Site Stabilization (Investigation Type)

An activity that involves the rehabilitation of eroding, slumping, subsiding or otherwise deteriorating archaeological resources, including structures and building materials.

226-250 (923 Records)

Ceramic: McElmo/Mesa Verde Black-on-white, bowl sherds, Accession AZRU-00061 (2005)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

McElmo/Mesa Verde Black-on-white, bowl rim sherds, Aztec West Ruin, Accession AZRU-00061, Catalog #s 6930 (FS 167), 11045 (FS 162), 7968 (FS 173), 7612 (FS 170). Analysis by Tori Myers and Lori Reed, 2005. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 1: Isolated elements on bowl exterior including variations of embellished circles. Left: Catalog #6930; Top Center: Catalog #11045; Right: Catalog #s 7968 & 7612. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 2: Mesa Verde style designs on bowl interiors. Left: Catalog #6930; Top Right:...

Ceramic: Mesa Verde Black-on-white bowl rim fragment, Accession AZRU-00061 (2005)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

Mesa Verde Black-on-white bowl rim from Room 204, Aztec West Ruin, Accession AZRU-00061, Catalog #5572, FS65. Note: 2 drill holes and broken left rim edge has grinding similar to spokeshave-like tools from Room 225. Analysis by Tori Myers and Lori Reed, 2005. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 46: interior view of bowl rim showing painted design, drill holes, and ground edge at top left. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 47: exterior view of bowl rim showing painted design, drill holes, and ground edge at top...

Ceramic: Mesa Verde Black-on-white bowl rim, Accession AZRU-00061 (2005)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

Mesa Verde Black-on-white bowl rim showing abrasion and chipping of rim edge, Aztec West Ruin, Accession AZRU-00061, Catalog # 2621 (FS 209). Analysis by Tori Myers and Lori Reed, 2005. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 7: Interior view of bowl rim fragment showing rim abrasion and chipping. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 8: Exterior view of bowl rim fragment showing painted design. Sherd recovered from Room 225.

Ceramic: Mesa Verde Black-on-white bowl rims, spokeshave-type tools, Accession AZRU-00061 (2005)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

Mesa Verde Black-on-white rim sherds with worked rim edge creating a spokeshave-type tool, Aztec West Ruin, Accession AZRU-00061, Catalog #s 7619 (FS 209), 7315 (FS 164), 7612 (FS 170), 7967 (FS 170), 7606 (FS 213). Analysis by Tori Myers and Lori Reed, 2005. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 4: Interior view of Mesa Verde Black-on-white bowl rims showing ground edge creating a spokeshave-type tool (Left: Catalog #7619; Top Center: Catalog #7315; Top Right: Catalog #7612 & 7967; Bottom Center: Catalog...

Ceramic: Mesa Verde Black-on-white bowl sherds, Accession AZRU-00061 (2005)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

Mesa Verde Black-on-white bowl sherds with fine line execution, Aztec West Ruin, Accession AZRU-00061, Catalog #7228 (FS 126). Analysis by Tori Myers and Lori Reed, 2005. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 9: interior view of sherds showing fine line execution of painted design. Sherd recovered from Room 225.

Ceramic: Mesa Verde Black-on-white mug rim fragment, Accession AZRU-00061 (2005)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

Mesa Verde Black-on-white mug rim fragment from West Plaza Trench, Aztec West Ruin, Accession AZRU-00061, Catalog#7228, FS126. Analysis by Tori Myers and Lori Reed, 2005. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 44: exterior view of mug rim; nonlocal origin.

Ceramic: Mesa Verde Black-on-white partial bowl, Accession AZRU-00061 (2005)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

Mesa Verde Black-on-white partial bowl, Aztec West Ruin, Accession AZRU-00061, Catalog #6828 (FS 166). Analysis by Tori Myers and Lori Reed, 2005. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 12: left: interior view of bowl showing painted design; right: exterior view of rim sherd from same bowl showing painted design. Bowl recovered from Room 225.

Ceramic: Mesa Verde Black-on-white partial bowl, Accession AZRU-00061 (2005)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

Mesa Verde Black-on-white partial bowl with numerous drill holes for repair, Aztec West Ruin, Accession AZRU-00061, Catalog #5572 (FS 65). Analysis by Tori Myers and Lori Reed, 2005. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 11: interior view of bowl showing painted design and thick square rim. Bowl recovered from Room 204.

Ceramic: Mesa Verde Black-on-white partial bowl, Accession AZRU-00061 (2005)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

Mesa Verde Black-on-white partial bowl, Aztec West Ruin, Accession AZRU-00061, Catalog #7322 (FS 279). Analysis by Tori Myers and Lori Reed, 2005. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 13: interior view of bowl fragments showing all-over style Mesa Verde design. Note two drill holes on left. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 14: exterior view of rim fragments showing exterior painted design. Bowl recovered from Room 225.

Ceramic: Mesa Verde Black-on-white rim fragment, Accession AZRU-00061 (2005)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

Mesa Verde Black-on-white rim fragments from the same bowl, Room 225, Aztec West Ruin, Accession AZRU-00061, Catalog#7622, FS236. Analysis by Tori Myers and Lori Reed, 2005. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 52: left: exterior view of bowl rim fragment showing painted design; right: interior view of bowl rim showing painted design and rim shape.

Ceramic: Mesa Verde Black-on-white, mug (partial), Accession AZRU-00061 (2005)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

Mesa Verde Black-on-white, mug, partially reconstructed, Aztec West Ruin, Accession AZRU-00061, Catalog #7589 (FS 169). Analysis by Tori Myers and Lori Reed, 2005. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 18: exterior view of mug showing painted design and handle. Fragmentary mug recovered from Room 225.

Ceramic: Mug fragments, Accession AZRU-00061 (2005)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

Mug fragments, Aztec West Ruin, Accession AZRU-00061, Catalog #s 7589 (FS ?), 13214 (FS 72), 7615 (FS 170), 7969 (FS 78), 7595 (FS 166), 7617 (FS 209). Analysis by Tori Myers and Lori Reed, 2005. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 3: Top Left: Catalog #7589, Mesa Verde Black-on-white mug fragment, Room 225. Top Center: Catalog #13214, Mesa Verde Black-on-white mug fragment, Room 225. Top Right: Catalog # 7615, Mesa Verde Black-on-white mug fragment, Room 225. Bottom Left: Chaco-McElmo Black-on-white mug...

Ceramic: Ornament made from hollow handle fragment, Accession AZRU-00061 (2005)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

An ornament made from a hollow handle fragment, Room 204, Aztec West Ruin, Accession AZRU-00061, Catalog#10033, FS13. Broken edges were ground into flattened shape to form the ornament. Analysis by Tori Myers and Lori Reed, 2005. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 50: side view of ornament showing ground edges and drill hole.

Ceramic: Puerco Black-on-white bowl rim, Accession AZRU-00061 (2005)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

Puerco Black-on-white bowl rim fragment of local (Animas Variety) origin from Room 225, Aztec West Ruin, Accession AZRU-00061, Catalog#7306, FS162. Analysis by Tori Myers and Lori Reed, 2005. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 38: interior view of bowl rim sherd showing painted design.

Ceramic: Puerco Black-on-white globular jar fragment, Accession AZRU-00061 (2005)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

Puerco Black-on-white upper body fragment from a globular jar of nonlocal origin from Room 225, Aztec West Ruin, Accession AZRU-00061, Catalog #6936, FS166. Analysis by Tori Myers and Lori Reed, 2005. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 37: exterior view of jar sherd showing painted design.

Ceramic: Red ware sherds of Mogollon provenance, Accession AZRU-00061 (2005)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

Showlow Red and indeterminate Mogollon red ware from Room 225, Aztec West Ruin, Accession AZRU-00061. Analysis by Tori Myers and Lori Reed, 2005. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 24: left) Showlow Red shoulder fragment from possible effigy (Catalog #13214 FS72); right) indeterminate Mogollon red ware bowl rim (Catalog #6648 FS110).

Ceramic: Sherds showing dipper wear and worked edges, Accession AZRU-00061 (2005)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

Sherds recovered from Room 225 showing dipper wear and worked edges, Aztec West Ruin, Accession AZRU-00061, Catalog #s 7588 (FS 166), 6833 (FS 111), 7615 (FS 170). Analysis by Tori Myers and Lori Reed, 2005. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 6: Worked sherds: Left: Catalog #7588, McElmo/Mesa Verde Black-on-white, ladle bowl fragments having dipper wear on rim edge; Center: Catalog #6833, Pueblo III style black-on-white, single coil jar handle reworked into a possible gaming piece; Right: Catalog #7615:...

Ceramic: Smudged black ware jar shoulder fragment, Accession AZRU-00061 (2005)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

Smudged black ware (possibly Aztec Black), jar shoulder fragment, Aztec West Ruin, Accession AZRU-00061, Catalog #6878 (FS 126). Analysis by Tori Myers and Lori Reed, 2005. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 10: exterior view of sherd showing polished/smudged exterior surface. Sherd recovered from West Plaza Trench.

Ceramic: Worked sherds from various proveniences, Accession AZRU-00061 (2005)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

Worked sherds, disks formed by grinding or chipping, Aztec West Ruin, Accession AZRU-00061. Analysis by Tori Myers and Lori Reed, 2005. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 62 and 63: interior and exterior surface views of sherd disks: a) White Mountain Red Ware indeterminate polychrome small chipped disk (Catalog #5590, FS79, Room 204); b) Pueblo III style b/w small chipped disk (Catalog #9997, FS79, Room 204); c) Mesa Verde style b/w small chipped disk (Catalog #9984, FS64, Room 204); d) Pueblo II/III...

Ceramic: Worked sherds from various proveniences, Accession AZRU-00061 (2005)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

Examples of worked sherds reshaped into disks from Room 225, 204, 129, and West Plaza Trench, Aztec West Ruin, Accession AZRU-00061. Analysis by Tori Myers and Lori Reed, 2005. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 53: interior view of sherd disks: a) Mesa Verde B/w rim sherd formed into a disk by chipping (fragment) from Room 225 (Catalog #6635, FS49); b) St Johns Polychrome rim sherd formed into a disk by grinding from Room 204 (Catalog #10035, FS65); c) Mesa Verde B/w rim sherd formed into a disk by...

Ceramic: Worked sherds from various proveniences, Accession AZRU-00061 (2005)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

Worked sherds, disks formed by grinding or chipping, Aztec West Ruin, Accession AZRU-00061. Analysis by Tori Myers and Lori Reed, 2005. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 55 and 56: interior and exterior surface views of sherd disks; top row: Pueblo III style b/w disk formed by grinding (fragment) (Catalog #9959, FS126, West Plaza Trench); Mesa Verde style b/w disk formed by grinding (fragment) (Catalog #6757, FS30, Room 129); Corrugated gray disk formed by grinding (Catalog #9963, FS113, Room 204);...

Ceramic: Worked sherds from various proveniences, Accession AZRU-00061 (2005)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

Worked sherds, disks formed by grinding or chipping, Aztec West Ruin, Accession AZRU-00061. Analysis by Tori Myers and Lori Reed, 2005. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 57 and 58: interior and exterior surface views of sherd disks: a) Pueblo III style b/w small ground disk (Catalog #7587, FS166, Room 225); b) Pueblo III style b/w small ground disk (Catalog #9991, FS8, Room 204); c) Pueblo III style b/w small chipped disk (Catalog #6621, FS34, Room 232); d) White Mountain White Ware indeterminate...

Ceramic: Worked sherds from various proveniences, Accession AZRU-00061 (2005)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

Worked sherds, disks formed by grinding or chipping, Aztec West Ruin, Accession AZRU-00061. Analysis by Tori Myers and Lori Reed, 2005. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 60 and 61: interior and exterior surface views of sherd disks: a) Mesa Verde style b/w chipped disk (fragment) (Catalog #9960, FS65, Room 204); b) Mesa Verde B/w chipped/ground disk (fragment) (Catalog #9956, FS166, Room 225); c) Pueblo III style b/w chipped disk (Catalog#6770, FS33, Room 129); d) Mesa Verde style b/w chipped/ground...

Ceramic: Worked sherds, chipped and ground disks, Accession AZRU-000061 (2005)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

Worked sherds, disks formed by grinding or chipping, Aztec West Ruin, Accession AZRU-00061. Analysis by Tori Myers and Lori Reed, 2005. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 20 and 59: interior and exterior views of disks a) White Mountain Red Ware indeterminate polychrome small chipped disk (Catalog #5590, FS79, Room 204); b) Pueblo III style b/w small chipped disk (Catalog #9997, FS79, Room 204); c) Mesa Verde style b/w small chipped disk (Catalog #9984, FS64, Room 204); d) Pueblo III style b/w small...

Ceramic: Worked sherds, chipped and ground disks, Accession AZRU-000061 (2005)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

Worked sherds, disks formed by grinding or chipping, Aztec West Ruin, Accession AZRU-00061. Analysis by Tori Myers and Lori Reed, 2005. Image Aztec Acc61 Ceramic 19: top row: Pueblo III style b/w small ground disk (Catalog #7587, FS166, Room 225); Pueblo III style b/w small disk (Catalog #9991, FS8, Room 204); Pueblo III style b/w small chipped disk (Catalog #6621, FS34, Room 232); White Mountain Red Ware indeterminate polychrome chipped and ground disk (Catalog #9951, FS12, Room 129); Mesa...