Southwestern US (Geographic Keyword)

976-1,000 (5,012 Records)

5MT10647, Photo #18339, Profile view, stratigraphy (2012)
IMAGE Annie Danis.

Stratigraphic profile of east wall in 3-x-1-m unit 1421N 501E. South portion.

5MT10647, Photo #18341, Profile view, stratigraphy (2012)
IMAGE Annie Danis.

Stratigraphic profile of east wall in 3-x-1-m unit 1421N 501E. North portion, wet.

5MT10647, Photo #18342, Profile view, stratigraphy (2012)
IMAGE Annie Danis.

Stratigraphic profile of east wall in 3-x-1-m unit 1421N 501E. South portion, wet.

5MT10647, Photo #18350, Field crew photo (2012)
IMAGE Kyle Bocinsky.

Shanna, Steve, and Kyle cleaning up in the Great Kiva, Stratum 5.

5MT10647, Photo #18359, Field crew photo (2012)
IMAGE Kyle Bocinsky.

Annie Danis holding photo stand leg.

5MT10647, Photo #18410, Plan view, feature before excavation (2012)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Note depression of pit feature in floor of structure. Surface 1, northeast quadrant. Photo was taken prior to the discovery that feature is actually further west than originally thought.

5MT10647, Photo #18411, Plan view, feature before excavation (2012)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Note depression of pit feature in floor of structure. Whether rocks in photo are part of feature is to be determined. Surface 1, northeast quadrant. Photo was taken prior to the discovery that feature is actually further west than originally thought.

5MT10647, Photo #18412, Plan view, feature before excavation (2012)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Shaded photo. Note depression of pit feature in floor of structure. Surface 1, northeast quadrant. Photo was taken prior to the discovery that feature is actually further west than originally thought.

5MT10647, Photo #18414, Plan view, feature before excavation (2012)
IMAGE Steve Copeland.

Posthole 3 before excavation, Surface 1, northwest quadrant.

5MT10647, Photo #18415, Plan view, feature (2012)
IMAGE Steve Copeland.

Final excavation photo for Posthole 3, pre-excavation photo for Posthole 4. Surface 1, northwest quadrant.

5MT10647, Photo #18416, Plan view, feature (2012)
IMAGE Steve Copeland.

Final excavation photo for Posthole 4, Surface 1, northwest quadrant.

5MT10647, Photo #18417, Plan view, feature before excavation (2012)
IMAGE Steve Copeland.

Posthole 5 before excavation, Surface 1, northwest quadrant.

5MT10647, Photo #18418, Plan view, feature (2012)
IMAGE Steve Copeland.

Final excavation photo for Posthole 5, Surface 1, northwest quadrant.

5MT10647, Photo #18419, Plan view, feature before excavation (2012)
IMAGE Steve Copeland.

Posthole 6 before excavation, Surface 1, northwest quadrant.

5MT10647, Photo #18420, Profile view, feature (2012)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

East wall profile of Feature 1, Surface 1, northeast quadrant.

5MT10647, Photo #18424, Profile view, stratigraphy (2012)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Photo shows eastern extent of south face profile in pithouse antechamber.

5MT10647, Photo #18425, Profile view, stratigraphy (2012)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Photo shows south face of antechamber profile. The three rocks in the left of the photo can be used to attach this picture to 18424.

5MT10647, Photo #18426, Profile view, stratigraphy (2012)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Photo shows south face of antechamber profile. Root in bottom left central and rock in center of photo can be used to attach it to photos 18425 and 18427.

5MT10647, Photo #18427, Profile view, stratigraphy (2012)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

South wall of antechamber profile. Rock in left of photo and root to the right can be used to attach this photo to photos 18426 and 18428.

5MT10647, Photo #18428, Profile view, stratigraphy (2012)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Photo of south face profile in antechamber. Root in upper left and rock at lower center can be used to attach this photo to photos 18427 and 18429.

5MT10647, Photo #18429, Profile view, stratigraphy (2012)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Western extent of antechamber profile with "door" showing that inhabitants of the pithouse cut between the walls of the two rooms (Structure 205 and Structure 226).

5MT10647, Photo #18430, Profile view, stratigraphy (2012)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

Eastern extent of south wall profile in main chamber. Note extent of dark organic stratum (photos 18431 - 18435 can be attached).

5MT10647, Photo #18431, Profile view, stratigraphy (2012)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

South wall profile in main chamber with possible hearth to the left and disturbance from constant volume sample to the right. Rock on the far left can be used to attach this photo to photo 18430.

5MT10647, Photo #18432, Profile view, stratigraphy (2012)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

South wall profile in main chamber. Rock in left of photo can be used to attach it to photo 18431. Possible hearth is to the left in the photo.

5MT10647, Photo #18433, Profile view, stratigraphy (2012)
IMAGE Caitlin Sommer.

South wall profile in main chamber. Disturbance in left of photo can be used to connect it to photo 18432. The darker strat seen in photo 18430 is not as deep in this section of the profile.