Alamogordo, New Mexico (Geographic Keyword)
126-150 (306 Records)
Report and SHPO correspondence regarding the plan to construct a munitions building west of the High Speed Test Track (HSTT).
Historic Buildings Inventory Forms (1994)
Historic Buildings Inventory forms for the Mart Site.
Historic Ranch Survey Holloman Air Force Base New Mexico (1994)
The purpose of the project is to fully document all premilitary historic period sites located on Holloman. This report presents the results of the official phase of the project, the survey to provide an inventory of all such sites
Historical Background Alamogordo Army Air Base Alamogordo, NM 1942-1945 (1996)
During Second World War, Alamogordo, New Mexico and the Tularosa Basin played a vital role in the American war effort. From June 1942 until February 1946, Alamogordo was the home of the Alamogordo Army Air Base (AAAB) while the Tularosa Basin was the site of the Alamogordo Bombing and Gunnery Range (ABGR).
Historical Significance of the Askania Cinetheodolite Towers Located on Holloman Air Force Base and White Sands Missile Range (1997)
This report is intended to prepare the way for that future listing. It provides a discussion of the towers within the context of Cold War activities at HAFB and WSMR. The report first examines the attraction of the Tularosa Basin area for missile testing and the origin and development of the two military facilities. It includes a brief discussion of how elements of the German missile program, including instrumentation, were transferred to New Mexico and how they were integrated into the nation's...
Holloman Air Force Base Cold War Cultural resource Inventory Report (1994)
During this research and inventory, property types were identified and then photographed. Twenty-two properties were fully inventoried as important properties within the base Cold War context. The majority of these are related to research and development, and testing conducted between 1947 and 1968.
Holloman Air Force Base Cold War Era Historic Property Survey (2009)
Holloman Air Force Base Cold War Era Historic Property Survey. Cold War activities at Holloman AFB were complex, centered on the RDT&E of guided missiles during 1947- 1970, and shifting to TAC training and operations as of 1971.
Holloman Air Force Base Cultural Resources Management Plan (1999)
The Cultural Resources Management Plan (CRMP) presented here provides guidelines and procedures that will enable Holloman Air Force Base (HAFB) to meet its legal responsibilities for the identification, evaluation, and treatment of historic properties under its jurisdiction. This document was designed to complement and correspond with the HAFB Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan.
Holloman Air Force Base Cultural Resources Management Plan (1998)
The Cultural Resources Management Plan (CRMP) presented here provides guidelines and procedures that will enable Holloman Air Force Base (HAFB) to meet its legal responsibilities for the identification, evaluation, and treatment of historic properties under its jurisdiction. This document was designed to complement and correspond with the HAFB Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan.
Holloman Air Force Base New Mexico Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan: 2010-2015 (2010)
The National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) and Air Force Instruction (AFI) 32-7065 require survey and evaluation of all cultural resources, places of historic events, buildings, historic and prehistoric archaeological sites and Native American traditional cultural properties under the control of the 49th Wing (49 WG) at Holloman Air Force Base (HAFB). Archaeological identification surveys have been completed and a total of 482 historic and prehistoric archaeological sites recorded on HAFB,...
Holloman Air Force Base Resources
Project metadata for resources within the Holloman Air Force Base cultural heritage resources collection.
The Holloman Test Track Impact Area Archeological Survey (1988)
This report documents the results of an intensive (Class III) cultural resources inventory of 1280 acres (518 ha) on White Sands Missile Range and Holloman Air Force Base. The area surveyed represents the defined impact area for the Holloman High Speed Test Track Facility located north of Holloman Air Force Base proper in the Tularosa Basin, Otero County, New Mexico. A total of ten archeological sites—eight prehistoric and two historic—were documented in the course of the survey.
Holloman Test Track Impact Area Survey Data Compendium (1988)
Data Compendium for the Holloman Test Track Impact Area.
The Holloman Testing Draft Report (1989)
This report describes the results of the testing program at LA 67591, a late Archaic encampment, and Isolated Occurrence No. 48, an isolated pit structure. Evaluations of the cultural properties and management recommendations for further analysis of the collected materials are also presented. No additional field work is recommended.
I Never Left a Place That I Didn't Clean Up (1994)
Twenty-two pre-military historic sites were documented, oral interviews were conducted, and archival research produced a wealth of information, including old photographs and homestead records. The combination of archaeological survey, archival research, and oral interviews has provided a complete picture of one cultural period on HAFB — historic settlement prior to the establishment of the base in 1942. The results can also be used to promote and modify this demonstration project so the methods...
Introduction to HAR-041 (1997)
Introduction page to HAR-041 Missile Test Stands Area.
Laboratory of Anthropology Project/Activity Report: The Final Acre Project (1999)
Project report for the Final Acre project conducted at Holloman Air Force Base. Includes map of sites and correspondence
Lake Holloman Cultural Resource Survey, Holloman Air Force Base, Otero County, New Mexico (1994)
This report documents the results of the survey and laboratory analysis conducted for HAFB in the Lake Holloman Area. This report includes a discussion of the project area's past and present environment and those environmental concerns relevant to cultural resources in the area; a review of cultural history and previous research for the area, as well as current research problems; a detailed description of survey and analyses methodology; results of the survey; and a summary of the significance...
Lake Holloman Land Acquisition Cultural Resource Documentation, Holloman Air Force Base, Otero County, New Mexico (1995)
Report and SHPO correspondence regarding Holloman Air Force Base (HAFB) acquiring 1,262 acres of land from the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to accommodate the construction of proposed base wastewater treatment plant. This acquisition increased HAFB administered land from 58,410 to 59,672 acres, and included two archaeological sites.
The Legacy of Early Missile, Rocket, Instrumentation, and Aeromedical Research Development at Holloman Air Force Base (1995)
The Thematic Survey of Early Missile, Instrumentation, and Test Objects Project (Legacy No. 767) falls under the LRMP Task Area of the Cold War, with the objective to “inventory, protect, and conserve the physical and literary property and relics of the Department of Defense connected with the origins and development of the Cold War.”4 The project was designed as a demonstration project to begin the identification and documentation of known early missile, instrumentation, and test object sites...
Letter Report Concerning The Cultural Resources Legacy Sample Survey of 6,556 Acres Conducted on Holloman Air Force Base, Otero County, New Mexico (1995)
Between September 1994 and May 1995, Human Systems Research, Inc. (HSR) conducted a cultural resources inventory, totaling 6,556 acres, on portions of HAFB. In total, 86 sites and 428 IO locations were documented in the 6,556 acres surveyed.
A Life Like No Other Ranch Life on Lands Now Administered by Holloman Air Force Base (1997)
As time passes, a wealth of information about the early days of ranching and farming is lost as the people involved move on or pass away. The importance of recovering this information in a timely fashion could not be ignored. For this reason, other means of funding were acquired to initiate the Oral History project presented in this publication. The Oral History Project was designed to continue the research started by Hawthorne in 1993. It focused on providing archival research on all...
Main Base and West Area Cultural Resource Survey, Holloman Air Force Base, Otero County, New Mexico (1994)
A cultural resources survey of 520 ha (1,284 acres) was conducted on Holloman Air Force Base (HAFB). The area surveyed consists of 11 noncontiguous parcels within and around the Main Base and West Area of Holloman Air Force Base in the Tularosa Basin, Otero County, New Mexico. Within the 520 ha surveyed, a total of four sites, two prehistoric and two historic, were documented.
Malone Draw Fill-In Cultural Resource Survey Holloman Air Force Base, Otero County, New Mexico (1998)
Lincoln National Forest and Holloman AFB archaeologists conducted cultural resources inventory of 1,222 acres on the HAFB Main Base between 13 September 1995 and 1 February 1996, including resurvey of 77 acres. Four non-contiguous units were surveyed, resulting in the documentation of 11 new sites, and 172 isolated occurrences, and revisitation of eight previously recorded sites (three were reevaluated). The new sites included seven prehistoric, one multi-components prehistoric/Apache, and one...
Malone Draw Fire Cultural Resources Disturbance Investigation Holloman Air Force Base Otero County, New Mexico (1997)
Report and SHPO correspondence regarding lightning-caused fire burned within Malone Draw on Holloman Air Force (HAFB). The fire and resultant containment measures resulted in the burning of approximately 125 acres and creation of a .7 mile long road. Five archaeological sites were impacted by these actions.