Blossom Point, MD (Geographic Keyword)
476-492 (492 Records)
A manila envelope for black and white photos labeled "# 2 of 5" and named "Misc. Ballast House Photos."
Photographic Documents Envelope, Photos and Negatives (#5 of 5), Ballast House, BPI_0373 (1985)
Photographic documents envelope for photos and negatives documenting the Ballast House, Blossom Point, Maryland. Marked #5 of 5. The envelope is marked with "HABS" which refers to the Historic American Buildings Survey.
Plan View and Profile, Ballast House, BPI_0278 (1985)
Photograph of the Figure 3.2 from the final report "Architectural, Historical, and Archaeological Investigations at Blossom Point Farm, Blossom Point Testing Facility, Charles County." The figure depicts a plan view and profile of Unit D of the Blossom Point Farm House. Final Report can be found at:
Record of Conversation from US Army Materiel Development and Readiness Command to Harry Diamond Laboratories, Relocation of the Ballast House at Blossom Point, MD (1980)
DA Form 751 (Telephone or Verbal Conversation Record) from Christina Ramsey, Headquarters, US Army Materiel Development and Readiness Command to Ray Roudebush, Harry Diamond Laboratories, in regards to publishing of the "Findings of No Significant Impact" about Relocation of the Ballast House at Blossom Point, Maryland.
Record of Environmental Consideration to Expand Street Light System (1995)
Record of Environmental Consideration to expand the street light system. Included are two maps that show where the lights will be added, six pictures of the roads that will have the lights added, and the size of the lights to be installed.
Request for Preparation to US Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District, Ballast House at Blossom Point, Maryland (1979)
Request for Preparation to Charles E. Shores, US Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District, in regards to amending the original order MIPR No. R-78-61 for the relocation of the Ballast House at Blossom Point, Maryland.
Results of Phase II Archaeological Investigations at Site 18CH156, Charles County, Maryland (2000)
This is a report on the results from the Phase II archaeological investigations at site 18CH156 in Charles County, Maryland. The report outlines the previous research, site stratigraphy, and the current excavations and findings. Also included is a summary of the artifact recovery, shell depositions, the deposits in all the sites tested, and finally the conclusions and recommendations of the site.
Rough Draft Letter Response to Maryland Historical Trust's Request for Comments Letter, Ballast House (1984)
A hand written rough draft of a letter to be sent of the Maryland Historical Trust requesting comments from a previous letter dated July 24, 1984. Includes information about shoreline erosion mitigation for the Ballast House and a renegotiated Memorandum of Agreement (MOA).
Routing and Transmittal Slip for a Disposition Form, Ballast House Relocation (1979)
Routing and transmittal slip for disposition form from Harry Diamond Laboratories, Ballast House relocation.
Routing and Transmittal Slip from Harry Diamond Laboratories (1979)
Transmittal slip for approval to Stuart Marcus and Colonel Goodwin of archaeological and historical documentation to permit disposition of the old house at Blossom Point, Maryland.
Routing Slips to Colonel Goodwin, Attached News Release (1979)
Transmittal routing slips to Colonel Goodwin with an attached news release about the Ballast House at Blossom Point on page 4 of the publication US Army Electronics Research and Development Command, Currents Vol. 2, No. 8, August 1979.
Site Plan and Location Map, Blossom Point, ND (2018)
Computer printed map taken from the United States Geological Survey Mathias Point Quad detailing the Cedar Point area. The site plan is of Blossom Point and shows the Ballast House.
Summary Sheet and Memorandum regarding the Marketing/Disposal of the Blossom Point Farmhouse (1990)
Enclosed is the memorandum of record from Col. Stephen Young about the Marketing/Disposal of the Ballast House at Blossom Point. Also included within this file is the preliminary assessment screening report, a map of The Blossom Point Field Testing Facility, and the regulations to reference the Marketing/Disposal of the Ballast House.
Summary Sheet from Directorate of Facilities Engineering to Col. Young Dated 12 March 1991 (1991)
Enclosed is the summary page encompassing the marketing and disposal of the Blossom Point Farmhouse.
Survey Map of Blossom Point, BPI_0271 (1985)
Figure of a 1712 Survey Map of Blossom Point for John Griffen.
U.S. Army Research Laboratory Cultural Resources Management Plan, BPI_0505 (1993)
The Cultural Resource Management Plan (CRMP) presented here provides guidelines and procedures which will enable the U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL) to meet its legal responsibilities for theidentification, evaluation, and treatment of cultural resource properties under its jurisdiction. This document is designed to be of use to multiple audiences who are concerned with the management or preservation of the cultural resources contained within the limits of the U.S. Army Research Laboratory...
US Army Materiel Development and Readiness Command Installation Environmental Impact Assessment (1980)
This document is prepared in compliance with Army Regulation (AR) 200-1 to identify the environmental impacts involved in the total mission activities of the Harry Diamond Laboratories (HDL), including all research, development and testing activities and the various missions support activities which take place at the HDL installations listed under A.1.b. (1).