Melrose Air Force Range (Geographic Keyword)

551-575 (742 Records)

LA87374 Site Evaluation Forms (2016)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jim deVos

Site Records for LA87374 including Photo Log, Bag Inventory Form, Glass Analysis Form, Metal Artifact/Can Analysis Form, Historic Ceramics Analysis Form, Shovel Probe Form, and Auger Probe Form

Life on the Southern High Plains: Prehistoric and Historic Occupations on the Western Llano Estacado, A Cultural Resources Survey of 14,320 Acres on Melrose Air Force Range, Roosevelt County, New Mexico SHPO Correspondence (2003)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Chris Lowry.

During November-December 2000 and January-March of 2001, Geo-Marine, Inc. (GMI) conducted intensive cultural resources survey of 14,320 acres on Melrose Air Force Range (MAFR) in Roosevelt County, New Mexico. This fieldwork marked the final phase of survey for MAFR. Thirty previously unrecorded archaeological sites, five previously recorded archaeological sites, and 227 isolated occurrences were documented during this study. Four of the prehistoric sites, two of the multi-component sites, and...

Lithic Artifact Data for NMCRIS Number 134345 (2009)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jim deVos

Lithic Artifact Data for NMCRIS Number 134345

Local Histories from the Web (2003)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez

Local history articles from the web.

M111 Site Record (1981)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jim deVos

Site Record for M111.

M117 Site Record (2023)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jim deVos

Site Record for M117.

M123 Site Record (1981)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jim deVos

Site Record for M123.

MAFR 1996 Lithic Analysis (1996)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jim deVos

MAFR 1996 Lithic Analysis.

MAFR Site Descriptions (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jim deVos

Site descriptions and notes.

MAFR Site Descriptions for LA110522-LA112585. (2023)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jim deVos

MAFR Site Descriptions for LA110522-LA112585.

Mariah Project Documents (1987)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jim deVos

Mariah Project documents including maps, list of sites, and hand written notes.

Melrose Air Force Range Artifact Inventory (1996)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jim deVos

Artifact inventory for the Melrose Air Force Range.

Melrose Air Force Range Ranching Oral History Project: Catalog of Project Materials (1998)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jim deVos

A catalog of project materials for Melrose Air Force Range Ranching Oral History Project. Includes things like taped interviews, transcripts, historic documents collected, historic photographs, Project photographs, and maps

Melrose Air Force Range Resources
PROJECT Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez

Project metadata for resources within the Melrose Air Force Range cultural heritage resources collection.

Melrose Air Force Range: Archaeological Subsurface Integrity and Damage Assessment of Sites LA 66373, LA 110524, LA 110530, and LA 133088 on Melrose Air Force Range, Roosevelt County, New Mexico (2011)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jim deVos

This report presents the results of limited subsurface testing at one prehistoric site (LA 66373) and three historic sites (LA 133088, 110524, and 110530) located on Melrose Air Force Range, Roosevelt County, New Mexico. All sites had been previously recorded, and testing was required to establish site integrity and potential for research significance as part of determining Nation Register of Historic Places eligibility. Due to the presence of intact features and deposits, sites LA 110524 and LA...

Melrose Bombing Range Project Daily Progress Report (1986)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jim deVos

Melrose Bombing Range Project Daily Progress Report

Melrose Project Daily Records, T1N R13 E07 (1996)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jim deVos

Daily records for Tolar Southeast - T1N R13 E07

Melrose Project Daily Records, T1N R29 E01 (1995)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jim deVos

Daily records for Tolar Southeast - T1N R29 E01

Melrose Project Daily Records, T1N R29 E12 (1995)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jim deVos

Daily records for Tolar Southeast - T1N R29 E12

Melrose Project Daily Records, T1N R29 E13 (1995)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jim deVos

Daily records for Tolar Southeast - T1N R29 E13

Melrose Project Daily Records, T1N R29 E24 (1995)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jim deVos

Daily records for Tolar Southeast - T1N R29 E24

Melrose Project Daily Records, T1N R29 E36 (1995)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jim deVos

Daily records for Tolar Southeast - T1N R29 E36

Melrose Project Daily Records, T1N R30 E02 (1996)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jim deVos

Daily records for Tolar Southeast - T1N R30 E02

Melrose Project Daily Records, T1N R30 E03 (1996)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jim deVos

Daily records for Tolar Southeast - T1N R30 E03

Melrose Project Daily Records, T1N R30 E04 (1996)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jim deVos

Daily records for Tolar Southeast - T1N R30 E04