Klein of Envirosphere Company to Ralph M. Peck Jr. of Harry Diamond Laboratories in regards to a request by Dr. Sydne Marshall of the need for Base Site maps and Future Development maps for HDL.
Letter from Envirosphere Company to the Harry Diamond Laboratories, Visitation Dates (1983)
Letter from the Project Assistant Technical Manager of Envirosphere Company, Dr. Sydne B. Marshall, to Harry Diamond Labs confirming visitation dates to the labs at Adelphi and Blossom Point, Maryland, and to Woodbridge, Virginia. Enclosed is also who will be accompanying Dr. Marshall, and what will be discussed at the visitations.
Letter from Harry Diamond Laboratories to Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, Proposal for Inclusion in a Memorandum of Agreement (1979)
Letter from the Commander of the Harry Diamond Laboratories to the Executive Director of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, proposal for inclusion in a memorandum of agreement in regards to the Ballast House at Blossom Point, Maryland.
Letter from Harry Diamond Laboratories to Charles County Community College, Phone Conversation about Ballast House Relocation (1980)
Letter from the Harry Diamond Laboratories to Charles County Community College, follow up of a phone conversation about Ballast House Relocation with Terry A. Grist in regards to photographs of the Blossom Point Installation.
Letter from Harry Diamond Laboratories to Department of Army Materiel Development & Readiness Command, Protection and Enhancement of the Cultural Environment with attached Disposition Form (1976)
Letter regarding an historic building and its preservation. The purchase of the building is discussed as well as the fact that soil erosion may result in total loss of the building.
Letter from Harry Diamond Laboratories to Department of Army Materiel Development & Readiness Command, Relocation of Historic Ballast House (1979)
Letter regarding a set of prints (3 drawings not enclosed) requested for examination while reviewing the appropriate request for the relocation of the Ballast House FY-80 Exigent Minor Construction. Also mentioned in the correspondence is a slope protection study conducted by the Baltimore District, Design Branch in October 1978.
Letter from Harry Diamond Laboratories to Interagency Archeological Services-Atlanta, Memorandum of Agreement (1979)
Letter from Harry Diamond Laboratories to Interagency Archeological Services-Atlanta, in regards to the Memorandum of Request for Determination of Eligibility for Inclusion in the National Register. Enclosed is a DA Form 2496, Disposition Form.
Letter from Harry Diamond Laboratories to InterAgency Archeological Services-Atlanta, Obtaining Services (1979)
Letters from Harry Diamond Laboratories to Inter-Agency Archaeological Services Atlanta, in regards to obtaining services for conducting archaeological survey of Blossom Point, Maryland. Enclosed is a memorandum from US Army Materiel Development and Readiness Command to Harry Diamond Laboratories about the Ballast House Protection.
Letter from Harry Diamond Laboratories to Keeper of the National Register, National Park Service, Memorandum of Request (1979)
This letter transmits the enclosed "Memorandum of Request for Determination of Eligibility for Inclusion in the National Register" for the Ballast House, located on U.S. Department of the Army, Harry Diamond Laboratories leased and controlled property at Blossom Point, Maryland. The "Memorandum of Request" includes physical descriptions, determination of eligibility notification, and a proposal for inclusion.
Letter from Harry Diamond Laboratories to Maryland Environmental Trust, Environmental Assessment (1979)
Letter regarding a copy of the Harry Diamond Laboratories Environmental Assessment for the relocation of the Ballast House. The Environmental Assessment is not included in this resource page.
Letter from Harry Diamond Laboratories to Maryland Historical Trust, Blossom Point Site Discussion (1979)
Letter regarding a map of the Harry Diamond Laboratories, Blossom Point, Maryland property. Mentioned attachments of aerial photographs and map are not included; this resource page only contains the correspondence.
Letter from Harry Diamond Laboratories to Office of Chief of Engineers, Relocation of Historic Ballast House (1979)
Letter regarding review of comments from the Commander from the Office of Chief of Engineers, which discusses exigent minor construction to be conducted in the FY 80 for the relocation of historic Ballast House.
Letter from Harry Diamond Laboratories to the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, Draft Proposal (1979)
Letter from Harry Diamond Laboratories to the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, in regards to draft proposal for inclusion in a Memorandum of Agreement between Harry Diamond Laboratories, the Maryland State Historic Preservation Officer, and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation.
Letter from Harry Diamond Laboratories to the Maryland Historical Trust, Draft Letter to the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (1979)
Letter from Harry Diamond Laboratories to the Maryland Historical Trust, in regards to a draft letter to the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation for proposal for inclusion in a Memorandum of Agreement between Harry Diamond Laboratories, the Maryland Historic Preservation Officer, and the Advisory Council.
Letter from Harry Diamond Laboratories to the Maryland State Historic Preservation Officer, Proposal for Inclusion in Memorandum of Agreement (1979)
Harry Diamond Laboratories (HDL) has prepared a proposal for inclusion in a Memorandum of Agreement relating to the relocation of the Ballast House, located on the property of the HDL Blossom Point Test Facility, Charles County, Maryland. This proposal is included as an attachment to the inclosed letter addressed to the executive Director of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP).
Letter from Harry Diamond Laboratories to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District, Draft Proposal (1979)
The purpose of this letter is to transmit a draft letter to the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) regarding the relocation of the Ballast House. It includes a proposal for inclusion in a Memorandum of Agreement between Harry Diamond Laboratories, the Maryland State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO), and the ACHP.
Letter from Harry Diamond Laboratories to United States Army Materiel Command, E011593 Protection and Enhancement of the Cultural Environment (1975)
Letter regarding potential purchase of Blossom Point facility by Harry Diamond Laboratories to take action on soil erosion around one of the houses at the site.
Letter from Harry Diamond Laboratories to US Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District, Bank Erosion Protection for Ballast House (1979)
Letter from Harry Diamond Laboratories to US Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District, in regards to the bank erosion protection for the Ballast House at Blossom Point, Maryland, as well as an additional letter from the Headquarters US Army Materiel Development and Readiness Command to Harry Diamond Laboratories in regards to the erosion of the bank and the protection of the Ballast House.