Pocatligo (Geographic Keyword)

1-1 (1 Record)

Archaeological Data Recovery at 38BU2186 and 38BU2187, Stony Creek at Bindon Plantation, Beaufort County, South Carolina (2024)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Lisa Randle. Ralph Bailey. Jeff Sherard. Larry James.

At Site 38BU2186, archaeologists recovered intact buried deposits, including pottery, lithics, and charcoal, that indicate a Late Woodland period logistical camp on the bluff overlooking Stony Creek. A large house, including several outbuildings and tennis court, were built on top of the Native American site after the Civil War, probably around 1900. This settlement was occupied on a part-time basis until the 1980s. The house was razed in the early 2000s. Archaeologists found very little...