Southwestern US (Geographic Keyword)

1,151-1,175 (5,012 Records)

5MT10647, Photo #18967, Profile view, feature (2013)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Final profile of Feature 22 showing three cultural strata and redeposited native sediment at the bottom. Surface 1, northeast quadrant.

5MT10647, Photo #18969, Plan view, feature before excavation (2013)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Pre-excavation photo of Feature 23; note sand deposit. Surface 1, northeast quadrant.

5MT10647, Photo #18971, Plan view, feature (2013)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Post-excavation photo of Feature 23. Feature 22 is to the west of Feature 23, and a dark-colored floor shmear is present between the two features. Surface 1, northeast quadrant.

5MT10647, Photo #18973, Plan view, feature (2013)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Feature 23 post-excavation. Floor "shmear" of dark sediment is also shown surrounding Feature 23 and in between Feature 23 and Feature 22 to the west. Surface 1, northeast quadrant.

5MT10647, Photo #18975, Profile view, stratigraphy (2013)
IMAGE Shanna Diederichs.

Profile of Stratum 3 in southwest quadrant from southeast quadrant.

5MT10647, Photo #18976, Profile view, stratigraphy (2013)
IMAGE Shanna Diederichs.

Oxidized south wall of structure with burned plaster exfoliating from it. Stratum 3 Level 3, southeast quadrant.

5MT10647, Photo #18979, Plan view, feature (2013)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

After excavation of dark colored "shmear" on floor. Feature 23 is shown on the east; also note possible adobe coping to the west in the photo. Surface 1, northeast quadrant.

5MT10647, Photo #18982, Plan view, feature before excavation (2013)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Feature 24 before excavation. Surface 1, northeast quadrant.

5MT10647, Photo #18983, Plan view, feature (2013)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Excavation in progress, showing upright "cheater" stone in Posthole 24. Surface 1, northeast quadrant.

5MT10647, Photo #18984, Plan view, feature (2013)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Excavation in progress in Posthole 24, showing blocky sandstone. Another stone was underneath this one. Surface 1, northeast quadrant.

5MT10647, Photo #18986, Plan view, feature (2013)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Closeup of second stone in Feature 24 (photo 18984 shows the first stone). Surface 1, northeast quadrant.

5MT10647, Photo #18989, Plan view, feature (2013)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Final excavation photo of Posthole 24. Surface 1, northeast quadrant.

5MT10647, Photo #18999, Plan view, feature before excavation (2013)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Pre-excavation photo showing Feature 28 and Feature 29. Surface 1, northwest quadrant.

5MT10647, Photo #19002, Plan view, feature (2013)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Final excavation photo of Posthole 28. Surface 1, northwest quadrant. Western portion of feature may represent rodent activity, remodeling, or where the "cheater" stones were.

5MT10647, Photo #19003, Plan view, feature before excavation (2013)
IMAGE Shanna Diederichs.

Bin in southeast corner of Structure 220. Surface 1, southeast quadrant.

5MT10647, Photo #19005, Plan view, feature before excavation (2013)
IMAGE Shanna Diederichs.

Bin in southeast corner of Structure 220. Surface 1, southeast quadrant.

5MT10647, Photo #19007, Plan view, feature before excavation (2013)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Posthole 29 before excavation. It appears partially excavated because it was only discovered as a feature after it was cut into. Surface 1, northwest quadrant.

5MT10647, Photo #19008, Plan view, feature (2013)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Final excavation photo showing base of Posthole 29. The dark fill is from rodent activity and is not true feature fill. Surface 1, northwest quadrant.

5MT10647, Photo #19012, Profile view, feature (2013)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Profile of Feature 30, excavation in progress. Showing dark brown, basically clean fill inside feature. Surface 1, northwest quadrant.

5MT10647, Photo #19013, Plan view, feature (2013)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Photo shows Posthole 31 (smaller feature) and Pit 30 (larger, shallower feature) after excavation. Surface 1, northwest quadrant.

5MT10647, Photo #19014, Plan view, feature (2013)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

From left to right, Pit 30, Posthole 31, Posthole 29, and Posthole 28 after excavation, showing spatial relationship between features. Surface 1, northwest quadrant.

5MT10647, Photo #19027, Plan view, feature before excavation (2013)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Hearth 2 before excavation, Surface 1, northeast quadrant.

5MT10647, Photo #19038, Plan view, feature before excavation (2013)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Feature 3 before excavation. Note dark feature fill. Surface 1, northeast quadrant.

5MT10647, Photo #19041, Plan view, final excavation photo (2013)
IMAGE Michelle Turner.

Stratum 3, 1-x-1-m unit 1388N 508E.

5MT10647, Photo #19042, Profile view, stratigraphy (2013)
IMAGE Michelle Turner.

Stratigraphic profile of north wall, 1-x--1-m unit 1388N 508E. Dry.