Southwestern US (Geographic Keyword)

901-925 (5,012 Records)

5MT10647, Photo #17879, Profile view, stratigraphy (2012)
IMAGE Shanna Diederichs.

Stratigraphic profile in 3-x1-m unit 1421N 501E, showing status of the unit at the end of the Time Team excavation. Plastic covers floor at south end.

5MT10647, Photo #17890, Plan view, feature before excavation (2012)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Pre-excavation photo of PNS 1, Surface 1, northwest quarter of Structure 226.

5MT10647, Photo #17892, Plan view, feature before excavation (2012)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Plan view of feature 1, Surface 1, northwest quarter of Structure 226.

5MT10647, Photo #17910, Plan view, final excavation photo (2012)
IMAGE Lydia DeHaven.

Final excavation photo in 1-x-1-m unit 1361N 516E, showing sterile preoccupational sediment.

5MT10647, Photo #17911, Profile view, stratigraphy (2012)
IMAGE Lydia DeHaven.

Stratigraphic profile of west wall in 1-x-1-m unit 1361N 516E.

5MT10647, Photo #17915, Plan view, feature before excavation (2012)
IMAGE Steve Copeland.

Upright slab feature in southwest quadrant of Structure 220, Stratum 3.

5MT10647, Photo #17923, Plan view, final excavation photo (2012)
IMAGE Lydia DeHaven.

Final excavation photo in 1-x-1-m unit 1346N 513E, showing sterile preoccupational sediment.

5MT10647, Photo #17924, Profile view, stratigraphy (2012)
IMAGE Lydia DeHaven.

Stratigraphic profile of west wall in 1-x-1-m unit 1346N 513E, showing window in southwest corner of unit.

5MT10647, Photo #17933, Plan view, final excavation photo (2012)
IMAGE Lydia DeHaven.

Final excavation photo in 1-x-1-m unit 1362N 512E, showing window into sterile Stratum 3.

5MT10647, Photo #17934, Profile view, stratigraphy (2012)
IMAGE Lydia DeHaven.

Stratigraphic profile of north wall in 1-x-1-m unit 1362N 512E.

5MT10647, Photo #17935, Plan view, final excavation photo (2012)
IMAGE Lydia DeHaven.

Final excavation photo in 1-x-1-m unit 1365N 509E, showing window into sterile Stratum 3.

5MT10647, Photo #17936, Profile view, stratigraphy (2012)
IMAGE Lydia DeHaven.

Stratigraphic profile of north wall in 1-x-1-m unit 1365N 509E.

5MT10647, Photo #17938, Profile view, feature (2012)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Shaded photo of east wall profile in west half of feature. Photo shows cultural fill on caliche-rich, clean sediment. Northwest quadrant, Surface 1.

5MT10647, Photo #17944, Profile view, feature (2012)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Unshaded photo of east wall in west half of PNS 1, showing extent of excavation and the feature's relationship to the floor and wall of the antechamber. Northwest quadrant, Surface 1.

5MT10647, Photo #18029, Field crew photo (2012)
IMAGE Annie Danis.

Shanna Diederichs and Steve Copeland removing beam fragment from Great Kiva.

5MT10647, Photo #18030, Field crew photo (2012)
IMAGE Annie Danis.

Shanna Diederichs and Steve Copeland removing beam fragment from Great Kiva; close up.

5MT10647, Photo #18037, Field crew photo (2012)
IMAGE Annie Danis.

Shanna Diederichs and Steve Copeland removing partial beam from Great Kiva.

5MT10647, Photo #18048, Plan view, feature (2012)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Post-excavation photo of feature 1 in Structure 205, Surface 1, northeast quadrant. The three holes within the feature may not be cultural (see feature paperwork for more explanation).

5MT10647, Photo #18049, Plan view, feature before excavation (2012)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Pre-excavation photo of Feature 2, Surface 1, northeast quadrant. The feature appears to have been partially excavated because it was before the feature designation had been made.

5MT10647, Photo #18070, Profile view, feature (2012)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Photo shows cultural fill in PNS 2; note the similarity to roofing or construction material. The feature appears partially excavated because it was. The floor and beginning of feature fill actually extends another 5 cm or so above the level seen in the

5MT10647, Photo #18071, Profile view, feature (2012)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Photo is trying to show probable rodent run in the eastern portion of PNS 2; note caliche surrounding cultural fill. Surface 1, northeast quadrant.

5MT10647, Photo #18074, Plan view, feature (2012)
IMAGE Shanna Diederichs.

Bin feature after excavation, angled straight down. Surface 3, 2-x1-m unit 1380N 477E.

5MT10647, Photo #18075, Plan view, feature (2012)
IMAGE Shanna Diederichs.

Bin feature after excavation; photo angled into bin. Surface 3, 2-x1-m unit 1380N 477E.

5MT10647, Photo #18078, Plan view, feature (2012)
IMAGE Shanna Diederichs.

Bin feature and hearth on south side of Structure 228, Surface 3, 2-x-1-m unit 1380N 477E.

5MT10647, Photo #18086, Field crew photo (2012)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Steve and Garth building roof on Great Kiva.