Southwestern US (Geographic Keyword)

1,051-1,075 (5,012 Records)

5MT10647, Photo #18566, Field crew photo (2012)
IMAGE Elisabeth Ann Stone.

Cameron and William from ARP.

5MT10647, Photo #18569, Field crew photo (2012)
IMAGE Elisabeth Ann Stone.

Cameron and William from ARP.

5MT10647, Photo #18572, Field crew photo (2012)
IMAGE Elisabeth Ann Stone.

Caitlin Sommer and Helen (ARP) mapping.

5MT10647, Photo #18574, Field crew photo (2012)
IMAGE Elisabeth Ann Stone.

Paul and Cameron from ARP screening.

5MT10647, Photo #18575, Field crew photo (2012)
IMAGE Elisabeth Ann Stone.

Noreen from ARP working. Stratum 3, 1-x-2-m unit 1405N 489E.

5MT10647, Photo #18580, Plan view, feature (2012)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Showing PNS 1 and PNS 2 after excavation. Surface is pitted from monsoon rains. Surface 1, 3-x-1-m unit 1384N 486E.

5MT10647, Photo #18582, Profile view, feature (2012)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Profile showing strata in the eastern half of PNS 2. Surface 1, 3-x-1-m unit 1384N 486E.

5MT10647, Photo #18583, Profile view, stratigraphy (2012)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Closeup showing strata at the western edge of PNS 2 as it flows into Surface 1. 3-x-1-m unit 1384N 486E.

5MT10647, Photo #18592, Field crew photo (2012)
IMAGE Annie Danis.

Kyle Bocinsky and Caitlin Sommer excavating a partially intact jar. 10 cm above Surface 1, northwest quadrant.

5MT10647, Photo #18608, Field crew photo (2012)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Steve Copeland clearing floor in Structure 205 with postholes exposed. 10 cm above Surface 1, northwest quadrant.

5MT10647, Photo #18631, Plan view, feature before excavation (2012)
IMAGE Annie Danis.

Hearth 1 before excavation, Surface 1, 3-x-1-m unit 1421N 501E.

5MT10647, Photo #18634, Plan view, feature (2012)
IMAGE Kyle Bocinsky.

West half of Hearth 1 excavated. Surface 1, 3-x-1-m unit 1377N 494E.

5MT10647, Photo #18637, Profile view, feature (2012)
IMAGE Kyle Bocinsky.

Profile of Hearth 1 (west half excavated, east half unexcavated). Surface 1, 3-x-1-m unit 1377N 494E.

5MT10647, Photo #18644, Profile view, feature (2012)
IMAGE Annie Danis.

Profile of Hearth 1 showing Strata 2 and 3 undercut by Stratum 1. Surface 1, 3-x-1-m unit 1421N 501E.

5MT10647, Photo #18646, Profile view, feature (2012)
IMAGE Annie Danis.

Oblique view of profile of Hearth 1, showing Strata 2 and 3 undercut by Stratum 1. Surface 1, 3-x-1-m unit 1421N 501E.

5MT10647, Photo #18650, Profile view, feature (2012)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Possible posthole with slab and potential wing wall, raised floor radial, or speed bump. Surface 1, northeast quadrant.

5MT10647, Photo #18653, Plan view, feature (2012)
IMAGE Annie Danis.

Oblique view of southwest quarter of Hearth 1 with Strata 1 and 2 excavated. Surface 1, 3-x-1-m unit 1421N 501E.

5MT10647, Photo #18654, Plan view, final excavation photo (2012)
IMAGE Shanna Diederichs.

Floor of pitroom and surrounding surface exposed. Features not excavated. Surfaces 1-3, 2-x-1-m unit 1380N 477E and 1-x1-m unit 1382N 477E.

5MT10647, Photo #18656, Plan view, final excavation photo (2012)
IMAGE Shanna Diederichs.

South end of Structure 228. Surfaces 1-3, 2-x-1-m unit 1380N 477E and 1-x1-m unit 1382N 477E.

5MT10647, Photo #18657, Plan view, final excavation photo (2012)
IMAGE Shanna Diederichs.

Floor of pitroom and surrounding surface exposed. Features not excavated. Surfaces 1-3, 2-x-1-m unit 1380N 477E and 1-x1-m unit 1382N 477E.

5MT10647, Photo #18658, Profile view, stratigraphy (2012)
IMAGE Shanna Diederichs.

Final profile and oblique view. Surfaces 1-3, 2-x-1-m unit 1380N 477E and 1-x1-m unit 1382N 477E.

5MT10647, Photo #18659, Plan view, feature before excavation (2012)
IMAGE Shanna Diederichs.

Pre-excavation photo of burned spot along south wall of pitroom. Surface 1, 2-x1-m unit 1380N 477E.

5MT10647, Photo #18662, Plan view, feature before excavation (2012)
IMAGE Shanna Diederichs.

Pre-excavation oblique view of Feature 1 (burned spot) against south wall of structure. Surface 1, 2-x1-m unit 1380N 477E.

5MT10647, Photo #18667, Plan view, feature (2012)
IMAGE Annie Danis.

Excavation in progress in Hearth 1. Surface 1, 3-x-1-m unit 1421N 501E.

5MT10647, Photo #18686, Plan view, feature (2012)
IMAGE Annie Danis.

Hearth 1, fully excavated. Surface 1, 3-x-1-m unit 1421N 501E.