Site Stabilization (Investigation Type)

An activity that involves the rehabilitation of eroding, slumping, subsiding or otherwise deteriorating archaeological resources, including structures and building materials.

476-500 (923 Records)

Late Pueblo II great house room AZRU-G01-27 (2000)
IMAGE Gary Brown.

Aztec West, Sector 3, Room 97 (photographed by Gary Brown prior to backfilling). One-story room at NE corner of great house. (See Morris 1928: 316). Image AZRU-G01-27: Overview of room looking SE from north side of West Ruin. Image AZRU-G01-28: Overview of room looking south from north side of West Ruin. Image AZRU-G01-29: View along north side of West Ruin looking SW at articulation of walls adjoining NE corner of great house. Image AZRU-G01-30: View of south interior wall looking SE from...

Late Pueblo II great house room AZRU-G01-31 (2000)
IMAGE Gary Brown.

Aztec West, Sector 3, Room 70 (photographed by Gary Brown prior to backfilling). Two-story rooms. (See Morris 1928: 312-313). Image AZRU-G01-31: Interior view of rooms looking west from first story. Image AZRU-G01-32: Interior view of rooms looking west at vents in first-story room. Image AZRU-G01-33: Interior view of first-story room looking west at detail of parallel viga and butt end. Image AZRU-G01-34: Masonry detail looking SW through wall perforation in first-story room into Room 71.

Late Pueblo II great house room AZRU-G02-01 (2000)
IMAGE Gary Brown.

Aztec West, Sector 3, Room 59 (photographed by Gary Brown prior to backfilling). Intact first-story room. (See Morris 1928: 311). Image AZRU-G02-01: Interior view of intact roof looking up and west. Image AZRU-G02-02: Interior view of intact roof and east wall looking NE. Image AZRU-G02-03: Interior view of intact roof and SE corner of room looking east. Image AZRU-G02-04: Interior view of intact roof and SE corner of room looking east. Image AZRU-G02-05: Interior view of intact roof and NE...

Late Pueblo II great house room AZRU-G02-09 (2000)
IMAGE Gary Brown.

Aztec West, Sector 3, Room 54 (photographed by Gary Brown prior to backfilling). Two-story rooms. (See Morris 1928: 309). Image AZRU-G02-09: Interior view through linear room suite looking SW through Rooms 48 and 49.

Late Pueblo II great house room AZRU-G02-11 (2000)
IMAGE Gary Brown.

Aztec West, Sector 3, Room 49 (photographed by Gary Brown prior to backfilling). Two-story rooms. (See Morris 1928: 306). Image AZRU-G02-11: Interior view from second story looking SW Rooms 49 toward Kiva G.

Late Pueblo II great house room AZRU-G02-17 (2000)
IMAGE Gary Brown.

Aztec West, Sector 3, Room 63 (photographed by Gary Brown prior to backfilling). Two-story rooms. (See Morris 1928: 322-323). Image AZRU-G02-17: Overview from second story looking NW across Rooms 63 and 79. Image AZRU-G02-18: View through first-story room suite looking NW from Room 63 through Rooms 79 and 78.

Late Pueblo II great house room AZRU-G02-19 (2000)
IMAGE Gary Brown.

Aztec West, Sector 3, Room 78 (photographed by Gary Brown prior to backfilling). Two-story rooms. (See Morris 1928: 325-327). Image AZRU-G02-19: Detail of west vent in north wall looking NW from inside first-story room toward exterior. Image AZRU-G02-20: View of west vent in south wall looking south from inside room toward Room 79. Image AZRU-G02-21: View of west vent in south wall looking south from inside second-story room toward Room 79.

Late Pueblo II great house room AZRU-G02-25 (2000)
IMAGE Gary Brown.

Aztec West, Sector 3, overview (photographed by Gary Brown prior to backfilling). Two-story rooms. Image AZRU-G02-25: Overview from second story looking south across NE Sector from Room 63 great kiva and plaza.

Late Pueblo II great house room AZRU-G03-01 (2000)
IMAGE Gary Brown.

Aztec West, Sector 3, Room 48 (photographed by Gary Brown prior to backfilling). Two-story rooms. (See Morris 1928: 307-308.) Image AZRU-G03-01: Detail of second-story corner doorway looking south from inside Room 48 into Room 47.

Late Pueblo II great house room AZRU-G03-02 (2000)
IMAGE Gary Brown.

Aztec West, Sector 2, Room 58 room suite (photographed by Gary Brown prior to backfilling). Two-story room suite. (See Morris 1928: 303-304, etc. ) Image AZRU-G03-02: Interior view of both stories in Room 47 looking north at NE corner of room. Image AZRU-G03-03: Interior view of first story in Room 47 looking west at NW corner of room. Image AZRU-G03-04: Interior view of first story in Room 47 looking south at SW corner of room. Image AZRU-G03-05: Interior view of first story looking NE through...

Late Pueblo II great house room AZRU-G04-04 (2000)
IMAGE Gary Brown.

Aztec West, Sector 4, Room 99 (photographed by Gary Brown prior to backfilling). Two-story rooms. (See Morris 1928: 354-355.) Image AZRU-G04-04: Exterior view looking south from north side of North Ruin.

Late Pueblo II great house room AZRU-G04-05 (2000)
IMAGE Gary Brown.

Aztec West, Sector 4, Room 114 (photographed by Gary Brown prior to backfilling). Three-story rooms.(See Morris 1928: 359.) Image AZRU-G04-05: Interior view looking east from second-story floor level toward SE corner. Image AZRU-G04-06: Interior view looking down and south from third-story with Kaisa Barthuli. Image AZRU-G04-07: Kaisa Barthuli at architectural documentation looking east toward SE corner of room. Image AZRU-G04-11: Kaisa Barthuli recording first-story ledge, looking north from...

Late Pueblo II great house room AZRU-G04-09 (2000)
IMAGE Gary Brown.

Aztec West, Sector 5, Room 114 (photographed by Beth Chambers prior to backfilling). Three-story rooms. (See Morris 1928: 359.) Image AZRU-G04-08: Interior view looking south from second-story with Gary Brown measuring third story. Image AZRU-G04-09: Gary Brown recording third story, looking south. Image AZRU-G04-10: Gary Brown recording third story, looking south.

Late Pueblo II great house room AZRU-G04-17 (2000)
IMAGE Gary Brown.

Aztec West, Sector 4, Room 115 room suite (photographed by Gary Brown prior to backfilling). Three-story rooms. (See Morris 1928: 358-359.) Image AZRU-G04-17: Interior view through aligned doorways looking NW from Room 115 to Room 113. Image AZRU-G04-18: Interior view through aligned doorways looking SE from Room 113 to Room 115.

Late Pueblo II great house room AZRU-G04-19 (2000)
IMAGE Gary Brown.

Aztec West, Sector 5, Room 113 (photographed by Gary Brown prior to backfilling). Intact first-story room. (See Morris 1928: 359-360.) Image AZRU-G04-19: Interior view of intact roof looking up and SE at west side of room. Image AZRU-G04-20: Roof detail looking up and SE on west side of room. Image AZRU-G04-21: Room detail looking up and east at SE corner. Image AZRU-G04-22: Roof detail looking SW at worked latilla ends. Image AZRU-G04-23: Roof detail looking SE. Image AZRU-G04-24: Roof detail...

Late Pueblo II great house room AZRU-G04-31 (2000)
IMAGE Gary Brown.

Aztec West, Sector 3, Room 61 (photographed by Gary Brown prior to backfilling). Intact first-story room. (See Morris 1928: 317.) Image AZRU-G04-31: View of west interior wall with intact roof looking SW.

Late Pueblo II great house room AZRU-G04-32 (2000)
IMAGE Gary Brown.

Aztec West, Sector 7, Room 132 (photographed by Gary Brown prior to backfilling). Intact first-story room. (See Morris 1928: 396-398.) Image AZRU-G04-32: Interior view of SE corner with intact roof looking east. Image AZRU-G04-33: Interior view of NW corner with intact roof looking SW. Image AZRU-G04-34: Interior view of NE corner with intact roof looking NE. Image AZRU-G04-35: Interior view of roof detail in SW corner looking south. Image AZRU-G04-36: Hatch detail in intact roof looking SE....

Late Pueblo II great house room composites AZRU-J98.037 (2011)
IMAGE Gary Brown. Joel Gamache.

Aztec West, Sector 2, Room 37 composite wall elevations created by splicing together multiple images (photographed in 1998 by Art Ireland prior to backfilling). Late PII two-story room located in the central sector of the East Wing (see Morris 1924). Image AZRU-J98.037A: South interior wall copied from IMG0078; Image AZRU-J98.037B: East interior wall composite created using IMG0002, 0003, 0009, 0061, 0062, 0063,0068, 0071 & 0072; Image AZRU-J98.037C: East exterior wall composite created...

Late Pueblo II great house room composites AZRU-J98.038 (2011)
IMAGE Gary Brown. Joel Gamache.

Aztec West, Sector 2, Room 38 composite wall elevations created by splicing together multiple images (photographed in 1998 by Art Ireland prior to backfilling). Late PII two-story room located in the central sector of the East Wing (see Morris 1924). Image AZRU-J98.038A: South interior wall copied from IMG0113a; Image AZRU-J98.038B: East interior wall composite created using IMG0081a, 0082a, 0086a, 0087a, 0096a & 0097a; Image AZRU-J98.038C: East exterior wall copied from IMG0053: Image...

Late Pueblo II great house room composites AZRU-J98.039 (2010)
IMAGE Gary Brown. Joel Gamache.

Aztec West, Sector 2, Room 39 composite wall elevations created by splicing together multiple images (photographed in 2010 by Joel Gamache as part of East Wing Condition Assessment. This room was never backfilled in 1998). Late PII two-story room located in the central sector of the East Wing (see Morris 1924). Image AZRU-J98.039A: South interior wall composite created using cIMG6027 & 6028; Image AZRU-J98.039B: East interior wall composite created using cIMG6016-6018, 6020-6026; Image...

Late Pueblo II great house room composites AZRU-J98.040 (2011)
IMAGE Gary Brown. Joel Gamache.

Aztec West, Sector 2, Room 40 composite wall elevation created by splicing together multiple images (photographed in 1998 by Art Ireland prior to backfilling). Late PII two-story room located in the central sector of the East Wing (see Morris 1924). Image AZRU-J98.040A: South interior wall composite using IMG0095 & IMG0096; Image AZRU-J98.040B: East interior wall composite created using IMG0099, IMG0100, IMG0104, IMG0105, IMG0111a & IMG0112a; Image AZRU-J98.040C: North interior wall composite...

Late Pueblo II great house room composites AZRU-J98.041 (2011)
IMAGE Gary Brown. Joel Gamache.

Aztec West, Sector 2, Room 41 composite wall elevations created by splicing together multiple images (photographed in 1998 by Art Ireland prior to backfilling). Late PII two-story room located in the central sector of the East Wing (see Morris 1924). Image AZRU-J98.041A: South interior wall copied from IMG0023; Image AZRU-J98.041B: East interior wall composite created using IMG0010, 0011, 0015, 0016 & 0017; Image AZRU-J98.041C: North interior wall composite created using IMG0030 & 0032; ...

Late Pueblo II great house room composites AZRU-J98.042 (2011)
IMAGE Gary Brown. Joel Gamache.

Aztec West, Sector 2, Room 42 composite wall elevations created by splicing together multiple images (photographed in 1998 by Art Ireland prior to backfilling). Late PII two-story room located in the central sector of the East Wing (see Morris 1924). Image AZRU-J98.042A: South interior wall composite created using IMG0043 & 0051; Image AZRU-J98.042B: East interior wall composite created using IMG0005, 0006, 0006a, 0011, 0012, 0017, 0018, 0022, 0023, 0031, 0032 & 0100; Image AZRU-J98.042C:...

Late Pueblo II great house room composites AZRU-J98.043 (2011)
IMAGE Gary Brown. Joel Gamache.

Aztec West, Sector 2, Room 43 composite wall elevations created by splicing together multiple images (photographed in 1998 by Art Ireland prior to backfilling). Late PII two-story room located in the central sector of the East Wing (see Morris 1924). Image AZRU-J98.043A: South interior wall copied from IMG0067; Image AZRU-J98.043B: East interior wall composite created using IMG0017, 0021 & 0023; Image AZRU-J98.043C: North interior wall composite created using IMG0006 & 0007; Image...

Late Pueblo II great house room composites AZRU-J98.044 (2011)
IMAGE Gary Brown. Joel Gamache.

Aztec West, Sector 2, Room 44 composite wall elevations created by splicing together multiple images (photographed in 1998 by Art Ireland prior to backfilling). Late PII two-story room located in the central sector of the East Wing (see Morris 1924). Image AZRU-J98.044A: South interior wall composite created using IMG0095 & 0096; Image AZRU-J98.044B: East interior wall composite created using IMG0070, 0071, 0076, 0078, 0079, 0084 & 0085; Image AZRU-J98.044C: North interior wall composite...