Randolph Field Historic Landmark District (Geographic Keyword)
101-125 (218 Records)
A review was conducted on Building 100 by Randolph Air Force Base that determined that this property is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. After review of the scope of work proposed, it was determined that the action will have "no adverse effect" on the historic property or on its surrounding landmark district.
Letter from Scott Shepherd to Joseph Logan, Draft Correspondence for Foreclosure of Undertakings at Buildings 156, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1993)
A draft letter concerning foreclosure for the rehabilitation of Building 156 at Randolph Air Force Base, Texas. It discusses the problems with the project leading to the need to foreclose. This letter is part of a large packet of correspondence and associated documents concerning a complex proposal of undertakings for World War II temporary buildings located on Randolph Air Force Base, Texas. Many of the documents are drafts and letters from internal circulation within Randolph Air Force Base.
Letter from Scott Shepherd to Mark Wolfe, Documentation for the Proposed Rehabilitation of Hangar 6, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (2011)
This memorandum provides documentation for the proposed rehabilitation of Hangar 6, a structure listed on the National Register of Historic Placesand located within the Randolph Field Historic Landmark District. It was determined that an undertaking does exist; however, not in a manner that would diminish the integrity of the property and provide cause for its removal from the National Register of Historic Places.
Letter from Scott Shepherd to MFR WR, Canopy Building 399, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1993)
This letter states the difficulties and adverse effects that canopies have when introduced to historic buildings. Randolph Air Force Base has concluded that the proposed canopy for Building 399 would be distracting and recommends disapproval of the project.
Letter from Scott Shepherd to Richard Martinez, Down Spots O' Club Building 500, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1993)
Correspondence discussing the maintenance and installation of copper down spots, flashing and gutters at the O' Club, Building 500, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas.
Letter from Scott Shepherd to Virgil McGee, Section 106 Review of Elevator Project Building 661, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (2012)
Randolph Air Force Base conducted a review on Building 661. It was determined that this property is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and that the proposed project will have no adverse effect on the structure or its landmark district.
Letter from Tad Stanley to Curtis Tunnell, Proposal for Handicapped Access Chapel 1 Building 102, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1989)
A detailed proposal sent to the Texas Historical Commission to request approval for handicapped access to Building 102, the Main Chapel, at Randolph Air Force Base, Texas. This letter is part of a large packet of correspondence addressing the proposed undertaking to grant handicapped access to Building 102, Main Chapel or Chapel 1, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas. Included in the packet are letters and notes.
Location Maps, Building 208, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1992)
Two maps showing the location of Building 208 at Randolph Air Force Base, Texas. This document is part of a collection of correspondence concerning the proposed rehabilitation of Building 208, a historic Post Garage, at Randolph Air Force Base, Texas. Included are letters of correspondence, Q.M.C. forms, location maps, blueprints and photographs of the structure.
Memo from Neil Kanno to to F. Lawerence Oaks, Rehabilitation of Restrooms Building 100, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1999)
The purpose of this memo is to provide information for Section 106 review of an undertaking to rehabilitate the restrooms on the first floor of Building 100 at Randolph Air Force Base. Randolph proposes an undertaking that will convert one of the men's restrooms to a women's restroom and convert the existing women's restroom to a unisex/ADA restroom. Copied to this correspondence is the San Antonio Conservation Society and Jack Siegel (HQ AETC/CEPN).
Memo from Scott Shepherd to Logan, McDonald and Peterson, Historic Preservation Meeting Buildings 902, 675, and 216, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1992)
A meeting was held at the Texas Historical Commission to discuss window replacement and other historical matters of concern. Part of the discussion involved Section 106 not being completed on Buildings 902, 216 and 675 "B Wing" prior to the project start.
Memo from Scott Shepherd, Car Ports for GOQ Buildings 410-520-602, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1996)
This letter gives an update on the information and plans for sitting the subject carports. The correspondence also lists requirements completed.
Memo from Scott Shepherd, Fence Plan for Circle and Duplex Neighborhoods, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1996)
This memo details the background, discussion, and recommendations for the proposed project of a four-foot chain link fence at Randolph Air Force Base, Texas. Included are three detailed plans of the installation.
Memo from Scott Shepherd, Installation of Fencecrete, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1996)
This letter provides background, description of the current situation, and recommendations for a project to install fencecrete at select sites at Randolph Air Force Base. This correspondence also indicates that there was a determination of no adverse effect for the proposed undertaking.
Memo from Scott Shepherd, Pre-cast Concrete Fence, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1994)
This letter gives an update on the information and plans for sitting the subject carports. The correspondence also lists requirements completed.
Memo from Scott Shepherd, Section 106 Hangar 62, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (2004)
Internal coordination concerning the memorandum on a proposed project for Hangar 62 at Randolph Air Force Base.
Memo from Scott Shepherd, Section 106 Hangar 63, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (2004)
Internal coordination on the memorandum providing the State Historic Preservation Office with project information and it requests comments on the proposed design of a canopy at the southwest corner of Hangar 63 at Randolph Air Force Base, Texas. Additionally, a double door will be cut into the hangar wall between the pillars.
Memorandum from Bruce Nadler to F. Lawrence Oaks, Cutting of a Doorway on Hangar 63, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (2004)
This memorandum concerns the proposed construction of a canopy and the cutting of a double doorway on the secondary elevation of Hangar 63. Hanger 63 is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and is located in the Randolph Field Historic Landmark District. The Base Civil Engineer determined an undertaking does exist with potential to affect historic properties.
Memorandum from Harvey Browder to HERC Contractors, Amendment to Request for Proposal to Renovate Hangar 6 for IFF Beddown, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (2008)
This memorandum addresses an amendment that was issued to add historical compliance requirements for the Hangar 6 entrance door at Randolph Air Force Base, Texas.
Memorandum from Leon Spradling to Mark Wolfe, Construction of an Internal Elevator and Upgrade of the External Access Ramp Building 100, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (2010)
This memorandum provides documentation for the proposed construction of an internal elevator and upgrade of the external access ramp at Building 100. Repair and Renovation of the antiquated electrical, electronic, security, water and sewer systems will be modernized. All steel casement windows will be repaired. Copied to this correspondence is the San Antonio Conservation Society.
Memorandum from Richard Trevino to F. Lawerence Oaks, Construction of a Handicapped Ramp Building 671, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (2007)
This memorandum discusses the proposed construction of a handicapped ramp on the secondary elevation of Building 671, located in the Randolph Field Historic Landmark District. Randolph has determined "no adverse effect" for the undertaking. Copied to this correspondence is the San Antonio Conservation Society.
Memorandum from Richard Trevino to F. Lawerence Oaks, Functional Use of Hangar 70, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (2011)
This memorandum discusses the functional use of Hangar 70. Hangar 70 is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, and it is located in the Randolph Field Historic Landmark District. Constructed in 1931 to store and repair aircraft, it was converted to a gymnasium circa 1942. In 2007, a new gymnasium (Fitness Center) was completed. This action will allow Hangar 70 is to be renovated and returned to function as an aircraft hangar.
Memorandum from Richard Trevino to F. Lawerence Oaks, Interior Rehabilitation and Restoration of Building 100, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (2008)
This memorandum provides documentation for the proposed interior rehabilitation and restoration of Building 100, a structure listed on the National Register of Historic Places and located within the Randolph Field Historic Landmark District. Randolph has determined that the undertaking is "No Adverse Effect" and has provided in this letter summery documentation for review. Copied to this correspondence is the San Antonio Conservation Society.
Memorandum from Richard Trevino to F. Lawrence Oaks, Undertaking at Hangar 64, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (2006)
This memorandum discusses an undertaking at Hangar 64, a facility listed on the National Register of Historic Places and located within the Randolph Field Historic Landmark District. Included is an undertaking description and assessment. Randolph Air Force Base determined an undertaking does exist with a potential to affect historic properties.
Memorandum from Scott Shepherd to 12 MSG/CEO, Exterior Communications Board Building 216, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (2009)
The Department of the Air Force conducted an evaluation on Building 216, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas. It was determined that the property is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and is located within the Randolph Field Historic District. It was also determined that the proposed scope of work would have an adverse effect on the historic property or its district - this letter explains this decision.
Memorandum from Scott Shepherd to 12 MSG/CEP, External Renovation of Temporary Lodging Facilities, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (2009)
Randolph Air Force Base conducted an evaluation on the Temporary Lodging Facilities and determined that the property is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. After reviewing the scope of work and discussions of the proposed project to replace front and rear external doors, it as determined that the action will have No Adverse Effect on the historic property or its landmark district.