Site Stabilization (Investigation Type)

An activity that involves the rehabilitation of eroding, slumping, subsiding or otherwise deteriorating archaeological resources, including structures and building materials.

201-225 (923 Records)

Casa Grande Ruins Terrestrial Photogrammetry on Great House South and North Section Looking West (1978)
IMAGE Perry Borchers. Myra Borchers. Erik Borchers.

Image of on site terrestrial photogrammetry of The Great House. Picture was taken with Galileo Santoni Phototheodolite. Photo is taken of the South and North section looking West.

Casa Grande Ruins Terrestrial Photogrammetry on Great House South Section (1978)
IMAGE Erik Borchers. Myra Borchers. Perry Borchers.

Image of on site terrestrial photogrammetry of The Great House. Picture was taken with Galileo Santoni Phototheodolite. Photo is taken of the South Section looking North.

Casa Grande Ruins Terrestrial Photogrammetry on Great House West and East Section (1978)
IMAGE Uploaded by: Jessica Harness

Image of on site terrestrial photogrammetry of The Great House. Picture was taken with Galileo Santoni Phototheodolite. Photo is taken of the West and East Section.

Casa Grande Ruins Terrestrial Photogrammetry on Great House West Section (1978)
IMAGE Erik Borchers. Myra Borchers. Perry Borchers.

Image of on site terrestrial photogrammetry of The Great House. Picture was taken with Galileo Santoni Phototheodolite. Photo is taken of the West Section looking East.

Centennial Celebration Articles (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: alycia hayes

This document is a collection of articles written for the centennial celebration of the Casa Grande Ruins National Monument. These articles regard the history of the monument, the Hohokam and their culture.

Central and South Portion of Compound A Locations of 1963 Excavations (1963)
IMAGE Uploaded by: Jessica Harness

Image reflects an aerial view of areas in Central and South portion of Compound A at Casa Grande Ruins National Monument undergoing 1963 excavations.

Ceramic: Chaco-McElmo Black-on-white sherds, Accession AZRU-00061 (2005)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

Chaco-McElmo Black-on-white sherds of local and nonlocal production from Room 225, Aztec West Ruin, Accession AZRU-00061. Analysis by Tori Myers and Lori Reed, 2005. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 26: top left: Catalog #6845 FS166 bowl rim of Chaco-Cibola origin; top right: Catalog #7595 FS166 jar fragment of Chaco-Cibola origin; bottom left: Catalog #6679 FS143 bowl rim of local origin (Animas Variety); bottom right: Catalog #7593 FS169 bowl rim of local origin (Animas Variety).

Ceramic: Chaco-McElmo Black-on-white, Accession AZRU-00061 (2005)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

Chaco-McElmo Black-on-white jar fragment from West Plaza Trench, Aztec West Ruin, Accession AZRU-00061, Catalog #7226, FS126. Analysis by Tori Myers and Lori Reed, 2005. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 42: exterior view of Chaco-McElmo B/w jar fragment of nonlocal Chaco-Cibola origin.

Ceramic: Escavada Black-on-white jar sherds, Accession AZRU-00061 (2005)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

Escavada Black-on-white jar body fragments of nonlocal origin from Room 225, Aztec West Ruin, Accession AZRU-00061. Analysis by Tori Myers and Lori Reed, 2005. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 39: exterior view of jar sherds showing painted design; left: Catalog #7593, FS169; right: Catalog #13215, FS72.

Ceramic: Example of Chaco Black-on-white, Accession AZRU-00061 (2005)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

Chaco Black-on-white sherds from West Plaza Trench, Aztec West Ruin, Accession AZRU-00061. Analysis by Tori Myers and Lori Reed, 2005. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 45: left: Chaco B/w jar rim of nonlocal origin with a sub-glaze paint (Catalog #6874 FS126); right: Chaco B/w bowl rim of nonlocal origin (Catalog # 6874 FS126).

Ceramic: Examples of Mancos Black-on-white, Accession AZRU-00061 (2005)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

Mancos Black-on-white sherds from Room 225, Aztec West Ruin, Accession AZRU-00061. Analysis by Tori Myers and Lori Reed, 2005. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 36: top left: Mancos (Dogoszhi style) jar body sherd of nonlocal origin, Catalog #6843 FS111; top center: Mancos (Dogoszhi style) bowl body sherd of nonlocal origin, Catalog #7589 FS169; top right: Mancos (Dogoszhi style) bowl body sherd of nonlocal origin, Catalog #6938 FS164; bottom left: Mancos (Mancos style) jar body sherd of nonlocal...

Ceramic: Examples of Mancos Black-on-white, Accession AZRU-00061 (2005)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

Examples of Mancos Black-on-white from West Plaza Trench, Aztec West Ruin, Accession AZRU-00061. Analysis by Tori Myers and Lori Reed, 2005. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 43: left: exterior view of Mancos (Sosi style) B/w jar fragment of nonlocal origin (Catalog #7840, FS126); center: exterior view of Mancos (Mancos style) B/w jar fragment of local (Animas Variety) origin (Catalog #7226, FS126); right: interior view of Mancos (Sosi style) B/w bowl fragment of nonlocal origin (Catalog #7226, FS126).

Ceramic: Examples of McElmo Black-on-white, Accession AZRU-00061 (2005)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

McElmo Black-on-white sherds of local and nonlocal production from Room 225, Aztec West Ruin, Accession AZRU-00061. Analysis by Tori Myers and Lori Reed, 2005. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 27: top left: Catalog #7584 FS52 bowl rim of nonlocal origin; top right: Catalog #7968 FS173 jar fragment of nonlocal origin; bottom left: Catalog #6650 FS111 bowl rim of local origin (Animas Variety); bottom center: Catalog #6677 FS142 jar fragment of local origin (Animas Variety); bottom right: Catalog #6846...

Ceramic: Examples of McElmo Black-on-white, Accession AZRU-00061 (2005)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

McElmo Black-on-white sherds from West Plaza Trench, Aztec West Ruin, Accession AZRU-00061. Analysis by Tori Myers and Lori Reed, 2005. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 41: left: exterior view of McElmo B/w jar fragment of local (Animas Variety) origin (Catalog #9962, FS126); right: interior view of McElmo B/w bowl rim sherd of nonlocal origin (Catalog #7840, FS126).

Ceramic: Examples of Mesa Verde Black-on-white, Accession AZRU-00061 (2005)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

Mesa Verde Black-on-white bowl rim sherds of local production from Room 225, Aztec West Ruin, Accession AZRU-00061. Analysis by Tori Myers and Lori Reed, 2005. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 28: exterior view showing painted design; left) Catalog #7591 FS55; right) Catalog #7609 FS236. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 29: interior view showing painted design; left) Catalog #7591 FS55; right) Catalog #7609 FS236.

Ceramic: Examples of Mesa Verde Black-on-white, Accession AZRU-00061 (2005)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

Mesa Verde Black-on-white sherds of local production from Room 225, Aztec West Ruin, Accession AZRU-00061. Analysis by Tori Myers and Lori Reed, 2005. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 30: exterior view showing painted design; left) Catalog #7968 FS173; right) Catalog #7312 FS91. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 31: interior view showing painted design; left) Catalog #7968 FS173; right) Catalog #7312 FS91.

Ceramic: Examples of Mesa Verde Black-on-white, Accession AZRU-00061 (2005)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

Mesa Verde Black-on-white bowl rim sherds of local production from Room 225, Aztec West Ruin, Accession AZRU-00061. Analysis by Tori Myers and Lori Reed, 2005. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 32: exterior view showing painted design; top) Catalog #13213 FS72; bottom) Catalog #7312 FS91. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 33: interior view showing painted design; top) Catalog #13213 FS72; bottom) Catalog #7312 FS91.

Ceramic: Examples of Mesa Verde Black-on-white, Accession AZRU-00061 (2005)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

Mesa Verde Black-on-white bowl sherds of local production from Room 225, Aztec West Ruin, Accession AZRU-00061. Analysis by Tori Myers and Lori Reed, 2005. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 34: exterior view showing painted design; top left) Catalog #6840 FS92; top center) Catalog #7621 FS209; top right) Catalog #6841 FS171; bottom left) Catalog #6832 FS170; bottom right) Catalog #6927 FS142. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 35: interior view showing painted design; top left) Catalog #6840 FS92; top center)...

Ceramic: Examples of worked sherds showing scallop-shaped ground edges and irregular-shaped disks from various proveniences, Accession AZRU-00061 (2005)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

Examples of worked sherds having scallop-shaped ground edges or reshaped into irregular-shaped disks from Room 225, 204, 129, and Trench X1, Aztec West Ruin, Accession AZRU-00061. Analysis by Tori Myers and Lori Reed, 2005. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 48: top left: interior surface view of Sosi style b/w bowl sherd with scalloped-shaped edge from Trench X1, Catalog #6654 FS502; top center: interior surface view of Mesa Verde B/w bowl rim sherd with scallop-shaped edge from Room 204, Catalog #10023...

Ceramic: Handle fragments with worked edges from various proveniences, Accession AZRU-00061 (2005)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

Solid and hollow handle fragments with worked edges, Aztec West Ruin, Accession AZRU-00061. Analysis by Tori Myers and Lori Reed, 2005. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 51: top left: solid handle with incised line cut or sawed into broken edge (Catalog #6759, FS30, Room 129); top center: hollow handle fragment with broken edge reshaped by grinding (Catalog #5526, FS40, Room 204); right: hollow handle fragment with broken edge reshaped by grinding (Catalog #7610, FS170, Room 225); bottom left: solid...

Ceramic: McElmo Black-on-white canteen, Accession AZRU-00061 (2005)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

McElmo Black-on-white canteen (vaguely football shaped), Aztec West Ruin, Accession AZRU-00061, Catalog #9939 (FS 251). Analysis by Tori Myers and Lori Reed, 2005. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 15: exterior view of canteen showing painted design and two single coil handles on upper body. Canteen recovered from Room 225.

Ceramic: McElmo Black-on-white rim sherds, Accession AZRU-00061 (2005)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

Examples of McElmo Black-on-white rim sherds from Room 225, Aztec West Ruin, Accession AZRU-00061. Analysis by Tori Myers and Lori Reed, 2005. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 22: interior view showing painted designs; top row: Catalog #7593 FS169; Catalog #7236 FS170; Catalog #7997 FS594; Catalog #6677 FS142; Catalog #6832 FS170; Catalog #7314 FS162; Catalog #7968 FS173; Catalog#7973 FS172.

Ceramic: McElmo/Mesa Verde Black-on-white rim sherds, Accession AZRU-00061 (2005)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

Examples of McElmo/Mesa Verde Black-on-white rim sherds from Room 225, Aztec West Ruin, Accession AZRU-00061. Analysis by Tori Myers and Lori Reed, 2005. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 23: exterior surface of rim sherds showing isolated designs or undecorated surfaces; top row: Catalog #7313 FS162 (undecorated); Catalog #6627 FS41; Catalog #7218 FS67; bottom row: Catalog #7608 FS236; Catalog #7968 FS173; Catalog #13215 FS72. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 25: interior surface of rim sherds showing painted...

Ceramic: McElmo/Mesa Verde Black-on-white worked sherd, Accession AZRU-00061 (2005)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

McElmo/Mesa Verde Black-on-white bowl rim sherd chipped into a disk shape from West Plaza Trench, Aztec West Ruin, Accession AZRU-00061, Catalog #7600, FS126. Analysis by Tori Myers and Lori Reed, 2005. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 40: interior view of worked sherd showing painted design. Note: rim edge on lower right side.

Ceramic: McElmo/Mesa Verde Black-on-white, bowl rim fragments, Accession AZRU-00061 (2005)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

McElmo/Mesa Verde Black-on-white, bowl rim fragments from same vessel, Aztec West Ruin, Accession AZRU-00061, Catalog #13213 (FS 72). Analysis by Tori Myers and Lori Reed, 2005. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 16: interior view of rim sherds showing painted design. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 17: exterior view of rim sherds showing isolated "blanket" motifs. Fragmentary bowl recovered from Room 225.