Western US (Geographic Keyword)

1-2 (2 Records)

Taking A Shot At Late 19th c. Indigenous Sites (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Robert McQueen.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Paper / Report Submission (General Sessions)", at the 2024 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. This paper looks at identifying and characterizing late 19th century sites occupied by the Western Shoshone in northern Nevada’s (USA) Great Basin Desert. Much of the regional literature on ethnohistoric sites focuses on identifying early contact sites, which for the Great Basin begin around the 1840s, and the mixing of certain...

Victorian Dining and Class in the San Francisco Bay Area (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Mark K Walker.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Paper / Report Submission (General Sessions)", at the 2024 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Victorian food consumption with its complex etiquette and changing fashions results in assemblages with a bewildering number of vessel types. In this paper I consider how Victorian dining varied along class lines by comparing assemblages from 86 features excavated in the Bay Area over the past three decades by the Anthropological...