Melrose Air Force Range (Geographic Keyword)
26-50 (742 Records)
Artifact Catalogue for NMCRIS Number 126690 for sites LA172689 and LA173359.
Artifact Database for NMCRIS Number 126690 (2023)
Database for NMCRIS Number 126690 which includes the artifact catalogue, reports, and queries for sitesLA172689 and LA173359.
Artifact Inventory Form NMCRIS Number 49679 (1995)
ACA Artifact Inventory Forms for NMCRIS Number 49679
Artifact Log for NMCRIS Number 134388 (2023)
Artifact Log for NMCRIS Number 134388
Artifacts not Curated for LA172689 (2023)
Artifacts not Curated for LA172689
Artifacts not Curated for LA173359 (2023)
Artifacts not Curated for LA173359
Background Documents for NMCRIS 19151 (1986)
Hand written notes for NMCRIS 19151 and a right-of-entry for survey and exploration
BLM Master Title Plats for NMCRIS 19151 (2023)
BLM Master Title Plats for NMCRIS 19151
Caliche Discoloration Experiment (2023)
Caliche Discoloration Experiment. This series of experiments is directed towards middle range theory regarding the discoloration of caliche rocks. Only after the conditions of discoloration are understood can lay and professional archaeologists begin to make cultural interpretative statements about the presence of discolored caliche encountered during survey and excavations.
Canada del Tule: Cultural Resources Inventory of 3,520 acres on Melrose Air Force Range, Roosevelt County, New Mexico (1997)
During April of 1997, an intensive cultural resources survey was conducted on Melrose Air Force Range (MAFR), Roosevelt County, New Mexico, by Geo-Marine, Inc. A total of 3,520 acres was included in this inventory, which resulted in documentation of ten previously unrecorded archaeological sites and 87 isolated occurrences. Six of the sites included artifacts associated with aboriginal activities, three appear to result from historic activities, and one site included evidence of both aboriginal...
Canada del Tule: Cultural Resources Inventory of 3,520 Acres on Melrose Air force Range, Roosevelt County, New Mexico. (1997)
This report presents the results of an intensive cultural resources survey conducted on Melrose Air Force Range, Roosevelt County, New Mexico, by Geo-Marine, Inc. A total of 3,520 acres was included in this inventory which resulted in documentation of ten previously unrecorded archaeological sites and 87 isolated occurrences. Six of the sites included artifacts associated with aboriginal activities, three appear to result from historic activities, and one site included evidence of both...
Ceramics Coding Format for NMCRIS Number 134345 (2008)
Ceramics Coding Format for NMCRIS Number 134345
Class II Survey and Testing of Cultural Resources at the Melrose Air Force Range, Curry and Roosevelt Counties, New Mexico (1988)
Class II Survey and Testing of Cultural Resources at Melrose Air Force Range. Includes list of sites from the Laboratory of Anthropology.
Class II Survey and Testing of Cultural Resources at the Melrose Air Force Range, Curry and Roosevelt Counties, New Mexico (1988)
Two phases of a Class II survey for cultural resources on 9,940 acres at the Melrose Air Force Range (MAFR), including geomorphic assessment, oral history interviews and archival research, were performed for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on behalf of the USAF, for the development of a cultural resource management plan for MAFR. A total of 62 sites and 195 isolated occurrences was recorded during survey, and limited archaeological excavations were conducted at eight prehistoric sites. In Phase...
Class III Cultural Resources Inventory of Portions of the Melrose Air Force Range, Curry and Roosevelt Counties, New Mexico (1995)
A Class III cultural resources survey of fence line corridors, waterline corridors, and selected parcels of land was conducted in three phases during October 1990 and December 1991, and resulted in inventory of 57.8 linear mi (93 lan) of 50 ft (15 m) wide fence line and waterline corridors and ten sample parcels totaling 2240 acres of land. Sixty-nine isolated occurrences, seven prairie dog town localities. and eight prehistoric and historic archeological sites were discovered. Seven of the...
Collected Artifacts for NMCRIS Number 49679 (1995)
List of collected artifacts for NMCRIS Number 49679
Collected Artifacts from the Melrose Air Force Range 1996 Survey (1996)
Collected Artifacts from the Melrose Air Force Range 1996 Survey
Comprehensive Range Plan, Melrose Air Force Range, New Mexico (2014)
The Melrose Air Force Range (AFR) Comprehensive Range Plan (CRP) addresses the requirements for range planning as directed in Air Force Instruction (AFI) 13-212 and Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) and Cannon Air Force Base (CAFB) supplements. The CRP provides a focus and direction for the range complex, a justification for funding needs, and a standard by which to measure success of implemented programs.
Contact Sheet for LA101396 & LA101397 (2021)
Photograph Contact Sheet for sites LA101396 & LA101397
Correspondence from Mariah Associates Regarding Melose Air Force Range Site Investigations (1987)
Correspondence from Mariah Associates regarding various data from investigations at Melrose Air Force Range which includes site descriptions, draft site forms and site maps, and other information.
Correspondence Regarding Curation of Artifacts from LA 66380, LA 133093, and LA 135619 (2004)
Correspondence regarding the curation of artifacts from LA 66380, LA 133093, and LA 135619
Correspondence with Eastern New Mexico University regarding artifact curation (1999)
Correspondence with Eastern New Mexico University requesting information on artifact inventory and MOU.
Cross Reference Form for NMCRIS Number 19151 (2016)
Cross Reference Form for NMCRIS Number 19151 ad LA57426-LA57478.
Cultural Resource Inventory of 1,000-acres on Melrose Air Force Range, Cannon Air Force Base, Roosevelt County, New Mexico (2021)
During August and September 2020, the Swift River/Versar, Inc. Joint Venture conducted an intensive cultural resources survey of 1,000 acres within the boundaries of Melrose Air Force Range, Cannon Air Force Base, Roosevelt County, New Mexico. The undertaking was conducted under New Mexico Fence-to-Fence Environmental Services Contract No. 47QFWA19P0001/ID07180031. The survey parcel was along the northern boundary of Melrose Air Force Range. During the course of the project, three previously...
Cultural Resource Survey and NRHP Eligibility Assessment of 11,000 Acres of Newly Acquired New Mexico State Trust Lands, Melrose Air Force in Roosevelt County, New Mexico, Final Report (2016)
This report summarizes the intensive cultural resources survey of 11,000 acres of newly acquired state trust land adjoining Melrose Air Force Range. The pedestrian survey consisted of the implementation of transects spaced no more than 15 meters apart. The entirety of the project produced a total of 39 newly identified archaeological sites.